Randy Reed 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 It's not any particular diet plan that was created by a professional. I just decided I'm only going to take in 1200 calories a day. Back when I first lost weight on a 1000 calorie diet a friend told he lost a lot of weight by doing that, so I did it and it worked. I didn't have any meal plan or anything. Back then I even limited myself to 10g of fat per day. This time I'm not worrying about how much fat I'm taking in within the 1200 calories because I know now that fat is necessary. This time I'm not stopping until I'm not a fat person anymore...and when I do stop I'm going to do it very carefully and still keep track of my calories as I increase my daily intake. I'm also never going to stop going to the gym. I'm NOT going to gain it back after I lose it. I'm trying my best to keep a good balance regarding what I eat. I eat as much protein as possible while still taking in a good amount of veggies and fruit. I also have a small amount of carbs every day, usually in the form of bread or rice. Pasta just doesn't seem like its worth the calories. I'm also trying to make sure I eat 5 times a day, but it doesn't always work out that way. Here is what I ate yesterday: Breakfast: 35 grapes - 120 calories Lunch (I ate half, and then waited 2 hours to eat the 2nd half): large salad with very little dressing - 100 calories est 1 salmon fillet - 450 calories est Dinner after my workout: 1/3 lb ground beef with no bun - 300 calories est 2/5 cup of white rice - 100 calories est 1 fried egg - 80 calories Total Calories: appx 1150 It's not perfect, but I think I have a good handle on it. I need to eat more early in the day. I intend to have some oatmeal or a boiled egg in the morning along with some fruit. Today I was busy in the morning and didn't eat anything for breakfast, and I know that's bad. I ended up eating only around 1000 calories today. I don't know if I made it clear or not but I just started with this particular diet last Wednesday, so I'm just finishing my 8th day. I'm aware that 2 lbs a week should be the target for a normal person, but for me I honestly don't care about that right now. Right now I'm pretty sure I'm in the morbidly obese range and its important for me to lose as much as I can as fast as I can. Once I get under maybe 275 I'll start carefully adding calories and try to target 2 lbs a week. Like I said, I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I know for sure I have a long way to go before I get there. I'll know when I'm close when my waistline gets to around 48 inches, which is what I think it was the last time I weighed that much. Oh and I'm 5'10'' and 30 years old. I don't really have a number in mind for a goal for my weight. I just want to get healthy and look good. Thanks. At the gym tonight I was able to add more speed again, and I'm actually getting stronger! Tonight on the chest press I was able to do more reps than I did with the same weight on the night before I started this diet. Every time I go to the gym I'm able to do something better than I did the last time I went. It's a really good feeling. I definitely feel like I'm already getting smaller too. I also have more energy. Aside from being hungry a bit more than most people would like, I feel absolutely great. I feel like at this rate I'll be showing some dramatic results within a couple months. I took some "before" pictures last week right after I started this. They're pretty shocking and disgusting lol, but I'll probably post them as a comparison after I see some good results.Thank you very much for taking the time to come up with that. I really appreciate it a lot, and I will use it. The links are also extremely helpful. As far as abs go, I think I can work on them on the floor at home for now, right?Definately add some protien and carbs to each meal, especially the breakfast. Kashi is a great breakfast food and for my tip you can take a whole weat English muffin, (toasted or not) and add some fat free cream cheese. Scrambled eggs are great, but use 1 whole egg and just the whites of 4 or5 other eggs.I would also stay away from white rice and use brown. White rice is high glycemic. Now you can buy rice in the microwave packets, (90 seconds) and it cooks great. I usually buy the regular though and cook it with a little thyme and small amount of butter. I never buy margarine, though Bummel and Brown makes a good yogurt based butter.Also protien powder can be made into a ton of desserts using pudding mixes. I'll have to dig up my protien pancake recipe, haha.It's good to see everyone so involved. I am also a coffee addict since I get up so early for my workouts. It's probably the one thing I couldn't give up.Oh yeah, pictures. Before I started I told the wife repeatedly I wanted to take some and never did which I really regret. In 7 months i've changed my whole physique and I really wish I had them to compare.I'm still into training for the 5k. I am running it every other day and it's finally getting to the point where it isn't killing me, lol. