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I'm sure you can appreciate that some people have view that a person may deserve mourning even if they have done some bad things in their life. No need to be rude here, everyone has different reactions to a situation like this, let's just stay respectful of each other rather than arguing about whose response is more valid. That said, given that its an emotional topic for many people, some sensitivity is in order, don't you think?
QFT. This is basically what I was trying to say.
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mental illness isn't about karma. i'm sorry that you don't understand that.
Do you know for a fact that she had a "mental illness"?Have you ever considered that she just enjoyed living the lifestyle she had become accustomed to and enjoyed the free money, drugs, popularity she got from all the people she hustled?People are way to quick to diagnose people who do bad things as "psychologically induced" when in reality, we all have a conscience and we all know what is wrong or right to a certain extent.If she really did have mental problems, she should have had them addressed by a doctor to help her straighten her life out.
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QFT. This is basically what I was trying to say.
yup, this isnt thread for ranting.edit: Hubdub seriously, stop posting. start your own thread, you are an absolute idiot for this regardless whether you have a pointwhich you don't you moronic ****ing idiot
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I have to be honest, I see no point in this thread whatsoever. It inevitably was going to turn into exactly what it did. Why aren't we locking or deleting this nonsense? If people want to send their sympathies, I'm sure there are other avenues and if you want to rap the dead, you can probably find another spot for that also. (Maybe NWP or certain areas of 2+2) I just don't think this is tasteful in any capacity.

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Do you know for a fact that she had a "mental illness"?
no, but when it comes to judging people who can't defend themselves any longer, i'm a lot more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially when the alternative is more than a little bit mean.
Have you ever considered that she just enjoyed living the lifestyle she had become accustomed to and enjoyed the free money, drugs, popularity she got from all the people she hustled?People are way to quick to diagnose people who do bad things as "psychologically induced" when in reality, we all have a conscience and we all know what is wrong or right to a certain extent.If she really did have mental problems, she should have had them addressed by a doctor to help her straighten her life out.
it's apparent that you've never been close to someone with a mental illness. i hope you don't have to learn about mental illness the hard way.
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If you have nothing positive to say in a RIP thread, you probably should just stay out.I agree with you HubDub, you don't have to mourn Brandi, but you should just keep it to yourself when other people are trying to say their peace.

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no, but when it comes to judging people who can't defend themselves any longer, i'm a lot more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially when the alternative is more than a little bit mean.it's apparent that you've never been close to someone with a mental illness. i hope you don't have to learn about mental illness the hard way.
Yes. It can be very hard to see. It is so demoralizing because THEY don't even know that something is wrong.I'm not saying I disagree with you HubDub, but, as others have stated, there is no need to be so BRASH about this subject. There have GOT to be plenty of others BETTER ways to go about explaining your point than coming off acting like an ass. Instead of conveying your point, you are choosing to anger everyone instead. So basically you have a chance to get your point across, but with each harsh post, people focus on your attitude rather than your point.just sayin....
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This is the odd thing about the internet every moron has a place to express there opinion.If you don't feel bad for her or could care less, what is the point in posting. Some of you feel the need to post just as some morbid form of superiority. I do not believe that anyone in their right mind kills themselves, to come in here and post things like the world is better off is just f--cking absurd. If you feel it awesome, thats your deal keep it to yourself or post it elsewhere. Pretend for a second that a human life- any human life means something.

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I have to be honest, I see no point in this thread whatsoever. It inevitably was going to turn into exactly what it did. Why aren't we locking or deleting this nonsense? If people want to send their sympathies, I'm sure there are other avenues and if you want to rap the dead, you can probably find another spot for that also. (Maybe NWP or certain areas of 2+2) I just don't think this is tasteful in any capacity.
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Do you know for a fact that she had a "mental illness"?Have you ever considered that she just enjoyed living the lifestyle she had become accustomed to and enjoyed the free money, drugs, popularity she got from all the people she hustled?People are way to quick to diagnose people who do bad things as "psychologically induced" when in reality, we all have a conscience and we all know what is wrong or right to a certain extent.If she really did have mental problems, she should have had them addressed by a doctor to help her straighten her life out.
According to the last paragraph of the Cardplayer article, yes, she did try to get help.But that is beside the point.
