irishmon 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 guys everyone has something to say about this guy and being and outsider looking in i have no idea what the guys deal is but as an aussie i think that a black president could mean good things due to the fact that the blck areas of the us seem like absoulute shit holes and maybe he will go along way to helping the slums a better place.its just my opinion and really does not mean much but in australia the black population are 'aboriginals' who have been stereotyped as 'scum' and 'dirtbags' but a aboriginal priminister would be scary but i think a very good it jusat a case of 'giving black people to much power' vs 'maintaining a comfortable lifestyle' ????????????????if so then change can only be good.and who are the other possiblities? are they any better/worse them obama? Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 guys everyone has something to say about this guy and being and outsider looking in i have no idea what the guys deal is but as an aussie i think that a black president could mean good things due to the fact that the blck areas of the us seem like absoulute shit holes and maybe he will go along way to helping the slums a better place.its just my opinion and really does not mean much but in australia the black population are 'aboriginals' who have been stereotyped as 'scum' and 'dirtbags' but a aboriginal priminister would be scary but i think a very good it jusat a case of 'giving black people to much power' vs 'maintaining a comfortable lifestyle' ????????????????if so then change can only be good.and who are the other possiblities? are they any better/worse them obama?[x] A for trying to get involved[x] F for trying to get involvedThere is already so many threads going on this.You seem like a very cool dude Irish. All the best. Link to post Share on other sites
irishmon 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Author Share Posted March 23, 2008 [x] A for trying to get involved[x] F for trying to get involvedThere is already so many threads going on this.You seem like a very cool dude Irish. All the best.hey hey im just trying to get some insight Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 hey hey im just trying to get some insightYour comments are pretty polarizing and racially tinged, a topic everyone is discussing already. Obama would be a black president obviously, but would not be a black president only for the black man and the black mans 'shithole' communities, or have a black agenda.Man...this is a minefield topic for sure.Hopefully he will be a truly color blind leader who puts the country as a whole first, as should all presidents....if he wins. Link to post Share on other sites
irishmon 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Author Share Posted March 23, 2008 mate i swear to you there is no "racial" attack here im only stating what the world see's from the news and the movies. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 mate i swear to you there is no "racial" attack here im only stating what the world see's from the news and the movies.LOL No man, I was not at all insinuating that you were being racial, and I was not attacking. It's all good. But your post was simply an example of what I will call the 'innocent and unintended' race filter that many folks carry around and view the world through, that blacks are poor, live in bad areas, are bad people, etc. And you are right, society, Hollywood, etc. tend them paint that race with a pretty broad negative brush so it should come as no surprise that this is the case with many.Obviously this is not the truth.It's funny how we all have stereotypes and bias's prejudeces, and think that is is a bad thing. It is not necessarily. It is totally normal to have them. Doesn't mean anyone is a bad person, or will take those opinions and use them in negative ways.Most of the problems are born out of pure ignorance and upbringing. I know I had them years ago. Grew up in Detroit, lived thru the riots and race war (if you will) of the 60's. But it wasn't until I made friends with several black people (I know taht sounds horrible) that I began to see what was real and what was bullshit, that there are shitty people in every race, and that race alone doesn't make you a bad person. But I fear that race will stoke this election and be a major component of Obama's run, and that should not be what this is all about. But the recent controversy has all but insured that race WILL be a major issue. There is doubt now (arguably unfairly so) amongst folks who may not have had any previously.I like the guy, as a person. But I hate his severe far left social leanings. Race has nothing to do with it, for me anyway.Gonna be a rough ride to November. Link to post Share on other sites