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 Awesome! Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 Come on folks let the fun tips flow........Share your secrets! Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 Fun Tip: wanna be a mma master bad as.s train your gripp and wrist! Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 I thought season two was excellent and showed way more depth than season one. I hope season three continues with the quality of characters in season two.cool, i really enjoyed season 1. I think the appeal for guys is that we all want to be Hank Moody. Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky777 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 Best thing is to do cardio on its own day. But if you lift and do cardio on the same day, I suggest to do the lifting first. Reason being, if you do your cardio first thing, you wont have as much energy for lifting. All depends on what your goals are. Link to post Share on other sites
dapokerbum 0 Posted September 18, 2009 Share Posted September 18, 2009 Best thing is to do cardio on its own day. But if you lift and do cardio on the same day, I suggest to do the lifting first. Reason being, if you do your cardio first thing, you wont have as much energy for lifting. All depends on what your goals are.I disagree. This is assuming that you would be training harder at cardio than at lifting which is a fallacy in some cases. I would say that if you are going to do both on the same day then break it out for a morning session and an evening session. That way there is some rest between the two. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 19, 2009 Share Posted September 19, 2009 Best thing is to do cardio on its own day. But if you lift and do cardio on the same day, I suggest to do the lifting first. Reason being, if you do your cardio first thing, you wont have as much energy for lifting. All depends on what your goals are. Excellent Status Quo advice. Welcome to the thread! Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 19, 2009 Share Posted September 19, 2009 I disagree. This is assuming that you would be training harder at cardio than at lifting which is a fallacy in some cases. I would say that if you are going to do both on the same day then break it out for a morning session and an evening session. That way there is some rest between the two.excellent advance advice for advance ppl or to those who are training for specific events. Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted September 19, 2009 Share Posted September 19, 2009 Fun Tip: wanna be a mma master bad as.s train your gripp and wrist!fo sheezy, throw your gi over a pull up bar and grab the lapel and do pull ups with it that way Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 19, 2009 Share Posted September 19, 2009 fo sheezy, throw your gi over a pull up bar and grab the lapel and do pull ups with it that wayI havent' attempted a pull up in over 30 years, maybe 35 and I don't have a gi but if I find a place I'll try one. Probably just one. Oh who knows, maybe I can do 2 or 3. Link to post Share on other sites
gooch 0 Posted September 19, 2009 Share Posted September 19, 2009 I havent' attempted a pull up in over 30 years, maybe 35 and I don't have a gi but if I find a place I'll try one. Probably just one. Oh who knows, maybe I can do 2 or 3.you can use a towel too, though not as good as you get more to hold with the towel Link to post Share on other sites
Suited_Up 2 Posted September 19, 2009 Share Posted September 19, 2009 Best thing is to do cardio on its own day. But if you lift and do cardio on the same day, I suggest to do the lifting first. Reason being, if you do your cardio first thing, you wont have as much energy for lifting. All depends on what your goals are.I've heard that it's because doing weights first will burn off your food energy and at the same time give u enery to lift, leaving the cardio to burn mainly fat. Link to post Share on other sites
avsfan 0 Posted September 20, 2009 Share Posted September 20, 2009 Welcome Back Goooooooooch!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 21, 2009 Share Posted September 21, 2009 Ran Saturday, did upper body Sunday and rode my bike to Walgreens. The trek isn't far but the hill is a real beotch. Don't knowif that effected me or what but running this morning was tough for some reason. I started good but struggled on the last mile. I didn'tquit and pushed it towards the end but ugh, pretty tough. I'm glad I did it and had the kahunas not to quit or walk. I guess it's like a baseball pitcher, you don't always have your A game.Oh and I ate like shit or else really good over the weekend depending on your perspective. Link to post Share on other sites
