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Land Of Confusion (sh) (3/6)

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While playing some donkaments, I pulled up some cash tables. A couple of times, I declined to sit at an open 5/10 seat because this guy was too juicy...Bodog 3/6 NLHE (4-handed)CO $1815Cobalt $843Cobalt is Button w/ :5c:D. For what it's worth, I'm probably viewed as TAG, though I have been picking on frequent open limpers (with relatively legit hands). CO is really rather bad. I've got extensive notes on him that he's quite willing to go broke with top pair, no kicker. Earlier, he called a raise from a guy pre-flop w/ A7s, flopped top pair, bet/called a large check/raise, and then called the turn all-in w/ TP+NFD...and spiked the flush for a $1600 pot. As far as his aggression level, I'd guess it's about average. This is the first time I've seen him take this line...or possibly anyone ever take this line.Pre-flop:CO calls, Cobalt raises to $26, 2 folds, CO raises to $50, Cobalt callsFlop ($109): :D:4h:D (2 players)CO bets $6, Cobalt callsTurn ($121): :ts (2 players)CO bets $121, Cobalt callsRiver ($363): :club: (2 players)CO checks, Cobalt checksFinal Pot: $363

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Use them and let's start trying to get value on the flop.

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As played, I like the check behind on the river. I probably raise the flop though, if more to define my hand than anything. An overcard on the turn would make this hand much more difficult to play. Does villlain limp/reraise often? Have you seen him minraise before?

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i have this problem lately where i turn in a weak calling station when i'm playing against a super donk. it hasn't been effective. your play actually reminds me of several hands that i have looked at that i have played in the past few weeks. i think the flop is a must raise. as played i'm fine with river.

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I raise the flop. Oftentimes that little bet is what some geniuses like to call a "defensive bet". They believe that you will only call them and they get to sneak a peak at the turn for $6. I'd put him on a draw after that bet and raise the heck out of him on the flop... But then again I play FAR more sngs than cash games so I am by no means the best poster on this site.

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Use them and let's start trying to get value on the flop.
yeah that is really a dream flop for JJ imo.i really don't know what min bet, pot bet, check means...I really hope he had a flush here LOL! (no offense but I can just see how a donkey would play it like that)
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Villain has something like the Ah Ks. He did a 6 dollar c-bet, you called. He picked up the NFD on the turn, bet his hand for value. He missed his draw on the river, figured there was no value in betting, checked.Or he had the Ah Qx, and rivered you. Either way, I think you have to raise the flop. Even if you raise it to 125 or whatever, you're spending the same amount as you did by calling the bet on the turn.Hm, but by saying this... maybe you made more money by playing it passively. Raising might not get a worse hand to call.I don't know. Once you flat call the flop, you cant really raise UI on the turn or river. I'm so confused.

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LOL limpmin-raisemin-betpot betcheckThis isn't someone who's paying attention to their game. I don't mind the check behind. Someone taking this unorthodox line may have rivered the best hand and is waiting for you to bet their hand for them. I think you're asking if 1/10th of their stack is enough value from J with a 9 high flop? Maybe not but I can accept it. I would have raised the flop, but I can be donkish with JJ. His limp min-raise PF is a 1/2 donk line I've seen so many times with QQ +/- live that it's not even funny. I think someone who takes this line is exploitable in many different situations.

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What sort of hand do you feel he shows up with here where we're ahead and get value by raising the flop?
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Raise flop to $12. Don't get intimidated by that shit.
Good idea. What do you do when he reps a lot of strength by 3 betting you to $18?
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How do you do that on tha intarweb?
SighIn my haste, I didnt realize that this was an interweb hand. Im so used to Cobalt playing live:(Instead of kicking his shins, perhaps you could find out his AIM screen name and try to cyber his wife? That would be fair punishment for such retardation, imo.I'd call the 3-bet to $18, btw.
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Uhm I'm capping if he raises to 18, and by capping i mean raising all in

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And you feel that those hands call a raise? (Villain was bad, but he'd probably dump non-pair, non-draws.) Or are worried about them drawing out?
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And you feel that those hands call a raise? (Villain was bad, but he'd probably dump non-pair, non-draws.) Or are worried about them drawing out?
Yeah, they'll call 30. Or they can fold and lose their equity. I'm OK either way. I interpret the 6 as an absurd blocking bet.
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Anyone think he tried to type out 60 on the flop and only hit the 6?I've had players minbet flops trying to induce a raise. If that's the case here, he panicked on the turn when the heart hit, which leads me to believe he has an overpair without a heart.

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Anyone think he tried to type out 60 on the flop and only hit the 6?I've had players minbet flops trying to induce a raise. If that's the case here, he panicked on the turn when the heart hit, which leads me to believe he has an overpair without a heart.
You and your fancy schmancy "reads"Go back to petting your pug!
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Dave, if we pop the flop and he re-pops us...don't we risk folding the best hand and/or inflating the pot when we're unsure of our position? He could go crazy with something that we've got beat. We're never getting him to fold a better hand, and if he's behind, he probably only has 2-6 outs. Why not practice a little pot control on the flop and increase our equity edge?

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Anyone think he tried to type out 60 on the flop and only hit the 6?
no, simply because he hit the pot button on the turn... (Cobalt has history, i don't). Most Bodog players are impatient shortcut whores.
I've had players minbet flops trying to induce a raise. If that's the case here, he panicked on the turn when the heart hit, which leads me to believe he has an overpair without a heart.
I'd say this is spot on... but I don't play high enough... and still it's not enough to fold the turn.I can still see this being some retarded A - Broadway combo with a heart involved a ton... so I like a passive line on most anything.But I'm out of my league here :club:
Dave, if we pop the flop and he re-pops us...don't we risk folding the best hand and/or inflating the pot when we're unsure of our position? He could go crazy with something that we've got beat.
Ok... I know this is not applicable in strat talk... but if he's gonna go crazy with something you have beat on the flop, you're taking his money later... and everybody knows this
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