irishmon 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Author Share Posted March 23, 2008 LOL No man, I was not at all insinuating that you were being racial, and I was not attacking. It's all good. But your post was simply an example of what I will call the 'innocent and unintended' race filter that many folks carry around and view the world through, that blacks are poor, live in bad areas, are bad people, etc. And you are right, society, Hollywood, etc. tend them paint that race with a pretty broad negative brush so it should come as no surprise that this is the case with many.Obviously this is not the truth.It's funny how we all have stereotypes and bias's prejudeces, and think that is is a bad thing. It is not necessarily. It is totally normal to have them. Doesn't mean anyone is a bad person, or will take those opinions and use them in negative ways.Most of the problems are born out of pure ignorance and upbringing. I know I had them years ago. Grew up in Detroit, lived thru the riots and race war (if you will) of the 60's. But it wasn't until I made friends with several black people (I know taht sounds horrible) that I began to see what was real and what was bullshit, that there are shitty people in every race, and that race alone doesn't make you a bad person. But I fear that race will stoke this election and be a major component of Obama's run, and that should not be what this is all about. But the recent controversy has all but insured that race WILL be a major issue. There is doubt now (arguably unfairly so) amongst folks who may not have had any previously.I like the guy, as a person. But I hate his severe far left social leanings. Race has nothing to do with it, for me anyway.Gonna be a rough ride to November.thats why i say its not a racial thing more a "comfort" vs "change" race to the people Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 I believed before all this erupted that discussing Obama's race was like touching the third rail of politics. And in So Carolina it was pretty much so. Now I don't know. I do like the way Obama addressed it. And it's my belief that only the most partisan and the media are going to make a bigger deal out of it than it is. Again I compare it to the stuff that was going around the Republican community in Washington state before Clinton's second election. You'd think Clinton was going down in flames the way they talked. But it was all a media storm signifying nothing when it came to the actual vote. That said, it's my belief that Hilary is corporate America's choice for a Democratic candidate. They'd probably prefer McCain because he'd be more sympathetic to their causes. But Hilary probably wouldn't be all that bad for them. And by supporting Hilary, they hope to get a candidate in the race that looks worse than McCain. However, Obama entered the race and has shook things up. All of a sudden the populace that before were pretty apathetic are aroused and cheering him on. All of a sudden people all across the internet are giving money to Obama. And corporate America is getting nervous. You see it in the stock market, in the credit market, in the banking centers. I have a feeling that you'll see a great number of corporations putting a great deal of money into not only Hilary's campaign but also into the relection coffers of the super-delegates. And even with that, if by some way Obama does get the nomination, then I predict you'll see an Ohio, Florida vote fiasco all over again. Could be Illinois though. Where ever there has been the tinge of vote fraud before you'll see it again so that corporate America doesn't have Obama for president. Especially true of those corporations that have been making money off the war in Iraq and government contracts. Does this sound like a conspiracy theory? Sorry. I guess this is just my observation and we'll see if what I'm predicting will happen or not. If it doesn't then you can all point your fingers at me and ROFL. Link to post Share on other sites
dyan0101 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 due to the fact that the blck areas of the us seem like absoulute shit holes and maybe he will go along way to helping the slums a better place.Seriously, is this really what non-americans think of america? That truly boggles my mind. I'm always curious what 'the rest of the world' thinks of america. Balloon guy claims there isn't as much anti-american thought out there as we are led to believe, but if irishmon's statements are a reflection of general thoughts/idea of what america is like, I think the general feelings out there must be pretty f#$@ing negative. (Irishmon, not saying you don't like america, just saying the idea you have of it may be more negative than it is.)LOL No man, I was not at all insinuating that you were being racial, and I was not attacking. It's all good. But your post was simply an example of what I will call the 'innocent and unintended' race filter that many folks carry around and view the world through, that blacks are poor, live in bad areas, are bad people, etc. And you are right, society, Hollywood, etc. tend them paint that race with a pretty broad negative brush so it should come as no surprise that this is the case with many.Obviously this is not the truth.It's funny how we all have stereotypes and bias's prejudeces, and think that is is a bad thing. It is not necessarily. It is totally normal to have them. Doesn't mean anyone is a bad person, or will take those