SBriand 4 Posted September 22, 2009 Share Posted September 22, 2009 So I stupidly started this couch to running thing right before my big vacation. Well it didn't seem stupid at the time since I knew my vacation would include physical activities that are good for me and maybe even beneficial.So we went to Mackinac Island. Don't know how many are familiar but it is an island located at the top of Michigan. No cars allowed. Just horses and bikes. Okay they have a Ambulance but other than that, no vehicles. First day there was a lot of walking and an 8 mile bike ride around the island. Not bad. Second day was a more strenuous bike ride. It was another 8 miles but mostly on the trails in the middle of the island which means hills, a lot of them. It was a decent workout and fun at the same time. The next day our asses hurt so we did about 6 miles inside the island on foot. This I think was the downfall. When I got home I was excited to see that my nike+ and pouch came. Now I can track everything, set goals, and since I am sucker for this type of stuff it will motivate me more than anything else. I was really excited and the next day I went out and tried it. You have to calibrate it first so .25 miles walking and then .25 miles running. Walking was great. Running was the killer. My knees felt like they were going to explode. My ankles were achy as well. After calibrating I sucked it up and started to do my normal routine. 5 mile walk then 60 sec run, 90 sec walk, for 25 minutes. I didn't get far, the pain was intense, I thought the joints in my knees were going to burst. I only did .63 miles in around 14min I think. That was Friday. My ankles and knees still hurt. I am thinking shoes? Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 22, 2009 Share Posted September 22, 2009 So I stupidly started this couch to running thing right before my big vacation. Well it didn't seem stupid at the time since I knew my vacation would include physical activities that are good for me and maybe even beneficial.So we went to Mackinac Island. Don't know how many are familiar but it is an island located at the top of Michigan. No cars allowed. Just horses and bikes. Okay they have a Ambulance but other than that, no vehicles. First day there was a lot of walking and an 8 mile bike ride around the island. Not bad. Second day was a more strenuous bike ride. It was another 8 miles but mostly on the trails in the middle of the island which means hills, a lot of them. It was a decent workout and fun at the same time. The next day our asses hurt so we did about 6 miles inside the island on foot. This I think was the downfall. When I got home I was excited to see that my nike+ and pouch came. Now I can track everything, set goals, and since I am sucker for this type of stuff it will motivate me more than anything else. I was really excited and the next day I went out and tried it. You have to calibrate it first so .25 miles walking and then .25 miles running. Walking was great. Running was the killer. My knees felt like they were going to explode. My ankles were achy as well. After calibrating I sucked it up and started to do my normal routine. 5 mile walk then 60 sec run, 90 sec walk, for 25 minutes. I didn't get far, the pain was intense, I thought the joints in my knees were going to burst. I only did .63 miles in around 14min I think. That was Friday. My ankles and knees still hurt. I am thinking shoes?Probably, along with the fact that you just aren't used to it. I did alot of research before buying my new running shoes and decided on Adidas Supernova Sequence. They have a sequenceII model out this year but the old ones are about the same. I got mine for $59 at an outlet store but they can be had for about the same online. I was just telling the wife how much I love them and probably couldn't be doing what I am without them. They fit like a sleeve, have geat support. My old ones seemed like I could never get adjusted right, too tight or to loose, etc. Outsideonline voted them best buy as well. Link to post Share on other sites
socalpoker_j 1 Posted September 22, 2009 Share Posted September 22, 2009 Haven't read through everything, but some of the plans I've read are pretty lol. Good job to everyone else for keeping with it. I'm still cross training jiu-jitsu w/weights and added kettlebells. I've also started a new type of yoga/bodyweight/cardio fusion system called ginastica natural. Link to post Share on other sites
