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Hasn't the joke account thing lost its appeal? Kinda like ripping on drcossak (scranton)...it may be funny for a little bit but it ceases to be funny after awhile. At the very least please keep in OT where your level 1379248 jokes perhaps may be considered funny.
This thread needed a change.
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Hasn't the joke account thing lost its appeal? Kinda like ripping on drcossak (scranton)...it may be funny for a little bit but it ceases to be funny after awhile. At the very least please keep in OT where your level 1379248 jokes perhaps may be considered funny.
I liked you better when you werent such an asshole.
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This thread needed a change.
Regardless of the thread it is just stupid. It doesn't even make me remotely consider thinking about possibly cracking the slightest hint of a smile. 99% of all joke accounts are stupid anyway but this goes beyond stupid to another level or retardedness.If you want to change the topic lets talk about the most underrated actor of our generation, Jim Carrey. End of the Truman Show is on right now, what a movie.
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Regardless of the thread it is just stupid. It doesn't even make me remotely consider thinking about possibly cracking the slightest hint of a smile. 99% of all joke accounts are stupid anyway but this goes beyond stupid to another level or retardedness.If you want to change the topic lets talk about the most underrated actor of our generation, Jim Carrey. End of the Truman Show is on right now, what a movie.
I did notice it was on.But I must say, this whole thing did make me laugh, but only because he had Entourage characters to counter me. That's just sick.
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I just heard. I really stayed away from the Brandi discussions and haven't read much about her. I couldn't really care less, but I guess it is always sad when things like this happen.

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I don't give a damn about Brandi Hawbaker. All I ever heard about her was how much of a degenerate/lying/cheating/bitch she was.She preyed on good people to get buyins to major tournaments, money, and many other things. She BLATANTLY stole shit from many people and bad mouthed everyone.She was a cancer to the world and everyone around her.The world is a better place now that she is gone.No pity here, she knowingly led a life of sex/drugs/gambling, she knew full well what she was setting herself up for.I know what I say here is harsh, but it's true. I won't shed a tear for her.
Many of us have thoughts about people we see that have passed. I think this is something that is better left thought instead of said.
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i haven't really read the last few pages or so but this is how i feel on this situation..people didnt really like brandi, i mean look at all the shit she did in her life. look at it as if it were a family member you may have not liked too well. maybe that family member cheated their way through life, stole, did drugs, or whatever other unethical things they did. it doesnt matter because at the end of the day, they are still family. look at when chip passed away and how much the whole poker community grieved. even with all the unethical shit that brandi did, she was still part of the poker family. yes she did take her own life which was very selfish and unfortunate. i hope that she has her peace now and that she rest in comfort.

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Regardless of the thread it is just stupid. It doesn't even make me remotely consider thinking about possibly cracking the slightest hint of a smile. 99% of all joke accounts are stupid anyway but this goes beyond stupid to another level or retardedness.If you want to change the topic lets talk about the most underrated actor of our generation, Jim Carrey. End of the Truman Show is on right now, what a movie.
Of course, you could point out the real problem: The guy controlling the 50% of the joke accounts on this board is currently on hiatus, so you aren't getting true joke account conversation :rolleyes:Seriously, RIP Brandi. Very sad all around.
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talking shit about mentally ill people that have passed on makes you an *******.please, unless you like the idea of people calling you an ******* after you pass on or enjoy hypocrisy, keep negative thoughts to yourselves on the off chance that someone close to her might actually read this thread.
I really do hope that people who dislike me in life wont pretend to revere me in death.
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Wow, This thread looks like something I would expect to find at NWP. I had so many quotes saved to respond to, the quote feature couldn't handle them all.It is abundantly clear that several members here (TravisG and Willing2die to name a few) have no knowledge about mental illness and no commonsense what so ever.Several people here have pointed out that they disagree with the way some posters are "really broken up " about this and are praising Brandi now that she is gone. I have not seen one post in this thread echoing either of these sentiments. People have said, "that's sad" or "RIP." Those are appropriate things to say when someone dies, whatever the reason. There have been some more emotional responses to the specific rationale of "mental illness is no excuse to commit suicide." That can be an emotional issue for anyone who has suffered a mental illness, has known anyone who has suffered from mental illness, or has lost someone they care about to suicide. And, as someone already said, "To expect a suicidal person to act rationally is just ridiculous." HubDub.....I understand the point that I believe you are trying to make; that you feel because of her actions that Brandi was not deserving of your respect. That's fine. No one is saying that she was a paragon of virtue. I think it is wrong to say "she was a cancer to the world" and "the world was a better place without her." Did she somehow how hurt you personally in some way ? I also don't think many of your statements about her are consistant with your prayers for her family. If she was evil incarnate they would be happy to be rid of her. If they are mourning her loss, they feel she had some good qualities or potential. I'm sure they don't feel better off without her.

