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"When Obama says he would speak to his enemies, I think that's what he SHOULD be doing. All past presidents have spoken to their enemies except for this nincompoop."Barack Obama - who has said repeatedly that America must meet with its enemies, including the tyrants who lead Iran, North Korea and Cuba - drew the line yesterday in refusing to talk with Hamas."They're not heads of state. They don't recognize Israel," Obama told reporters. "You can't negotiate with somebody who doesn't recognize the right of a country to exist." NEW YORK POST March 4th 2008

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Is he wrong?You can talk with North Korea or Iran about nukes. You can talk with Cuba about various political issues and the interplay between us and them. Can you seriously have any sort of a productive dialog with a group of people who refuse to acknowledge that a country has a right to simply exist? Seems like a pretty insurmountable hurdle to me. Us: Let's discuss this whole "Israel" thing...Them: THEY DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST!Us: Yeah, but they're here, they aren't going anywhere and...Them: WE SHALL DRIVE THEM INTO THE SEA! (makes that high pitched "lalalalala" tongue noise) Indeed, there does come a point when "talking" becomes a totally pointless endeavor based on the decisions and philosophies of those you're trying to talk to. I'd say Hamas are the poster-children for this.

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