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Possible Dn V Stinger Hu Freezeout

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I know DN would obv have an edge in HORSE, but I think the clear cut edge goes to stinger in NL..From everything I've heard, Stinger is also incredibly intelligent, and because this game is taking place online...you might want to make it happen asap before stinger gets a better feel for all the other gamesgl plz win etc

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Trying to figure out who has the edge in HU 4 rollz challenges make me laugh. You know how many thousands of hands they would have to play before who really has the edge would come out?I don't either, but I bet its way more than they'll play.

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Originally Posted by Daniel Negreanu No, I'm looking to play HORSE. If HORSE is in the mix I'm game. Really looking for HORSE action more than anything, and if that means playing someone else's "best game" to do that, I'd be happy to.Stinger, how do you feel about doing it 50k and 50k? Otherwise it seems like it could take forever. 100k playing 500-1000 could take a really long time, especially if you get lucky :-) j/k 250BB's at NLH is just so little.....I'll think about it though.edit- also for NLH what would be the rules with rebuying and such? Or could they provide a table where we can buyin 50k at 100/200?
this will be sweet if it happens
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my unsolicited thoughts:it's worth it to daniel to do this if they can do HORSE with 100BBs. HU horse w/ 50BBs is nothing and the short nature of it would reduce his edge. but it seems like kind of a silly way to generate action. just make a super secret account at FT. the 500/1K horse goes off all the time.

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just make a super secret account at FT. the 500/1K horse goes off all the time.
true that. But i think unlike ftp pros they arent allowed to play anywhere but pokerstars.
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true that. But i think unlike ftp pros they arent allowed to play anywhere but pokerstars.
stars has a lot fewer pros, the only ftp pros who are limited as to where they play are the original 12.
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Just so Daniel knows stinger is Brian Hastings a red pro with Cardrunners on FTP. He's been playing the 500/1000 and 1000/2000 HORSE game there, I don't have stats but from what I've seen he hasn't been a big winner if a winner at all in the mixed games. PLO he ran red hot and now is ice cold and on a large downswing. NL hold em obv is his best game by far.Would be fun to watch, I mean I think each player is outclassed in one of the matches but you just never know.

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Doing a freezeout at a cash table seems nuts to me. I think it'd make more sense to do it timed. Maybe 2:1 HORSE to NL since HORSE hands are going to take longer. That would also let them keep full stacks at all times making the NL much more interesting.

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Just so Daniel knows stinger is Brian Hastings a red pro with Cardrunners on FTP. He's been playing the 500/1000 and 1000/2000 HORSE game there, I don't have stats but from what I've seen he hasn't been a big winner if a winner at all in the mixed games. PLO he ran red hot and now is ice cold and on a large downswing. NL hold em obv is his best game by far.Would be fun to watch, I mean I think each player is outclassed in one of the matches but you just never know.
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I will bet on DN in this match. Pm me.
Unfortunately I want the same side. I'll take some of your action or make the same bet if anyone wants to bet on stinger.
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is that legit?nearly 1.3 million in 10 days playing just omaha on Full Tilt?
yea it is legit he ran well lol but as poster said above he has gave alot back
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