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$10/$20 at the Bellagio 2 weeks ago....I am SB with Ac8c. 3 limpers, I complete and BB checks. Flop = Ah8hAd. E1 checks to me I bet $100. BB raises to $300. I call. E1 else folds. Turn is 4s. I bet $1,000 he allins for remaining @$2,300. I call. River is Qd. I turn over my A8 and he turns over AQ. The table goes crazy with OMG! and Holy Sheet!. I give a little nod to the guy and he does the same. Neither 1 of us said a word. 1 side of the table was like "WOW! were you not scared of AQ or AK?" The other was like WOW! I would have bet more sooner to get him to fold". They were talking and freaking out for a good 5 mins. Neither 1 of us played it god awful BUT if anyone should have been scared it was obviously him as he had the 6th best possible hand before the river and should have probably thought I had of of those hands, which I did. It was funny to me how the table reacted and we stayed silent.

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bad beat forum around where the....?... bah i give up
There's an "only applies" in there and I think an "actually happened" towards the end.
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I've been in a simular situation before. Stuff like that hurts. Bad.

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I've been in a simular situation before. Stuff like that hurts. Bad.
Similar situation? Did you sprain your finger typing up a story about a hand that never happened too?Weird.
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