Vertigo 0 Posted September 23, 2009 Share Posted September 23, 2009 Sorry to cut in 116 pages in, but I'm starting a regiment of my own and I would appreciate some tips/advice. I am actually a bit underweight, and looking to put on some weight. I've had a TERRIBLE diet for probably a good ten years (since I left home), and despite eating a ton of garbage and not really exercising, can't seem to put on much weight. I have a ridiculous metabolism, and although I don't eat nearly enough, even when I do, it really makes no long term difference. I also smoke/would like to quit, and I feel that will help a lot. Is there a particular page in this thread I should refer to? Anyone else in the process of doing the same thing? Thus far, I've bought some protein shake mix (high carbs/fat as recommended for me at the health store). I'm wondering what type of cardio I should start with to get my lungs back, slowly but safely. Also what sort of working out to start building a bit of muscle. Not looking to get huge, just wanna put on about 20-25 lbs or so to start. Thanks in advance. Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 23, 2009 Share Posted September 23, 2009 Sorry to cut in 116 pages in, but I'm starting a regiment of my own and I would appreciate some tips/advice. I am actually a bit underweight, and looking to put on some weight. I've had a TERRIBLE diet for probably a good ten years (since I left home), and despite eating a ton of garbage and not really exercising, can't seem to put on much weight. I have a ridiculous metabolism, and although I don't eat nearly enough, even when I do, it really makes no long term difference. I also smoke/would like to quit, and I feel that will help a lot. Is there a particular page in this thread I should refer to? Anyone else in the process of doing the same thing? Thus far, I've bought some protein shake mix (high carbs/fat as recommended for me at the health store). I'm wondering what type of cardio I should start with to get my lungs back, slowly but safely. Also what sort of working out to start building a bit of muscle. Not looking to get huge, just wanna put on about 20-25 lbs or so to start. Thanks in advance.No problem but I am not qualified to really answer the question. avs will though. I do know there is a BMR calculator a few pages back that will lead you to find out how many calories per day to eat. I'm sure adding muscle by weight training will a key as well.I kinda overdid my lower body workout yesterday. I've been skipping the lower body weights alot and doing other core type exercises along with squats and bosu etc., but I did a pretty strong weight day yesterday and then ran 3.5 miles this morning. I run to a certain mailbox and turn around and then each time I go to the next mailbox to eventually get to 5 miles. My legs were real tight from the weights and now after running this morning they're really sore, especially my inner thigh area. When I try to stand I must look like a 90 year old getting out of the chair. Link to post Share on other sites
Flushgarden 0 Posted September 24, 2009 Share Posted September 24, 2009 This should help you with your diet; http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/biggest-loser-diet It will show you a better break of how to do what you are currently doing and it is inline with you current 1200 calorie plan. The most important thing about working out is to always progress forward, an extra rep, some more weight, increased speed, etc.....progress. progress. progress! It must be made. I was debating about this last night but I would like you do the program I planned out for 3 months. Then do the same plan but all the exercises for 6 sets of 10-12 reps for the next 3 months. And hen do the same plan but all the exercises for 9 sets of 8-10 reps for the final 3 months. Then Depending on where your at we will start a free weight program. Can you currently perform this exercise; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ar2iRusnnc with correct form? I tried that but it's a bit rough on my knees. I tore my ACL in high school (which led to a major weight gain that I haven't fully recovered from) and every time I put pressure on my left knee it's still pretty painful. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't weigh as much. Other than that everything is still going extremely well for me. I had a bit of a hiccup last saturday when I had a few jagerbombs (ok it was 5 lol) and then after I was a bit drunk I ate a little more than I should, but it wasn't too bad. Counting the jagerbombs I had about 2200 calories that day which is still well under my maintenance. It's been 15 days now, and that is the only day I've had any slip at all. The gym is going well. I love being on a routine. Last night I shattered another personal best on the treadmill. I'm also still feeling like I'm getting stronger, and I'm going to start adding weight on a lot of machines. Also, Gooooooo Flushgarden, I admire your resolve. I know you can reach your goal. Thanks, I appreciate the support. Flush, I have a tip for you; The thing usually paired with an extreme diet to accelerate drastic weigh loss is to walk 5 miles a day on the tread mill, . I hope that helps. If you do that you may want to put off working out till later. No way I can do 5 miles yet...but if my stamina keeps increasing at it's current rate it wont be long. I need to find better shoes though. My feet are quite sore on the days after I have a long walk.Definately add some protien and carbs to each meal, especially the breakfast. Kashi is a great breakfast food and for my tip you can take a whole weat English muffin, (toasted or not) and add some fat