TravisG 0 Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 What you have said proves that you have no common sense. That is why I said that you lacked common sense. Lacking common sense means having no common sense. It is clear that you require more assistance with learning english and I am more than happy to oblige.Perhaps you are not aware of this, so I will explain it S-L-O-W-L-Y for you......Commenting repeatedly on the mental health of someone that you did not know and know nothing about, and judging them for that when you admittedly "don't have that much of a clue about mental illness" is why I came to the conclusion about your lack of common sense. I do admire that you took the initiative to learn another language. I would encourage you to wait until you have learned the actual spelling and grammatical use of a word before using it in correspondence in a public forum. Otherwise, people may infer that you are indeed a moron. Do you see why ?It appears to me that you are the one who has made this personal. I have given ample evidence of how I came to the conclusions that I did and why I used the words that I did. You will notice that I did not say that HubDub lacked common sense. That is because he has given us no evidence that he is deficient in basic reasoning skills. He has said things that many of us have taken to be rude and lacking tact. That is why I pointed out that his comments were lacking tact. I prefer not to be called an *******. I'll thank you to remember that in the future. You can notice how that offensive word is bleeped out. That is because the founders of this site do not want such words to be used. The FCP forum rules specifically request that attempts should not be made to circumvent the swearing filters that are in place. This subject has already been discussed in this thread. It might be possible for you to receive a tutoring discount if you request to work on your reading skills when you work on your writing.Exactlythat has nothing to do with common sense. i just stated my opinion that was built from what i've read and from what i believe in. It might be possible for you to receive a tutoring discount if you request to work on your reading skills. Link to post Share on other sites
whatgreatis 0 Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 I haven't posted in this thread yet. Who are the people close to Brandi? I think it should have been pretty clear that she was headed toward self destruction. People aren't fine one day and then kill themselves the next. These things take time to contemplate and during the transition there should have been a lot of signs of depression. Now I didn't know Brandi personally but I think her circle of friends should have saw this coming and sat her down and help, like an intervention.I'm not blaming her friends but I think this could have been avoided. Link to post Share on other sites
checkymcfold 0 Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 to those saying that people are welcome to voice their opinions about brandi directly after hearing of her suicide:yes, you are welcome to do that, but it makes you an asshole if you do so without some degree of respect for those who have passed on. it has nothing to do with brandi herself, but rather with the fact that her family might stumble across this thread. no matter how you feel about brandi, or how she chose to live her life, or whether or not you think that mental illness indicates weakness, or whatever other silly judgmental thing you want to get self-righteous about in order to feel better about yourself, please just stfu for the sake of her family and those close to her. don't make them read crap like that at a time when they're grieving and trying to cope with something as unconscionable as their daughter's, friend's, sister's suicide. i wouldn't be surprised if someone like brandi had withdrawn from her family and those close to her toward the end of her life (this is common in cases of suicide), and it's altogether likely that her family is looking around the internet for as much information about the end of her life as possible. if they should find this thread, i would hope that it doesn't make them feel worse at an already unthinkably bad time for them.besides, it's more than a little inconsistent to take time out of your day to talk shit about someone you explicitly don't give a damn about.i, for one, hope she found some semblance of peace, as i would for most anyone who chose to take his or her own life. Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 besides, it's more than a little inconsistent to take time out of your day to talk shit about someone you explicitly don't give a damn about.yes Link to post Share on other sites
Kuge 0 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 oh dear... Link to post Share on other sites
CBass1724 1 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I am sure it was mentioned but I'm not reading this thread...What was her method of killing herself? Link to post Share on other sites
vbnautilus 48 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I am sure it was mentioned but I'm not reading this thread...What was her method of killing herself?This information has not been released. Link to post Share on other sites
James D 0 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 What was her method of killing herself?Don't do it man, it's not worth it. Link to post Share on other sites
CBass1724 1 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 Don't do it man, it's not worth it.Maybe she felt like the man with no penis?I'm betting it was pills. Link to post Share on other sites
chgocubs99 0 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 Maybe she felt like the man with no penis?I'm betting it was pills.Weight loss update? Link to post Share on other sites