opinions and use them in negative ways.Most of the problems are born out of pure ignorance and upbringing. I know I had them years ago. Grew up in Detroit, lived thru the riots and race war (if you will) of the 60's. But it wasn't until I made friends with several black people (I know taht sounds horrible) that I began to see what was real and what was bullshit, that there are shitty people in every race, and that race alone doesn't make you a bad person. But I fear that race will stoke this election and be a major component of Obama's run, and that should not be what this is all about. But the recent controversy has all but insured that race WILL be a major issue. There is doubt now (arguably unfairly so) amongst folks who may not have had any previously.I like the guy, as a person. But I hate his severe far left social leanings. Race has nothing to do with it, for me anyway.Gonna be a rough ride to November.Well said. except that part about the far left social leanings. he could lean a little further and make me happy, but that's just opinion. Link to post Share on other sites
jmh06 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 "Hi, yeah, I'm a typical white guy and this is what I think." Every caller to the local talk radio politics show was starting off like that the other day, it was cracking me up.For me, this isn't a racial race. From what I've seen Barack Obama is the most likable of all three of the candidates on a personal level. If I were a liberal it'd be a no brainer. Unfortunately, I'm not a liberal, so they could run Hulk Hogan with The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart as his VP and I still couldn't bring myself to pull that lever. Quite frankly, none of the candidates is worth a dick. Hillary and Barrack want universal health care and McCain wants to stay in Iraq. Further, I doubt either of those three has ever had to even balance their own checkbook, much less a budget. Mitt was probably the best of 'em all. Link to post Share on other sites
Kaveros 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 You bring up some interesting points.However I don't think that predominantly black area's would be better off, just because there would be a black president.Maybe it is just my innocent view that 99% of people are good and try to do the best by others, but I reallydon't see how one racial group would benifit over another just because the president is also of that group. Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 Well said. except that part about the far left social leanings. he could lean a little further and make me happy, but that's just opinion. Yeah, never mind things like "facts" and "data" and "history" and nonsense like that: Link to post Share on other sites
LongLiveYorke 38 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 Yeah, never mind things like "facts" and "data" and "history" and nonsense like that:lol at the idea of giving a number to the concept of "economic freedom" and then putting it on a graph and trying to give that graph a fit that you think is meaningful. What are the units of economic freedom, exactly? I guess I'd call them "Smiths" after you know who. And why don't we call an inverse Smith a Karl. This is fun, making up units of things that can't be quantified. Link to post Share on other sites
dyan0101 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 Yeah, never mind things like "facts" and "data" and "history" and nonsense like that:dude, I'm not saying he doesn't lean to the left. I'm just saying the man would have to be horizontal to get far enough to the left for me. that's how far left I am. Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 lol at the idea of giving a number to the concept of "economic freedom" and then putting it on a graph and trying to give that graph a fit that you think is meaningful. What are the units of economic freedom, exactly? I guess I'd call them "Smiths" after you know who. And why don't we call an inverse Smith a Karl. This is fun, making up units of things that can't be quantified.I had this discussion with Checky not too long ago. This is a measurement that has been in place for at least a decade. It is as objective as you can get for something like economics. In other words, given the criteria, 100 people will come up with pretty much the same rankings for the countries.After all, ask yourself what makes a good measurement. Basically, it is objective and it gives meaningful predictions. This Economic Freedom measurement fits both bills. Using them, some wise economist could come up with a formula that says "if you remove these three tariffs, your GDP will increase by x%, with a standard deviation of Z. Basically, it points to what provides economic growth: rule of law and strong property rights and low taxes.dude, I'm not saying he doesn't lean to the left. I'm just saying the man would have to be horizontal to get far enough to the left for me. that's how far left I am. You missed the point of the graph. Being left of the Democrats is a very, very bad thing. It costs lots of lives and suffering worldwide. Link to post Share on other sites
