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Awful Chop In The Sunday Million

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s0stndrd: chop?s0stndrd: yes or no im easy, just say the word boss :)vm1124: ill see what the chip shop would bes0stndrd: staff: chop?Dealer: The break will start when the current hand finishesStaffBryanS [Host]: You betcha.Dealer: Game #15704418923: vm1124 wins pot (1200000)Administrator: .The tournament has been paused to allow the remaining players to discuss a deal.StaffBryanS [Host]: There we go. Discuss if you wish, folks. :)vm1124: what would the chip chop be?vm1124: w/o the 30ks0stndrd: 50/50 with 30k for winner?vm1124: lol nos0stndrd: what do you want then?StaffBryanS [Host]: vm, you had asked for the numbers by chip count?vm1124: staff can i see chiop count numbers?StaffBryanS [Host]: certainlyStaffBryanS [Host]: two things to bear in mind, folks...s0stndrd: vm: well still play for 30k as the winner, but this way we both end up as winnersStaffBryanS [Host]: 1. chopping by chip count calculation is only one way of doing it .. you may of course continue to negotiate, reject, propose alternatives, etc.StaffBryanS [Host]: 2. you must leave $30,000 to the sidevm1124: ok lets just see the numbersStaffBryanS [Host]: having said that, based on chip count, the numbers would be:StaffBryanS [Host]: vm1124: $143,431StaffBryanS [Host]: s0stndrd: $136,672vm1124: ill take 150k thats itStaffBryanS [Host]: If you agree to these numbers, type "I agree"vm1124: and we play for the rests0stndrd: ill take that: vm?vm1124: i need to feed my familys0stndrd: tou're 6m in front, this way we both win matevm1124: 150k and and well play fro the rests0stndrd: look ill take 135k, you take 145k and we play for the rest?vm1124: na ill take 150kvm1124: nice and rounds0stndrd: and a beer if ever youre in australia! :)vm1124: ill buyt you a beervm1124: lets go mate ; )s0stndrd: alriught ill take 130k you 150k and we'll play f gor the restvm1124: 150k were all winnersvm1124: ok coolvm1124: ggs0stndrd: ok cool, bryan im downStaffBryanS [Host]: alrighty.. one moment, please.StaffBryanS [Host]: revised numbers:StaffBryanS [Host]: vm1124: $150,000StaffBryanS [Host]: s0stndrd: $130,102.98StaffBryanS [Host]: Type "I agree" if you do.s0stndrd: i agreevm1124: i agreeThey're basically even in chips (37m to 41m), the blinds are like 500k/1m, and the guy gives away a ton in the chop. I mean I guess he is guaranteed an extra 30k for sure, but if you're that close to +$200k without chopping, I don't know if it's worth it. The guy seems really solid and his opponent is super-aggro just waiting to be caught.Thoughts?

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s0stndrd: chop?s0stndrd: yes or no im easy, just say the word boss :)vm1124: ill see what the chip shop would bes0stndrd: staff: chop?Dealer: The break will start when the current hand finishesStaffBryanS [Host]: You betcha.Dealer: Game #15704418923: vm1124 wins pot (1200000)Administrator: .The tournament has been paused to allow the remaining players to discuss a deal.StaffBryanS [Host]: There we go. Discuss if you wish, folks. :)vm1124: what would the chip chop be?vm1124: w/o the 30ks0stndrd: 50/50 with 30k for winner?vm1124: lol nos0stndrd: what do you want then?StaffBryanS [Host]: vm, you had asked for the numbers by chip count?vm1124: staff can i see chiop count numbers?StaffBryanS [Host]: certainlyStaffBryanS [Host]: two things to bear in mind, folks...s0stndrd: vm: well still play for 30k as the winner, but this way we both end up as winnersStaffBryanS [Host]: 1. chopping by chip count calculation is only one way of doing it .. you may of course continue to negotiate, reject, propose alternatives, etc.StaffBryanS [Host]: 2. you must leave $30,000 to the sidevm1124: ok lets just see the numbersStaffBryanS [Host]: having said that, based on chip count, the numbers would be:StaffBryanS [Host]: vm1124: $143,431StaffBryanS [Host]: s0stndrd: $136,672vm1124: ill take 150k thats itStaffBryanS [Host]: If you agree to these numbers, type "I agree"vm1124: and we play for the rests0stndrd: ill take that: vm?vm1124: i need to feed my familys0stndrd: tou're 6m in front, this way we both win matevm1124: 150k and and well play fro the rests0stndrd: look ill take 135k, you take 145k and we play for the rest?vm1124: na ill take 150kvm1124: nice and rounds0stndrd: and a beer if ever youre in australia! :)vm1124: ill buyt you a beervm1124: lets go mate ; )s0stndrd: alriught ill take 130k you 150k and we'll play f gor the restvm1124: 150k were all winnersvm1124: ok coolvm1124: ggs0stndrd: ok cool, bryan im downStaffBryanS [Host]: alrighty.. one moment, please.StaffBryanS [Host]: revised numbers:StaffBryanS [Host]: vm1124: $150,000StaffBryanS [Host]: s0stndrd: $130,102.98StaffBryanS [Host]: Type "I agree" if you do.s0stndrd: i agreevm1124: i agreeThey're basically even in chips (37m to 41m), the blinds are like 500k/1m, and the guy gives away a ton in the chop. I mean I guess he is guaranteed an extra 30k for sure, but if you're that close to +$200k without chopping, I don't know if it's worth it. The guy seems really solid and his opponent is super-aggro just waiting to be caught.Thoughts?
i got to the table just in time to see this and i am in amazement..they are basically even and this guy just gave him and extra 7k..so sick..
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It looks like the sostandard guy is content with second place and would take any chop just as long as it was a little more than 2nd place money. He either was tired, not that confident in his poker skills compared to the other guy, didn't really care about the money, or a little bit dumb.

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I'd rather take second place money and play it out than to chop.wait, I'd rather chop than get second place money.wait, wait, I'd like to have this problem someday.

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obv scared money, wanted to lock up the 130k no matter what
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yeah I would have at least said "Ok forget it then we will just play it out then" And tried, if you are that scared you can always say ok nvm take 150k if he says lets play.

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Most players who have reached HU in the mill will be so delighted to have won that amount of money they aren't likely to argue for a few K either way if they can guarantee a large chunk for themselves. I bet most recreational players would do the same so don't be too quick to critisize. I say WD GG on the big score for him.

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that is surprising. I checked his stats though, and before he took the mil down he had a 1k profit and usually played the 11+ and 8+ tournaments. It was the first time he ever entered the SM. but still...

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StaffBryanS [Host]: s0stndrd: $130,102.98
thats the guy that busted troyomac with QQ versus Ray's AA. Dammmmit. If Ray wouldnt have gotten coolered that could easily have been him.
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looks like a nit who has never won anything before.i mean, it's a donkament...he knows he will never get back there again so go for the gold!and he is a nit. lol fighting over 7k...guarentee if that guy woulda been like "deal" duder woulda taken the proposed deal.- Jordan

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Who knows, maybe dropping $7k made him play better for the $30k? After he realized that maybe he'd been weak in the chop deal... And maybe the other guy, in his mind, thought 'great! I've just screwed this chump outta money, I'm so great, he's so weak', and then proceeded to not pay as much attention to the $30k still in the middle, as in his mind he'd already won that battle.Along with the fact that he was clearly happy enough to secure such a big payday.

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But I notice you haven't called yet
I want him to think I'm pondering a call, but all I'm really thinking about is Vegas and the fcking Mirage.
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