SBriand 4 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I prefer not to be called an *******. I'll thank you to remember that in the future. You can notice how that offensive word is bleeped out. That is because the founders of this site do not want such words to be used. The FCP forum rules specifically request that attempts should not be made to circumvent the swearing filters that are in place. This subject has already been discussed in this thread. It might be possible for you to receive a tutoring discount if you request to work on your reading skills when you work on your writing.That right there cracked me up.No one probably calls you an asshole if you weren't being such an asshole obv. Don't cry. Link to post Share on other sites
CBass1724 1 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 Weight loss update?Ohhh thanks! Forgot about it since I don't view sigs at work.It wouldn't let me add lines because it said my sig was too big, but I am down 26lbs. Slowing down a lot but the spring/summer = softball = more outdoor activities.My buddy said he is only down a few lbs because of "stress" and his wedding coming up. He claims he will eat better and exercise more after the wedding, LOL! Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 Thoughts...1) I am really out of touch with poker gossip, I completely missed this for days and days. I didn't log into general.2) I am not in the least surprised, she was a profoundly disturbed and crazy person.3) Pot Odds is a douche4) Why is Dan Druff and friends banned from 2+2? Is it over the Absolute stuff or something different? I haven't been keeping up on my nwp gossip.5) Anyone who claims knee jerk sorrow about someone you don't know killing themselves is lying or crazy. The vast majority of the posters here have didn't know her in the slightest. Most of you probably used her as the butt of a joke before she died, and now are trying to show how sensitive you are by saying you're sad she's gone. Give it a rest. I remember in college, there was this girl I worked with named beth, who was really a nice, sweet girl. But she was a bit of a wild child. She partied very hard, and screwed all kinds of guys. She had the nickname Slutgirl Beth, and many people, guys and girls, talked shit about her all the time. Then, she dropped out of college and within a couple months had died of Leukemia. Then, all of the people who had been talking shti about her were falling all over themselves to say how sad it was, what a sweet girl she was. And it really pissed me off. Because they were the same people who had been terrible to her at college. Save your expressions of grief. You don't care about BH when she was alive, don't pretend to care now that she's dead. 6) To everyone talking shit about her because she committed suicide, and in general saying they have no respect for people who kill themselves.... please, kill yourself. You have no idea what kind of mental anguish someone whom is clinically depressed is under. You have no idea the kind of mental pain that Brandy, or anyone else that kills them self lives with. You say that suicide is a selfish act? Well, I think the idea of making someone live who hates life, that life is never ending saddness and pain, I think that is selfish and incredibly cruel. You have no right to tell someone how much pain they have to live with. The right to determine when you die is one of the few rights we are actually born with, and believe me, if I ever get a terminal illness or if life ever starts to just suck, and never has any prospects of sucking, I will not continue to press on bravely in pain just so other people don't have to deal with my death. Everyone dies. Death is not the tragedy that people work themselves up into thinking that it is, but is instead an inevitable part of life. People need to let this death fetish go and instead enjoy today to it's absolute fullest, because tomorrow is promised to no one. Link to post Share on other sites
Pot Odds RAC 23 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 3) Pot Odds is a douche...and I thought we'd bonded during the FWP fiasco. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 ...and I thought we'd bonded during the FWP fiasco.Well, I like you now, but I mean.......and in my opinion using embedded fromatting codes to get around this site's profanity filters dilutes any point you care to make about people's lack of class & tact.Is douchetastic. I can only call them like I see 'em. Link to post Share on other sites
vbnautilus 48 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 4) Why is Dan Druff and friends banned from 2+2? Is it over the Absolute stuff or something different? I haven't been keeping up on my nwp gossip.It's because of the whole Sklansky blind autistic girlfriend fiasco. The nwp guys could not get enough of this story so 2p2 went on a banning rampage, banning anyone who had an association with micon or druff. They most recently banned ESPN's Gary Wise for allowing Dan Druff to be a part of his column. Link to post Share on other sites
Pot Odds RAC 23 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I can only call them like I see 'em.Yeah.It was a bit.Since I sort of meant it to be, I'll have to live with it. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 It's because of the whole Sklansky blind autistic girlfriend fiasco. The nwp guys could not get enough of this story so 2p2 went on a banning rampage, banning anyone who had an association with micon or druff. They most recently banned ESPN's Gary Wise for allowing Dan Druff to be a part of his column.That makes sense, I suppose.2+2 was always one of the most rediculously ban crazy and over moderated forums I've ever seen, it's why I don't post there. But, DS really went crazy with the ban hammer, banning people that are even friends with druff? That's hysterical and insane. Truth must hurt. Really, really bad. Link to post Share on other sites