LongLiveYorke 38 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 To add to what I said before, this graph clearly has a very large Chi squared. In other words, it is quite far from linear. And since the differences in GDP are very large amongst all counties, it does a very poor job of measuring nuanced differences between the highly developed countries.In other words, it is certainly not sensitive enough to measure the differences that Democratic versus Republican policies would make. It is quite obvious that having "rule of law" and relatively low taxes (as compared to, say, the Congo) are beneficial to GDP and are qualities shared by the most developed and economically successful nations in the world. But it can't discern between the small chances that the majority of D vs R discussions revolve around.Really, I haven't done enough research about this graph, and I am only speculating, but I would guess that my analysis is more or less accurate. Link to post Share on other sites
Kaveros 0 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Just to add, I think that voting one way because of the leaders skin colour is slightly racist. Link to post Share on other sites
Jam-Fly 8 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Just to add, I think that voting one way because of the leaders skin colour is slightly racist. Father Ted: To China! [everybody cheers] Chinese man: [raising his glass] To Craggy Island! [everybody cheers] Father Ted: More drink! [everybody cheers] Bar tender: I'm sorry, the bar's closed. [everybody cheers] Father Ted: How about we all go back to my place for a drink? [everybody cheers] Father Dougal: Wait, I need to go to the toilet first. [everybody cheers] Link to post Share on other sites
dyan0101 0 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 You missed the point of the graph. Being left of the Democrats is a very, very bad thing. It costs lots of lives and suffering worldwide. I didn't miss the point of the graph. Being a geographer, I make graphs for a living and know that you can make the numbers mean anything you want them to. You caught me. I'm an over educated, hard core liberal, vegetarian, environmentalist, white female bent on murdering millions and causing mass suffering. Kaveros, I'd agree, only would go further and say that casting a vote based on skin color would be one definition of racism. However, being a white democrat in america who supports obama, I think that people should keep in mind that obama is half black half white. I don't think his race should be a factor, or rather will not be as large a factor as it would be if he had two black parents. Link to post Share on other sites
whatgreatis 0 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 You missed the point of the graph. Being left of the Democrats is a very, very bad thing. It costs lots of lives and suffering worldwide.LOL@nonsense?You're saying that I am a bad thing. What makes me bad?I haven't killed anybody, in-fact I'm a peace loving individual. Link to post Share on other sites
irishmon 0 Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 Seriously, is this really what non-americans think of america? That truly boggles my mind. I'm always curious what 'the rest of the world' thinks of america. Balloon guy claims there isn't as much anti-american thought out there as we are led to believe, but if irishmon's statements are a reflection of general thoughts/idea of what america is like, I think the general feelings out there must be pretty f#$@ing negative. (Irishmon, not saying you don't like america, just saying the idea you have of it may be more negative than it is.)Well said. except that part about the far left social leanings. he could lean a little further and make me happy, but that's just opinion. i can honestly say that the view that i have been drummed into my head is thisA- there a black neighbourhoods and whites ones and if your white your a dead man if you go thereB- there is no black neighbourhoods that have any class or hold any valueC- the only black people that make it out of the hood are the ones that play sportD- you have to pay to get medical treatment (here we have medicare a free bulk billing service to anyone)E- that gangs attack the innocent everyday and its not safe at night to walk the streetsF- white people are very racist against the black folkG- the police target black people because there blackH- all black guys have massive "wangs"there is heaps more but thanks to music, movies, news, youtube ect ect this is what i have been made to believe and i just hope its a false reflection of what the us can say its the same as this:when you say the word "muslim" the first thing you think of is "terrorist" this is world wide and it sucks but somehow kids and parents are made to believe this.who here does not sit on a plane and see's a muslim guy walk in covered in there robes and sandels, long beard and dark skin and think "shit i hope he aint a terrorist" tell me you dont watch him like a hawk the whole flight?????????the movie 'soul plane' sums up that situation best.just out of curiosty i just walked out the