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i really lost it all 6.35 i lost it now i only have 5 points to go to unlock the bonus just a little more help to get if free
if we send you more will you pay us back out of your bonus?
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john93999 (6:36:19 PM): hey john93999 (6:37:04 PM): are you therevtlaxer09 (6:37:14 PM): who is this?john93999 (6:37:20 PM): pokerjk12vtlaxer09 (6:37:24 PM): ohhhh okvtlaxer09 (6:37:26 PM): whats upjohn93999 (6:37:30 PM): nothing youvtlaxer09 (6:37:38 PM): just playin a couple tourneysjohn93999 (6:38:08 PM): yeah i have had bad runs today and on a new site ive been playing ontvtlaxer09 (6:38:08 PM): so whats the deal with you and full tilt?john93999 (6:38:45 PM): i need about 6.08 to un lock my 20 from my bonus john93999 (6:38:50 PM): points to unlockvtlaxer09 (6:38:55 PM): 6.08 in rake?!?john93999 (6:38:59 PM): yeahvtlaxer09 (6:39:05 PM): thats more than 10 ftp'sjohn93999 (6:39:19 PM): it says 6.08 ftp to unlcokvtlaxer09 (6:39:22 PM): ohhvtlaxer09 (6:39:23 PM): okvtlaxer09 (6:39:32 PM): so how much money do u need?john93999 (6:39:54 PM): what is the best way to unlcok htat many pointsvtlaxer09 (6:40:09 PM): i meanvtlaxer09 (6:40:20 PM): probably playing 1/2 for 10 minsvtlaxer09 (6:40:29 PM): have u ever played 1/2?john93999 (6:40:32 PM): yeahvtlaxer09 (6:40:38 PM): how'd it go for you?john93999 (6:41:18 PM): well i like omaha better but it when ok i just lost all of my money playing in laerge buy in sit in goes out of my bankrollvtlaxer09 (6:41:26 PM): ohvtlaxer09 (6:41:32 PM): yeh that probably wasnt too smartjohn93999 (6:41:38 PM): yeah your rightvtlaxer09 (6:41:41 PM): i saw u talked to cardcorevtlaxer09 (6:41:55 PM): he's an ass but he really did win the 20 million guaranteed on pokerstarsjohn93999 (6:42:04 PM): wowvtlaxer09 (6:42:06 PM): i got 3rd in that same tourneyjohn93999 (6:42:08 PM): nice pay dayjohn93999 (6:42:14 PM): wow nice winvtlaxer09 (6:42:20 PM): so i got a decent amt of money from thatjohn93999 (6:42:24 PM): what did third payvtlaxer09 (6:42:29 PM): 155kjohn93999 (6:42:41 PM): well you guys are a bunch of prosvtlaxer09 (6:42:46 PM): yeh alot of us arevtlaxer09 (6:42:53 PM): myplayisrab is probably the biggest ******* on the sitejohn93999 (6:43:11 PM): i play real good i just nver have th bankroll to go threw the swingsvtlaxer09 (6:43:12 PM): so dont listen to what he saidvtlaxer09 (6:43:20 PM): yeh u gotta play within ur bankrollvtlaxer09 (6:43:28 PM): to play 500$ sng's u need about 3kjohn93999 (6:43:38 PM): yeah in casinos i have chas to play 5 10 nl but online i dontjohn93999 (6:43:45 PM): cashvtlaxer09 (6:43:57 PM): yeh so i mean.. i could give u 200$ to play 1/2 plovtlaxer09 (6:44:08 PM): but i want 70% of ur profitsjohn93999 (6:44:27 PM): ok i can do thatvtlaxer09 (6:44:54 PM): hey can u do me a favor first though?john93999 (6:45:07 PM): but i kinda would like to have some i can talk to about hands and get really good at online pokerjohn93999 (6:45:10 PM): sure ?john93999 (6:45:23 PM): so i can get like you guysvtlaxer09 (6:45:57 PM): have u read a book?vtlaxer09 (6:46:00 PM): on online pokervtlaxer09 (6:46:05 PM): or in generalvtlaxer09 (6:46:11 PM): ?john93999 (6:46:16 PM): i got the dvd how to playonline pokerjohn93999 (6:46:24 PM): full tilt sent to mevtlaxer09 (6:46:32 PM): did goose hansen make it?vtlaxer09 (6:47:04 PM): gus**vtlaxer09 (6:47:17 PM): <---i suck at spellingjohn93999 (6:47:42 PM): no howard lettervtlaxer09 (6:47:53 PM): huh... never heard of him.. is