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Do you know for a fact that she had a "mental illness"?Have you ever considered that she just enjoyed living the lifestyle she had become accustomed to and enjoyed the free money, drugs, popularity she got from all the people she hustled?People are way to quick to diagnose people who do bad things as "psychologically induced" when in reality, we all have a conscience and we all know what is wrong or right to a certain extent.If she really did have mental problems, she should have had them addressed by a doctor to help her straighten her life out.
Let me start by saying that I think I understand where you are coming from. Someone was a hurtful person who seemed to do a lot of negative things, generating lots of anger, then that person dies and all of the sudden is the beneficiary of positive words and feelings. It seems wrong. I do not intend to invalidate this feeling, in fact I share it with you to some extent. I'm just gonna ask you to make an effort to see another point of view. With regards to mental illness, it seems to me that the suicide is evidence enough. However, even before the suicide it would not have taken a Ph.D. in psychology to determine that Brandi was mentally ill (although I do happen to have one of those if that has any bearing on this discussion). She had a pattern of suicide attempts and threats, impulsive, manipulative behavior in her relationships, self-image issues (note the sudden change of her name to Naami Dea), etc. etc. This characterization is not intended to shift blame. You are right that most of us have a conscience. But the issue is much more complex than you are making it to be. For example, the majority of people with BPD were the victims of childhood sexual abuse. This is not a situation that is easily dealt with by simply "going to a doctor and straighten your life out". It's a constant struggle, and some people fair better than others when faced with those circumstances. We really know very little about Brandi's life to be in the position of condemning her. She most certainly led a painful life. I think it is important that we keep this thread open, and naive of us to think that the only acceptable response is some kind of condolence or "RIP" given the background here. This wasn't an accident, it was a suicide; it's going to bring up some complicated reactions. Let's just use the opportunity to discuss the issue rather than being rude to each other.
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yup, this isnt thread for ranting.edit: Hubdub seriously, stop posting. start your own thread, you are an absolute idiot for this regardless whether you have a pointwhich you don't you moronic ****ing idiot
LOL.I have more intelligence in my left pinky finger than you will EVER attain.Go pray for Brandi and STFU.
no, but when it comes to judging people who can't defend themselves any longer, i'm a lot more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially when the alternative is more than a little bit mean.it's apparent that you've never been close to someone with a mental illness. i hope you don't have to learn about mental illness the hard way.
I have been close to more than 3 people with mental illness and they never compulsively hurt other people, changed their name to try and escape their past, and never committed suicide selfishly to take the easy way out.
If you have nothing positive to say in a RIP thread, you probably should just stay out.I agree with you HubDub, you don't have to mourn Brandi, but you should just keep it to yourself when other people are trying to say their peace.
Why should I keep it to myself? Someone starts a RIP thread for a well known person in the poker world who has hurt and stole from many people and I shouldn't be able to say why she shouldn't be mourned?LOL that defeats the purpose of having an open discussion forum like FCP.
Yes. It can be very hard to see. It is so demoralizing because THEY don't even know that something is wrong.I'm not saying I disagree with you HubDub, but, as others have stated, there is no need to be so BRASH about this subject. There have GOT to be plenty of others BETTER ways to go about explaining your point than coming off acting like an ass. Instead of conveying your point, you are choosing to anger everyone instead. So basically you have a chance to get your point across, but with each harsh post, people focus on your attitude rather than your point.just sayin....
I may come off brash to some, but BELIEVE ME I am speaking for a lot of people in the poker world.That my friend, is 100% true.
This is the odd thing about the internet every moron has a place to express there opinion.If you don't feel bad for her or could care less, what is the point in posting. Some of you feel the need to post just as some morbid form of superiority. I do not believe that anyone in their right mind kills themselves, to come in here and post things like the world is better off is just f--cking absurd. If you feel it awesome, thats your deal keep it to yourself or post it elsewhere. Pretend for a second that a human life- any human life means something.
See above....
According to the last paragraph of the Cardplayer article, yes, she did try to get help.But that is beside the point.
She might have had some mental illnesses but that doesn't absolve her from her actions.The sad part about this is I am saying nothing but 100% true facts in this thread, yet I am pissing off some members of FCP.What does that say about those aforementioned members?Ok i've said what i've needed to say.
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Obv. sad if true. Obv. super lame if fake.