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I can't say I'm surprised by this at all. It's certainly sad when anyone commits suicide. It's of course worst for the people who cared for her, her friends and family. We probably should have seen this coming, but it's defnitely sad.

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Im at a loss for words. Do some of you people realize that a life was lost? That a human being has left this world? It shouldnt matter how or why. She made mistakes. We all do. Does that mean that we arent worthy of living? She took her life and that is a big tragedy, regardless of the spiteful or deceptive things she may have done. She didnt murder anyone. No. She didnt rape or moleste a young child. No. She was dishonest and untrustworthy. Yes. The penalty for that should not be death, even if it was by her own hands.

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Im at a loss for words. Do some of you people realize that a life was lost? That a human being has left this world? It shouldnt matter how or why. She made mistakes. We all do. Does that mean that we arent worthy of living? She took her life and that is a big tragedy, regardless of the spiteful or deceptive things she may have done. She didnt murder anyone. No. She didnt rape or moleste a young child. No. She was dishonest and untrustworthy. Yes. The penalty for that should not be death, even if it was by her own hands.
I cannot wait for all the kind words when we find Bin Laden dead. Where do you draw the line between someone dying being a celebration or a tragedy? Who gives anyone the right to draw that line for others?People die every day. I have too many people that are close to me to worry about some psycho broad that offs herself.
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Im at a loss for words. Do some of you people realize that a life was lost? That a human being has left this world? It shouldnt matter how or why. She made mistakes. We all do. Does that mean that we arent worthy of living? She took her life and that is a big tragedy, regardless of the spiteful or deceptive things she may have done. She didnt murder anyone. No. She didnt rape or moleste a young child. No. She was dishonest and untrustworthy. Yes. The penalty for that should not be death, even if it was by her own hands.
You know about 40 billion African kids just died while you typed that?Are you sad for everyone of those?
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Many of us have thoughts about people we see that have passed. I think this is something that is better left thought instead of said.
No, what I said was necessary to my point.
Im at a loss for words. Do some of you people realize that a life was lost? That a human being has left this world? It shouldnt matter how or why. She made mistakes. We all do. Does that mean that we arent worthy of living? She took her life and that is a big tragedy, regardless of the spiteful or deceptive things she may have done. She didnt murder anyone. No. She didnt rape or moleste a young child. No. She was dishonest and untrustworthy. Yes. The penalty for that should not be death, even if it was by her own hands.
Yes a life was lost, but a life of a person who had no respect for anyone else's lives and obviously not even her own. Why should we celebrate the life of Brandi Hawbaker when she did basically nothing but bad, deceitful things to get what she wanted. Then when her bad ways stopped working so well, she changes her name to try and hide from everyone who's lives she tried to ruin, but then when that doesn't work, she kills herself. Doesn't sound ANYTHING like the person who's death we should be mourning, more like finding, educating, and helping others who are going down the same path Brandi is going but are still able to be rehabilitated. We can learn from people like Brandi. Just because a human life was taken means nothing to me. People die everyday, good people die everyday, bad people die everyday, it is inevitable. Instead of mourning her because she is what we all are, a human, take a step back and reflect on the life she lived and then maybe you will realize to not judge how your mourn the dead simply because they are one of us, but do it because you loved or hated who they were and what they represented when they were still alive.
I cannot wait for all the kind words when we find Bin Laden dead. Where do you draw the line between someone dying being a celebration or a tragedy? Who gives anyone the right to draw that line for others?People die every day. I have too many people that are close to me to worry about some psycho broad that offs herself.
So true.
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When Chip Reese died, the Ass Holes at NWP thought it was hilarious. I believe Micon himself posted a picture of a Dead Donkey. Others posted "clever" photoshopped pictures of Chip and Daniel and made comments about AIDS.Now Micon asks for respect for the sad death of a sad girl who did nothing to actually earn any respect.Unfortunately he is right.I'll bet no one posting here never met the little brat. And as I said, according to many reports she treated people like crap and caused her own problems, including apparently her own death.However, to take actual pleasure in someone's death and then take the time to disrespect them and their family after they have died doesn't exactly make you a much better person that the little disturbed brat herself nor the Ass Holes at NWP.Show some class.

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