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Poker Training Videos

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I joined CR about a month and a half ago and it has helped me tremendously. Tons of good instruction, and will probably help you more the newer you are to poker (i.e. a 25NL player will probably learn more than someone already playing 600NL), but I cannot believe I played poker for as long as I did without using it.The biggest help for me was just seeing good solid players (and great ones too) talking through their thought process and learning just a few simple concepts that were probably obvious to everyone else, but for some reason I never picked up on.If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, or search for old posts about this (there have been a ton).Oh, and if you want to use me as a referral, that is cool too - user name: runlikepre36 :club:

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I just noticed tonight that you can use PSO to get a one year subscription to Stoxpoker by depositing 50 and getting 50 Party Points. I'm halfway to clearing this now, so I'll let you know how it is when I get in.Dev

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I thoroughly enjoy StoxPoker, mainly because there's at least some emphasis on LHE, as opposed to most other sites out there.They've got a good range of coaches now, as well, from Robert Williamson III for PLO to some guy who is a Razz expert, in addition to the obvious NL and LHE players.

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