I read as far as this post (on the first page).Agree 100%
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The sad part about this is I am saying nothing but 100% true facts in this thread, yet I am pissing off some members of FCP.What does that say about those aforementioned members?Ok i've said what i've needed to say.
HubDub, ok, we know how you feel, but do you realize this is 100% your opinion, not fact? I'm not on either side of the argument, but it IS just how you feel. Don't attack people and act like you're superior because they don't agree with your opinion. I like you, but you're coming on WAY too strong in this thread.
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Judging by your avatar, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're a Tigers fan...So you're telling me that if Magglio Ordonez or Pudge Rodriguez committed suicide tomorrow that you wouldn't feel some sort of sadness? Seriously?I just find it funny that this is somehow causing a big rift in the FCP community. As much as people say they don't care or could give a flying eff about her, it really is stirring up some seriously emotional posts and causing "post wars." Now personally I'm a HUGE fan of a good post war, but this is getting retarded. Like when Piddle Duck Dick called me out, I just said F it...you're stupid little a$$ isn't worth my time. Now go back to playing free money tournaments on Pokerstars you little son of a .....wait what? Sorry, got a little carried away for a minute there.What the hell was my point again?
Umm, you seem to be taking my post as some aggressive attack towards you and it certainly wasn't. I am extremely interested in this thread for the sake that this person was NOT a poster on this site, had nothing to do with this site, and I assume and still do that 99.9% of us in this thread have had no contact with her personally but many people, like yourself, are acting as if you are seriously hurt by this tragic event. I agree wholeheartedly that for friends, acquaintances, and family that this is terrible and a tragic event, but for you or anyone else who doesn't know her, how do you get to the point of feeling what you feel?Umm, regarding Mags or Pudge committing suicide....probably not. They are not key people in my life. If my boss did, sure, if one of my tenants did, yeah, a little depending on how well I knew them, my neighbor who I talk to weekly, yep, but a sports guy who plays for my favorite team, sorry i guess I am a cold bitch because I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Would I think that it would be sad? Yes, would I be sad? No. They are just people who play baseball on my TV. My thoughts would go out to family and friends but i wouldn't get into fights on the internet about someone I don't know personally.It always intrigued me for years. The way people reacted in Princess Di's death. People having memorials here in the US and women and men crying like Princess Di was their mother. It has always interested me and there is a little of this going on. And as Piddle Dick said, it is also interesting to see some of you at the start talking disrespectfully about brandi and then once confirmed she passed then they become respectful. That I think is laughable and makes it hard to take anyone that seriously in this thread.So i am sorry you jumped to a conclusion that I was attacking you or that my post had an aggressive tone to it, it was not intentional.
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Let me start by saying that I think I understand where you are coming from. Someone was a hurtful person who seemed to do a lot of negative things, generating lots of anger, then that person dies and all of the sudden is the beneficiary of positive words and feelings. It seems wrong. I do not intend to invalidate this feeling, in fact I share it with you to some extent. I'm just gonna ask you to make an effort to see another point of view. With regards to mental illness, it seems to me that the suicide is evidence enough. However, even before the suicide it would not have taken a Ph.D. in psychology to determine that Brandi was mentally ill (although I do happen to have one of those if that has any bearing on this discussion). She had a pattern of suicide attempts and threats, impulsive, manipulative behavior in her relationships, self-image issues (note the sudden change of her name to Naami Dea), etc. etc. This characterization is not intended to shift blame. You are right that most of us have a conscience. But the issue is much more complex than you are making it to be. For example, the majority of people with BPD were the victims of childhood sexual abuse. This is not a situation that is easily dealt with by simply "going to a doctor and straighten your life out". It's a constant struggle, and some people fair better than others when faced with those circumstances. We really know very little about Brandi's life to be in the position of condemning her. She most certainly led a painful life. I think it is important that we keep this thread open, and naive of us to think that the only acceptable response is some kind of condolence or "RIP" given the background here. This wasn't an accident, it was a suicide; it's going to bring up some complicated reactions. Let's just use the opportunity to discuss the issue rather than being rude to each other.