vbnautilus 48 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 That makes sense, I suppose.2+2 was always one of the most rediculously ban crazy and over moderated forums I've ever seen, it's why I don't post there. But, DS really went crazy with the ban hammer, banning people that are even friends with druff? That's hysterical and insane. Truth must hurt. Really, really bad.I don't think it was DS himself who went ban-happy, I think it was Mason. DS probably liked the attention. I think Mason felt he was losing control... Link to post Share on other sites
finztotheleft 0 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 That right there cracked me up.No one probably calls you an asshole if you weren't being such an asshole obv. Don't cry.No crying Come on now......his idiocy demanded criticism. Not to mention he started the name calling.And...... frequent comments from friends and family indicate that I am, in fact, a bitch......not an a-hole. Just sayin' Link to post Share on other sites
finztotheleft 0 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 5) Anyone who claims knee jerk sorrow about someone you don't know killing themselves is lying or crazy.But no one in this thread claimed (knee jerk) sorrow. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 But no one in this thread claimed (knee jerk) sorrow.there's about 100 posts in this thread that people say how sad this is. I think brandi's life was sad, I think her death was merciful, for her and the people around her she made suffer through her mental illness. Link to post Share on other sites
finztotheleft 0 Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Many of us consider almost any loss of life sad. That in no way means we are sorrowful over her death. We just acknowledge that it is a loss for her family. I would say that I am sorry if you totalled your car today. That doesn't mean that I am at all broken up by it. If xomeone in my family passed away, I would be sorrowful. Link to post Share on other sites
BigDMcGee 3,354 Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Many of us consider almost any loss of life sad. That in no way means we are sorrowful over her death. We just acknowledge that it is a loss for her family. I would say that I am sorry if you totalled your car today. That doesn't mean that I am at all broken up by it. If xomeone in my family passed away, I would be sorrowful.Yeah, I just question how sad people find it. People throw out "that's so sad" with out even thinking about what they saying, and two seconds later are surfing the web for tentacle porn. I just think saying something like "that's so sad" is disengenous, because I doubt one single person on this forum was actually sad about the death. Except for maybe Miss Idaho. Perhaps Idaho can relate to the psychotic attention whoring that marked Brandi's life, and thus feels a connection to her, I dunno. Idaho challenged anyone to say why the world is a better place for Brandi being dead. I don't know if it's better or worse, there are very few people on the planet who's deaths would effect the world, for better or worse. I will say, as I said before, that Brandi was a profoundly disturbed, mentally ill and sad person. She was apparently miserable, and sowed the seeds of that misery with many, many people she came in contact with. While those people now may profess to be sad, and mourn her loss, I would wager in their heart of hearts that her death brought a sense of relief to many of them, now that they no longer have to deal with the consequences of her mental illness. I do not think her death was sad., I think it is merciful. I am not saying that to "dance on her grave". If what Brandon says is true, and her mental illness is untreatable, then I think a dying now is more merciful than living 50 more years in psychotic misery. Link to post Share on other sites
Cappy37 0 Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Yeah, I just question how sad people find it. People throw out "that's so sad" with out even thinking about what they saying, and two seconds later are surfing the web for tentacle porn. I just think saying something like "that's so sad" is disengenous, because I doubt one single person on this forum was actually sad about the death. Except for maybe Miss Idaho. Perhaps Idaho can relate to the psychotic attention whoring that marked Brandi's life, and thus feels a connection to her, I dunno. Idaho challenged anyone to say why the world is a better place for Brandi being dead. I don't know if it's better or worse, there are very few people on the planet who's deaths would effect the world, for better or worse. I will say, as I said before, that Brandi was a profoundly disturbed, mentally ill and sad person. She was apparently miserable, and sowed the seeds of that misery with many, many people she came in contact with. While those people now may profess to be sad, and mourn her loss, I would wager in their heart of hearts that her death brought a sense of relief to many of them, now that they no longer have to deal with the consequences of her mental illness. I do not think her death was sad., I think it is merciful. I am not saying that to "dance on her grave". If what Brandon says is true, and her mental illness is untreatable, then I think a dying now is more merciful than living 50 more years in psychotic misery.^^^^^^^^^^^^Can we lock this thread now? That was an excellent final thought.In fact, delete my post, and make sure Big D's was last. I think we're all done with this. Link to post Share on other sites
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