lounge room and asked my partner "tell me what you know about black people in america" she sounded like hitler with some of the stuff she was saying and i can tell you she is the least racist person i know.i dont hate america nor am i with the kkk but this is what i have been tought my whole life and i wouldnt have the 1st clue on the facts!!!!! i know i must be wrong buts its what we see on the tv Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 i can honestly say that the view that i have been drummed into my head is thisA- there a black neighbourhoods and whites ones and if your white your a dead man if you go theresome are that way but they are the minorityB- there is no black neighbourhoods that have any class or hold any valuethat is just false...but they are also the minorityC- the only black people that make it out of the hood are the ones that play sportincorrect...the ones that want to study and or work hard will do quite well.D- you have to pay to get medical treatment (here we have medicare a free bulk billing service to anyone)it is called insurance...E- that gangs attack the innocent everyday and its not safe at night to walk the streetsLOLF- white people are very racist against the black folkagain some are but that would be the minorityG- the police target black people because there blacki am sure it has happened but not the standard.H- all black guys have massive "wangs"yea uh well can't help you there. notes above, you have the wrong idea. Link to post Share on other sites
jmh06 0 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 i can honestly say that the view that i have been drummed into my head is thisA- there a black neighbourhoods and whites ones and if your white your a dead man if you go thereB- there is no black neighbourhoods that have any class or hold any valueC- the only black people that make it out of the hood are the ones that play sportD- you have to pay to get medical treatment (here we have medicare a free bulk billing service to anyone)E- that gangs attack the innocent everyday and its not safe at night to walk the streetsF- white people are very racist against the black folkG- the police target black people because there blackH- all black guys have massive "wangs"Lemme try and help you out:A) Slightly true. There are very, very poor neighborhoods that are all black, all white or a mix. Regardless, going through lower class neighborhoods isn't too wise, as regardless of the color of skin most people in that position have very little to stay out of jail for. In Richmond there are a few of these, but I've never been shot at while going through or anything like that. Granted, I only cut through during the day.B) Bologna. Personally, I don't know any totally white or totally black subdivisions. Irregardless, you probably have slums in mind and white, black or green, you can live in a slum. They only thing they discriminate on is income, aka Bill Gates or Bill Cosby or Carlos Mencia ain't living in a slum.C) Bologna. Anyone who applies themselves to anything can rise out of the most adverse situations. Unfortunately, you only hear about the star athletes, etc.. And, quite frankly, that really is unfortunate, as there are many people that have come from nothing and died with everything they ever wanted.D) True. It's called health insurance. Personally, I prefer our system to wide open health care system. I also do a lot of work with insurance so I'm hesitant of changes that could be made that would affect my occupation.E) False as false can get. The people that get mugged or robbed do so because they're caught sleeping at the wheel so to speak. If you keep your senses about you most people leave you alone.F) True and false. There are extremists in every race who dislike other races, but by and large, I think all people, white or black, respect the things that make us all the same, yet different.G) One of my good friends is a State Trooper and he's black. What do you think the odds are he's going to go out of his way to pull other black dudes? He pulls them as he sees them, men, women, black or white. IMO, cops screw with people who look like they should be screwed with. For example, a guy in all black clothes that are a bit large for him is walking about three blocks from the scene of a robbery and turns and glares at the cop cruiser as it drives by. White, black or hispanic the cops are probably going to screw with this guy for awhile. Same scenario, only the guy is wearing jeans, loafers, a dress shirt and a blazer and shoots the boys in blue a wave and a smile. White, black or hispanic, the cops probably aren't going to screw with him. Cops do use profiling, but I don't think it's racial so much as economic or social.To be honest on the above, I'm a white guy and I've been pulled over, searched and harassed by police for over an hour for simply driving through one of the bad parts of town at night. Being a white guy, they assumed "I was trying to buy some coke". Further, my fly was unfortunately unzipped and that's when they accused me of trying to come through to, "Try and buy a suck off." Profiling goes both ways, cops are just using the tools they have to prevent things from happening.H) I don't smoke pole, I wouldn't know. Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 <br />To add to what I said before, this graph clearly has a very large Chi squared. In other words, it is quite far from linear. And since the differences in GDP are very large amongst all counties, it does a very poor job of measuring nuanced differences between the highly developed countries.<br /><br />In other words, it is certainly not sensitive enough to measure the differences that Democratic versus Republican policies would make. It is quite obvious that having "rule of law" and relatively low taxes (as compared to, say, the Congo) are beneficial to GDP and are qualities shared by the most developed and economically successful nations in the world. But it can't discern between the small chances that the majority of D vs R discussions revolve around.<br /><br />Really, I haven't done enough research about this graph, and I am only speculating, but I would guess that my analysis is more or less accurate.I agree that it is useless in measuring between Dem's and Republicans, and even between the US and Canada or the US and France. I posted it in response to someone proudly proclaiming they were left of Hillary, which is pretty scary.Also, I like it because of the slippery slope argument. People act like they can just siphon the profits of capitalism into socialist programs with no harm to the economy. It doesn't work that way. Socialism harms economies. In large doses, it harms it a lot, in small doses it harms it less. But there is now enough historical data that the truth is clear: socialism harms the economy. If someone wanted to argue that the small amount of harm caused by socializing a small part of the economy is justified by the result ("the end justifies the mean") at least that's an honest argument. Saying that you can get something for nothing is just false political rhetoric.As a side note, I've been seeing that graph for years, and this year is more scattered than any year I remember. I have not seen an explanation for this, and can't think of one. There seems to be a few really socialized countries that are doing well. I'd need the raw data to figure out which ones those are and what they are doing right. For example, China has a command and control economy, but may be doing well because they are "imitating" capitalism -- allowing a close enough look-alike that they get some of the same results. This is not sustainable, but it can lead to rapid growth and temporary anomalies. I don't believe any country with scores of less than 3 has sustained any kind of growth record over time. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 i can honestly say that the view that i have been drummed into my head is thisA- there a black neighbourhoods and whites ones and if your white your a dead man if you go thereB- there is no black neighbourhoods that have any class or hold any valueC- the only black people that make it out of the hood are the ones that play sportD- you have to pay to get medical treatment (here we have medicare a free bulk billing service to anyone)E- that gangs attack the innocent everyday and its not safe at night to walk the streetsF- white people are very racist against the black folkG- the police target black people because there blackH- all black guys have massive "wangs"there is heaps more but thanks to music, movies, news, youtube ect ect this is what i have been made to believe and i just hope its a false reflection of what the us can say its the same as this:when you say the word "muslim" the first thing you think of is "terrorist" this is world wide and it sucks but somehow kids and parents are made to believe this.who here does not sit on a plane and see's a muslim guy walk in covered in there robes and sandels, long beard and dark skin and think "shit i hope he aint a terrorist" tell me you dont watch him like a hawk the whole flight?????????the movie 'soul plane' sums up that situation best.just out of curiosty i just walked out the lounge room and asked my partner "tell me what you know about black people in america" she sounded like hitler with some of the stuff she was saying and i can tell you she is the least racist person i know.i dont hate america nor am i with the kkk but this is what i have been tought my whole life and i wouldnt have the 1st clue on the facts!!!!! i know i must be wrong buts its what we see on the tvI have always had the opinion that the Irish cities are crime ridden. My mother in law was mugged while visiting, and the IRA etc seems to keep it in a constant war zone. Since my wife and I are protestants, I have honestly wondered if I am safe in all parts of Ireland.But I am going to vacation there this summer. I'm sure I will find it just like I found New York city last year, more untruths than truths. But I still watch my wallet, keep my eyes scanning the crowd, and bring a gun everywhere I go in case I get looked at funny.kidding about the gunIt's a knife Link to post Share on other sites
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