Very well said.Look guys, i'm not being disrespectful to the dead because I don't feel bad that she's gone. In fact, i've said it 100 times, I feel bad for her friends and family for what they are going through and I will send prayers their way.Me being honest here should gain more respect than your average Joe saying "RIP BRANDI YOU WILL BE MISSED" just to be politically correct.Some people would rather have the sugar coating on most of the things in their lives.Sad but true.
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HubDub, ok, we know how you feel, but do you realize this is 100% your opinion, not fact? I'm not on either side of the argument, but it IS just how you feel. Don't attack people and act like you're superior because they don't agree with your opinion. I like you, but you're coming on WAY too strong in this thread.
Ok so is it not completely factual that she stole, prostituted herself, lied, cheated, tried to hide from her past by changing her name, and hurt tons of people along the way?I might have come off strong but this is the way I feel. It's also kind of hard to not come on strong when people start calling names when I make a post saying what I feel.
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Ok so is it not completely factual that she stole, prostituted herself, lied, cheated, tried to hide from her past by changing her name, and hurt tons of people along the way?I might have come off strong but this is the way I feel. It's also kind of hard to not come on strong when people start calling names when I make a post saying what I feel.
Obviously that's what was documented, but no one except those who were involved will actually know the complete story. However, that's not even what I'm talking about.To be fair, you came off strong in your very first post even before the namecalling started.
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Umm, you seem to be taking my post as some aggressive attack towards you and it certainly wasn't. I am extremely interested in this thread for the sake that this person was NOT a poster on this site, had nothing to do with this site, and I assume and still do that 99.9% of us in this thread have had no contact with her personally but many people, like yourself, are acting as if you are seriously hurt by this tragic event. I agree wholeheartedly that for friends, acquaintances, and family that this is terrible and a tragic event, but for you or anyone else who doesn't know her, how do you get to the point of feeling what you feel?Umm, regarding Mags or Pudge committing suicide....probably not. They are not key people in my life. If my boss did, sure, if one of my tenants did, yeah, a little depending on how well I knew them, my neighbor who I talk to weekly, yep, but a sports guy who plays for my favorite team, sorry i guess I am a cold bitch because I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Would I think that it would be sad? Yes, would I be sad? No. They are just people who play baseball on my TV. My thoughts would go out to family and friends but i wouldn't get into fights on the internet about someone I don't know personally.It always intrigued me for years. The way people reacted in Princess Di's death. People having memorials here in the US and women and men crying like Princess Di was their mother. It has always interested me and there is a little of this going on. And as Piddle Dick said, it is also interesting to see some of you at the start talking disrespectfully about brandi and then once confirmed she passed then they become respectful. That I think is laughable and makes it hard to take anyone that seriously in this thread.So i am sorry you jumped to a conclusion that I was attacking you or that my post had an aggressive tone to it, it was not intentional.
Meh, so much for my attempt at sarcasm. In no way did I think you were attacking me whatsoever, in fact I lol'd at the fact that you thought I did. It takes waaaaaaaay more than that to make me feel attacked or threatened. I probably wouldn't post on here if I was that easily offended lol.What was going through my mind however was the thought of one of my favorite players dying this past year. Granted he didn't commit suicide, but it was sad nonetheless. That's the only reason I brought up the players thing.Anyway, sorry about the misunderstanding man...and uhhhhh, can we all just put this behind us and move on? Just sayin.
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Why should I keep it to myself? Someone starts a RIP thread for a well known person in the poker world who has hurt and stole from many people and I shouldn't be able to say why she shouldn't be mourned?LOL that defeats the purpose of having an open discussion forum like FCP.
You don't go to a funeral and air out the dead persons dirty laundry.Same thing for an RIP thread. A RIP thread should be for people to express their condolences. If you don't wish to participate, you shouldn't post in the the thread.
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You don't go to a funeral and air out the dead persons dirty laundry.Same thing for an RIP thread. A RIP thread should be for people to express their condolences. If you don't wish to participate, you shouldn't post in the the thread.
We shall agree to disagree.
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I think we can all be sad for the waste of a person's life and potential. And that's probably what most of us feel who have been posting condolences. I don't even pretend to know what was going on in her life or what caused her to do what she did. But I would like to feel I had enough class to be able to be sad for what might have been for her and to feel bad enough for those who she left behind not to badmouth her. For a parent to lose a child, no matter what that child may have done, is a heartbreak for that parent. And even at 26 she was still someone's child.

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