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Was Dan N Being A Ass?

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Wheres the dame trip report call log? Its been weeks!
DN talked to Balloon Guy about dames? Where are all the hotties at BG?? Surrender the information!!
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I might say Hi to Daniel if I ever saw him, but I don't think I would try to start a conversation. I mean what could I possibly say to him that is worth his time(apart from saying I am an FCP member)? He got much better things to do than talk to a fan. All I would probably say is 'I think you're amazing, I read your blog, I wish I was as good as you' which he has probably heard oh about eleventy billion times (and as far as I can see still isn't big headed). I would of course love to have an interesting coversation with him that he wanted to be part of, instead of just obliging, which is probably what he usually does.... unless I started talking about ice hockey? lol.

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I play at the COMMENCE all the time.Where the hell do you get commence from anyway? The R isn't even close to the N on the keyboard.
[x] good stuff[x] OP is obv a jackass... ...why does Daniel owe you the time of day to stand there and talk to you? He smiled and winked? that is pretty much the same thing as saying "hey what's up?"
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I should feel honored that danny D acknowledged me? are you guys freaking serious!?
I don't think they were.And you people need to stop saying 'chit chat'.
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I should feel honored that danny D acknowledged me? are you guys freaking serious!? you guys definitely are putting dan in a pedestal. I wasn't expecting a long conversation or a autograph (why people ask for autographs is still unknown to me) just more of a quick chet chat.
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