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Double Vpps And Fpps On Stars Today

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2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: GetSprung, Adam Junglenhai
Did not know he was a member here. Welcome. Checky it is too late (early?) to party :club:.
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this sucks... double FPP's today so I decide to throw in my usual weekend $10 to play some 1.75/18 SNGs and it turns out my other half maxed out our credit card this afternoon.Needless to say she's not in my good books for now... :club:

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FPP's are overrated imoThat being said I am gonna play a large volume for the next few hours to get a load :D 40 from a short session @ 10c/25c so far.
They're handy for players like me to try and satellite into a few tourneys but to use at their shop they suck! I certainly don't want a Chris Moneymaker poster! :club:
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FPP's are overrated imoThat being said I am gonna play a large volume for the next few hours to get a load :club: 40 from a short session @ 10c/25c so far.
They are ok to buy Porsche's with.
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FPP's are overrated imoThat being said I am gonna play a large volume for the next few hours to get a load :club: 40 from a short session @ 10c/25c so far.
Yes...I hate free stuff too.I need them to secure my bonus so I'll be puting in about 8 hours today.You know Darial Minnierieirieieiar (not looking up the speeling) got a free Porche with his FPP's. So far I've got about 600$, a leather jacket, toque, books, chips, shirt and currently have about 23k total fpp's so I for one like them! Gooooo PokerStars !
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yu guys see some of the 5k HU matches? guys were flipping for FPP's......ROFL, they have stopped them now.
do you mean they stopped having the 5k HU matches? b/c I cant find them now.
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yu guys see some of the 5k HU matches? guys were flipping for FPP's......ROFL, they have stopped them now.
So if they are at the platnum level they are paying $100 rake to get 2500 fpps. Seems kinda dumb to me unless you are true degenerate.
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