he good?vtlaxer09 (6:48:47 PM): ok well if u dont reply in 3 seconds my offer is withdrawnvtlaxer09 (6:48:55 PM): ?vtlaxer09 (6:49:04 PM): well.... i guess thats it then... good dayjohn93999 (6:49:08 PM): hejohn93999 (6:49:09 PM): he sivtlaxer09 (6:49:18 PM): oh you're still here?john93999 (6:49:18 PM): my son was yelling at mevtlaxer09 (6:49:22 PM): u have a son?john93999 (6:49:27 PM): yeahvtlaxer09 (6:49:31 PM): how old is he?john93999 (6:49:33 PM): 5vtlaxer09 (6:49:40 PM): how old are you?john93999 (6:49:45 PM): 23vtlaxer09 (6:49:55 PM): are you employed?john93999 (6:49:58 PM): yesvtlaxer09 (6:50:02 PM): thats goodvtlaxer09 (6:50:27 PM): ok so... when u send a check to mevtlaxer09 (6:50:32 PM): i can send u the money on tiltvtlaxer09 (6:50:42 PM): full tilt*john93999 (6:50:55 PM): how do i send you a checkvtlaxer09 (6:51:01 PM): like... write a checkvtlaxer09 (6:51:08 PM): and then u can send it to my addressvtlaxer09 (6:51:12 PM): would you be willing to do that?john93999 (6:51:24 PM): paypal checkvtlaxer09 (6:51:38 PM): normal check via us postal servicejohn93999 (6:51:49 PM): ohjohn93999 (6:52:21 PM): what is our name on fulltiltvtlaxer09 (6:52:27 PM): my name?vtlaxer09 (6:52:44 PM): its "yougotpunked"john93999 (6:53:27 PM): your not online right nowvtlaxer09 (6:53:36 PM): really?john93999 (6:55:14 PM): so can i play for youjohn93999 (6:55:30 PM): i can ship you 70% of profitvtlaxer09 (6:55:38 PM): naw ill passvtlaxer09 (6:55:46 PM): good luck to you sirvtlaxer09 (6:55:50 PM): take care of your sonjohn93999 (6:55:59 PM): can i get a little help with the bonus unlock?john93999 (6:56:03 PM): ill do anythingvtlaxer09 (6:56:42 PM): suck my peepee?sigh.

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john93999 (6:52:21 PM): what is our name on fulltiltvtlaxer09 (6:52:27 PM): my name?vtlaxer09 (6:52:44 PM): its "yougotpunked"john93999 (6:53:27 PM): your not online right nowvtlaxer09 (6:53:36 PM): really?john93999 (6:55:14 PM): so can i play for youjohn93999 (6:55:30 PM): i can ship you 70% of profitvtlaxer09 (6:55:38 PM): naw ill passvtlaxer09 (6:55:46 PM): good luck to you sirvtlaxer09 (6:55:50 PM): take care of your sonjohn93999 (6:55:59 PM): can i get a little help with the bonus unlock?john93999 (6:56:03 PM): ill do anythingvtlaxer09 (6:56:42 PM): suck my peepee?sigh.
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take a picture of yourself with a sign that says 'i beg for money on ftp' and myself and vtlaxer09 will chip in and send you $10*this is not a joke*

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Hell, I am busto on Tilt as well. Anyone want to shoot me a dime for every post I have?
This would only get me a penny. (rounded up)
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take a picture of yourself with a sign that says 'i beg for money on ftp' and myself and vtlaxer09 will chip in and send you $10*this is not a joke*
totally stealing from 2+2
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If you write a coherent 100 word essay on the differences between the acting styles of two of America's greatest thespians, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. I will ship you $10. No more than 2 grammatical errors will be tolerated.Good Luck
so what can i do (needs punctuation) im just a little wana be trying to be on you guys poker level (needs punctuation) do you want to have a protce or how ever you spell it like danial does?
I suspect that he does not pass the test. :club:
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