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April $4.40 180-man Challenge

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Haven't seen one of these for a little bit, so I thought I'd throw it out there to see if there was any interest. Don't want to step on any toes though, if there was anyone else planning on running one. No drama-bombz required.If we get enough people we can dig up the old rule list and maybe modify the points a little here and there, but leave things mostly the way they were....I'd be up for putting in the 20 sng's. Individual challenge only, no teams (or if you want teams, make your own side bets)Thinking at this point max 25 people, $50 each, pay top five. I can hold $ - I've run a couple pools and stuff on here before and should have some "cred" by now (I'd hope) Anyone interested?? I'll get a list going and see where we're at in a couple days if it's going to run or not.Possible interest listbdc30ko8e34chgocubs99aussiedonkfornicator1crookedlinkclingfreesheikyottermr sparcoserge

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During the last one I had talked about running the next one in April, but now that its approaching I'm not sure how much I'm feeling it. April will also be a busy month for me since I'm getting married at the end of the month, then I'll be gone for a week in Hawaii. (woohoo!)After doing it with the tracker though its hard to imagine going back to the old style. Maybe if there is a lot of interest I can help set it up and give someone else admin access to handle all the daily issues that come up.

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Also --Why max entrants? Get the prize pool as big as possible. FCPInfo (Bob) has been holding the money for us the last two times and has offered to to it again, so that part is not an issue. The format we had last time was $50 entry, you can pay it yourself or split it with someone else. If you split it, you are basically just sharing the entry with someone and you each play some of the games ( a team ) . This format worked really well for allowing people in who couldn't afford the buying on their own, and also allowing those who can to get the share of the prize pool for themselves. I would suggest retaining this format, as it was very successful.

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Why max entrants? Logistics. If I'm going to have to run it, I'm not sorting through 75 guys' tourney finishes every day for a month. FCP Info can hold the money. - Sure - who cares - I'm not trying to scam a free thousand here.Teams - No. See op. Individuals only. If you want to have backers, etc do whatever you want. If you want to run sidebets, go ahead. Nothing stops you from posting your own scores in the individual challenge then tallying up your sidebets from that.Like I say, I was just throwing it out there cuz I hadn't seen anything. I don't plan to spend my life coordinating and tracking the thing, but I don't mind helping out if no one else is going to organize it. If you guys want teams and unlimited entries, go ahead and starts a 4.40 teams and unlimited entries thread.

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Why max entrants? Logistics. If I'm going to have to run it, I'm not sorting through 75 guys' tourney finishes every day for a month. FCP Info can hold the money. - Sure - who cares - I'm not trying to scam a free thousand here.Teams - No. See op. Individuals only. If you want to have backers, etc do whatever you want. If you want to run sidebets, go ahead. Nothing stops you from posting your own scores in the individual challenge then tallying up your sidebets from that.Like I say, I was just throwing it out there cuz I hadn't seen anything. I don't plan to spend my life coordinating and tracking the thing, but I don't mind helping out if no one else is going to organize it. If you guys want teams and unlimited entries, go ahead and starts a 4.40 teams and unlimited entries thread.
BDC -Click on the image in my sig to see the tracker website for the last challenge. We haven't used threads to keep track of this since the dark ages of 2007. :club: I developed this so that the logistics you speak of would be a non-issue. Still, mistakes and such happen and some supervision is required. If you're willing to do that supervision, I can set up the tracker for the next challenge and get it rolling. Also, see the OP of the February Challenge for more info on how it worked:http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...howtopic=116204
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Why max entrants? Logistics. If I'm going to have to run it, I'm not sorting through 75 guys' tourney finishes every day for a month. FCP Info can hold the money. - Sure - who cares - I'm not trying to scam a free thousand here.Teams - No. See op. Individuals only. If you want to have backers, etc do whatever you want. If you want to run sidebets, go ahead. Nothing stops you from posting your own scores in the individual challenge then tallying up your sidebets from that.Like I say, I was just throwing it out there cuz I hadn't seen anything. I don't plan to spend my life coordinating and tracking the thing, but I don't mind helping out if no one else is going to organize it. If you guys want teams and unlimited entries, go ahead and starts a 4.40 teams and unlimited entries thread.
I was pretty happy with the way VB ran it last time tbh with the tracker, etc. Also I think ppl like teams. I dunno but I think we should just have 1 contest.Whatever happens PT Special get in there - $500 sidebet on personal performance? Also I think you still owe me from backing VB in the Mill
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I didn't play the feb one (obv) and have no clue about the tracker, but with the requisite vbnaut training, I'd admin. it - no problem.I really doubt we'd even get to 25 people anyway, but lets see where the thread goes.

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I would probably play, and be willing to assist bdc with the admin if he needs it. As things look at the moment I should have plenty of free time next month, I will know for sure in the next day or two.

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I'm interested in playing in this but i don't think i can afford the $50 buy in on my own, if anyone's interested in spliting the entry fee(if that's legit) with me send me a PM.

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Interested as always.I'll be moving to Johannesburg next week though, and have no idea what kind of internet connection (if any) I will have there, so my participation depends a bit on that. If the connection is good, I'm in.

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OK, I have set up the tracker for April and I will start the official thread pretty soon so we can start getting signups. If there are no objections, the challenge rules will be the same as in February. Only difference is this time I will have a couple of other admins to help out the fixes that need to be made as we go along. Thanks to bdc30 for getting the ball rolling on this.

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