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Network. Really good movie. You really just need to watch all the scenes with Peter Finch. The scenes with Faye Dunaway and William Holden were reallllly dragging by the end of the movie. Peter Finch was incredible.

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I think there needs to be a small white truck parked next to the scene of the accident, watching but not participating.

How was the crowd for The Lovely Bones?

That's how I felt when I saw Gangs of New York, followed closely by City of God. DDL is fantastic in Gangs, but the movie didn't do much for me. City Of God though, that's the real thing.     I don

The Fighter.Very good. It was obvious why Bale won best actor about 5 minutes into the movie. Bale has to be at the top of any acting ability list. He is un.be.liv.able in this movie. When he cries at the end credits I was like "...". Amazing actor.

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Law Abiding Citizen.Jamie Foxx and Gerald Butler.I liked it. There was very standard incredibly stupid action movie type stuff, like Foxx playing a lawyer

breaking into a building and searching it. Finding a hidden tunnel and going through it, instead of... you know... calling the cops or something. He also takes a bomb across town in heavy traffic in about 30 seconds and hides it in a prison cell.

You know... standard lawyer stuff.

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Trouble the Water.Very interesting doc about Hurricane Katrina.

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interestingly i did notice during the credits that the screenplay was by 6 or 7 people and immediately knew that couldnt be a good thing. my favoirite part of the movie is that these aliens have traveled the vast reaches of space to steal our gold. and why are they after our gold? because it's rare to them too. oh really? that explains everthing.
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I watched the winning season with Sam Rockwell. He is a drunk dead beat dad who apparently was a pretty good High School player, went on to coach but something happened. The movie starts with him busing tables and stealing food and half drunk beers while cleaning up. He is given the head coach job for the girls varsity team. It's kind of a cliche movie, but it has some really funny parts in it. It's not going to blow you away, but it's very worth the watch.

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Network. Really good movie. You really just need to watch all the scenes with Peter Finch. The scenes with Faye Dunaway and William Holden were reallllly dragging by the end of the movie. Peter Finch was incredible.
Absolutely one of my all-time favs. The (more) recent release has some good features, such as better audio (although confusing audio is a necessary factor in certain scenes) and somewhat crisper picture.Peter Finch was so good in this movie it alsmot defies description. Robert Duvall is in this one, also, playing a network exec and he really sinks his teeth into the role.The overall message is quite prescient regarding the onslaught of reality TV and does a great job of illustrating the underlying agendas inherent to what TV is trying to get across.
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Law Abiding Citizen.Jamie Foxx and Gerald Butler.I liked it. There was very standard incredibly stupid action movie type stuff, like Foxx playing a lawyer

breaking into a building and searching it. Finding a hidden tunnel and going through it, instead of... you know... calling the cops or something. He also takes a bomb across town in heavy traffic in about 30 seconds and hides it in a prison cell.

You know... standard lawyer stuff.

I also liked this. I don't like when movies try to have violence and they half ass it. This movie definitely did not half ass the violence.I'm really upset that Cowboys and Aliens sucked. I haven't seen it yet but all I've heard is "It's ok" to "It sucked." I was really looking forward to it and I thought it would be good since Jon Favreau was involved. After I see Planet of the Apes there is really nothing coming out soon that I'm interested in seeing. Why have all movies ranged from shitty to only decent lately?
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Rise of the Planet of the ApesI saw it this weekend. Really enjoyed it, it's a good summer movie. And best of all--no 3D.The HelpI read the book earlier this year, and enjoyed it. I did not like the movie, they really dumbed down all of the themes that I responded to. The soundtrack made me angry, why o why are the same songs picked over and over for a certain time period? Blech.

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Restrepo. Awesome doc.I think it makes the US look reallly good. They are constantly going out of their way to talk to town elders and repay for losses of the people. Should be required viewing for all democrats like Silent Snow that think our soldiers are all pieces of shit.

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skyline.hmm, 4/10 on ole imdb. (oh, look, even worse on ro-to.) really, guys? REALLY?okay, so the characters aren't fully fleshed out, but that is true of quite a few sf/thriller type thingies. i thought the performances were well within the acceptable zone. they aren't heroic, but this isn't THAT kind of movie. they're fairly normal people faced with an impossible situation--

here, the aliens who crossed vast distances don't die/flee from a drop of water nor does the military really stand much of a chance

.i think i may have liked this

in anticipation of liking the ape rising flick, ie seeing humanity drop the ball... i think i'm in a rather pessimistic phase

.7/10, and anyone who says i rate too many movies in this numerical ballpark can go to



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JLL is right Tanner. You just missed it. It's exactly like Back to the Future 2. Just watch that movie and Doc Brown will explain it to you. He is now living in an alternate universe.
Alternate universe/time travel explanation is boring.I like to think of it more in Inception terms. Levels upon levels. SC is based on the last 8 minutes of someone's life. JG was plugged into the SC and died precisely after living the 8 minutes of SC. This created a new level of SC because JG's last 8 minutes was SC. So JG's consciousness, or "soul" if you want, was transferred into this next level of SC. The original universe reality remains the same. JG is dead, SC is a success. "Source Code JG" thinks he's in another timeline, but he's really just in a simulation within SC. I don't think anything about the ending is specifically laid out for us, so I'm not saying you're wrong or that there can even be a wrong answer. I just think my answer is more fun.
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Just Go With ItOld school Sandler ridiculousness, pretty funny, Nick Swardsen is hysterical. And OMFG Brooklyn Decker!!!!! (Aniston is very hot in her own right in this film as well.)

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Smurfs in 3DThe kids enjoyed it. The la la lalalala la lala la laaa still makes my ears bleed.Also: I stole the 3D glasses. You make me pay extra to watch it in 3D without giving me the option to watch it in 2D and I'm stealing your smurfing glasses.Smurf the man!

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Planet of the ApesDefinitely was not what I expected out of a Planet of the Apes movie... with that said I really liked it. The development of Caeser was fun to watch. My only complaint:

I would like to have seen a little more development of the other ape characters. Like the gorilla and the pissed off looking ape from the lab. I also thought Brian Cox would have delivered a better "DAMN DIRTY APES LINE." Draco's was weak. At first I was disappointed at the lack of talking, but when Caeser finally did talk it made that scene really awesome... so I was ok with that.

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30 minutes or lessdecent movie, few laughs, glad I saw it, probably wont see again. no issue in waiting on this to come to DVD. Had higher expectations, but again, its good for a few laughs. Only like 1 hour 20 mins long so kinda short.

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Smurfs in 3DThe kids enjoyed it. The la la lalalala la lala la laaa still makes my ears bleed.Also: I stole the 3D glasses. You make me pay extra to watch it in 3D without giving me the option to watch it in 2D and I'm stealing your smurfing glasses.Smurf the man!
I was a huge Smurfs fan. I still havent seen it. My son went to see it already with a bunch of his friends.Now who do i go with? Kind of weird going without a kid?BTW I always take the 3d glasses. They never ask for them back, they ASK you to recycle them.
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BTW I always take the 3d glasses. They never ask for them back, they ASK you to recycle them.
My local theater posts someone at the exits to make sure people are dropping their glasses in the bin.
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