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Margin Call... Or How I quit worrying, and learned to care about First World Problems.



Holy ****ing shit, this movie is a cure for insomnia. If it was supposed to do a realistic look inside the start of the financial crisis, then they should have explained what was going on. But, the cause of the crisis was basically this McGuffin that they never explained to any other degree, other than saying "leverage" and using a few analogies. But other wise, it was basically a white collar disaster movie, that the disaster was never really explained. The major dramatic plot line was" how are we going to pass on the massive economic losses to our clients and competitors, before anyone figures out what we're doing" Which isn't exactly something you root for, as a viewer, particularly since you knwo the massive economic effect it's going to have.



So, it neither created a drama I was invested in, nor explained real events in great enough detail to make it compelling for me, so it was basically the world's most boring thriller. **** this movie. I can't imagine why it has such a high Rotten Tomato rating, other than it was just the first movie to put it out, and reviewers are so math stupid that the 6 grade level explanation of events was sufficient for them




Also saw Springbreakers, which was in many ways a much worse movie, but at least it was bad in a bold and interesting way. Stylistically it was very strange. It's paced very, very slowly ( which is odd, because you would think it was a very frantic movie). It also has a strange sort of a hallucinogenic feel, with many lines in the movie and voice overs repeating, many clips and shots in the movie appearing in the movie several times THe movie is 90 minutes long, but there are probably only about 60 actual minutes of footage, with some of it being repeated over and over again. Long stretches of the movie are like music videos, or something. Atmospheric not narrative. Like I feel crazy to say it, but I think there's a big Terrance mallick feel in the way it's shot and story tells.


But the characters as SO unlikable. The story is so empty and vapid. The plot is slow developing ( and didn't really develop) The atmospheric hedonism scenes are so long. The soundtrack is so terrible. I'm glad I watched it with friends so I could laugh ,because it wouldn't have been a pleasant experience to watch alone. But it was very interesting, some of the artistic choices the director made, have to concede that. There was something almost feminist about the female characters, which I was shocked at as I assumed Franco was going to be their pimp leading them into a life of crime, when it was more like a Riff Raff Bonnie and Clyde.


I feel like if Terance Malick and Russ Meyer had a son who was a dubstep Dj, this is the movie he would make when he got serious with his life.

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Margin Call sucked and James Franco is a pimp.


This is half right. The Franco part. Margin Call was awesome. Shake knows.

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Oh, you were giving the cliffs of BigD's post.


Franco is awesome in Springbreakers. I don't know what to think of the movie really, but I loved just about every second Franco was on screen. "Look at my shit; look at all my shit."

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Springbreakers is the worst movie I've seen since The Women In Black.


BigD shit on this movie in an intellectual way so I'll knuckle drag it. It's a bad 90 minute movie with 70 minutes of montage that doesn't push the plot or develop the characters in any way. It's a really stupid movie. Dummies could have saved it with boobs though, lots and lots of boobs.



Wait, I watched The Trouble With The Curve a couple of weeks ago but only because of Amy Adams. It's terrible in a totally different way.

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Springbreakers is the worst movie I've seen since The Women In Black.


BigD shit on this movie in an intellectual way so I'll knuckle drag it. It's a bad 90 minute movie with 70 minutes of montage that doesn't push the plot or develop the characters in any way. It's a really stupid movie. Dummies could have saved it with boobs though, lots and lots of boobs.



Wait, I watched The Trouble With The Curve a couple of weeks ago but only because of Amy Adams. It's terrible in a totally different way.


And I mean, I agree with the montage part but.. it was bad in a very atypical sort of way, so I'm willing to give props for trying something different at least, and I'll concede maybe I just don't have the artistic eye to appreciate it.

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It was pretty great. Lots of really good movies came out in 2013.


Going to see Wolf of Wall Street today, can't wait.


I just watched Mud as well. The 2 kids' performances reminded me of the acting in Stand By Me. Just a really good movie.

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The SF part--with Sally Hawkins--it's pretty clear Allen has no idea how people live with a modest income. That apartment on a grocery checker's paycheck? Nope. And there's the casual classism--Blanchett has a better life because she has "better genes." Literally, your genes and your taste level will dictate how affluent your life can become. Watching Jasmine lose her hold on reality, and desperately claw after her old life with a tenuous series of lies made me hold me breath for her.


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The Canyons


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A couple months ago I saw a 4 minute youtube video with all the naked scenes in The Canyons. Lindsay is ****ing hot, but I felt like I saw everything I needed to see in those 4 minutes.

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