free cream cheese. Scrambled eggs are great, but use 1 whole egg and just the whites of 4 or5 other eggs.I would also stay away from white rice and use brown. White rice is high glycemic. Now you can buy rice in the microwave packets, (90 seconds) and it cooks great. I usually buy the regular though and cook it with a little thyme and small amount of butter. I never buy margarine, though Bummel and Brown makes a good yogurt based butter.Also protien powder can be made into a ton of desserts using pudding mixes. I'll have to dig up my protien pancake recipe, haha.It's good to see everyone so involved. I am also a coffee addict since I get up so early for my workouts. It's probably the one thing I couldn't give up.Oh yeah, pictures. Before I started I told the wife repeatedly I wanted to take some and never did which I really regret. In 7 months i've changed my whole physique and I really wish I had them to compare.I'm still into training for the 5k. I am running it every other day and it's finally getting to the point where it isn't killing me, lol.Yeah I know white rice isn't the best. It's just so easy because I've pretty much been adopted by my wife's family, and they're asian, so there's always a big pot of it already cooked. lol I've gotten used to eating it with every meal. I'll buy some brown rice and cook it on my own...or stay away from rice as much as possible.I'd love to see that protein pancake recipe. lolThanks everyone, I appreciate the advice and support. Link to post Share on other sites
SBriand 4 Posted September 24, 2009 Share Posted September 24, 2009 Actually bought some new regular everyday shoes and my knees, ankles, and hips are much better. I should be good to go tonight or tomorrow. Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted September 24, 2009 Share Posted September 24, 2009 I tried that but it's a bit rough on my knees. I tore my ACL in high school (which led to a major weight gain that I haven't fully recovered from) and every time I put pressure on my left knee it's still pretty painful. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't weigh as much. Other than that everything is still going extremely well for me. I had a bit of a hiccup last saturday when I had a few jagerbombs (ok it was 5 lol) and then after I was a bit drunk I ate a little more than I should, but it wasn't too bad. Counting the jagerbombs I had about 2200 calories that day which is still well under my maintenance. It's been 15 days now, and that is the only day I've had any slip at all. The gym is going well. I love being on a routine. Last night I shattered another personal best on the treadmill. I'm also still feeling like I'm getting stronger, and I'm going to start adding weight on a lot of machines. Thanks, I appreciate the support. No way I can do 5 miles yet...but if my stamina keeps increasing at it's current rate it wont be long. I need to find better shoes though. My feet are quite sore on the days after I have a long walk.Yeah I know white rice isn't the best. It's just so easy because I've pretty much been adopted by my wife's family, and they're asian, so there's always a big pot of it already cooked. lol I've gotten used to eating it with every meal. I'll buy some brown rice and cook it on my own...or stay away from rice as much as possible.I'd love to see that protein pancake recipe. lolThanks everyone, I appreciate the advice and support.It's good to have a cheat day once in a while so you don't feel deprived and then fall off the wagon completely when you can't take it anymore. I'm chinese, my wife is chinese, ironically i don't love white rice so I don't eat it too much. Good to see you are still motivated. keep it up, i look forward to your posts. as for me, i worked out in the morning for the first time ever on a weekday today. didn't do much though because it took me longer to get to the gym than i thought with the traffic in the morning. did some bench then ran 1 mile in 7:50. I could prob do it a bit faster but for me the time was pretty good. I didn't have time to run more than that so I just ran faster than usual but a shorter distance. I'd like to at least do 3 miles/5k next time. Link to post Share on other sites
Randy Reed 0 Posted September 24, 2009 Share Posted September 24, 2009 Okay I was really sore last night and got up this morning but it was a no go for the first time in a while. I have (have for a while) something wrong with my shoulder. I can do push ups or shoulder presses straight up but my right arm doesn't go back. I couldn't throw a football if I had to. I was having some upper back problems but the chiroquack fixed that for a while but it's back hurting again. That and my legs were very sore. I think it's time to take a day off. I have a chiro appointment in the morning. My legs are feeling alot better and well, i've been living with the shoulder so what the hell.My recent thoughts on running.I have decided that it is turning into the biggest love/hate thing i've ever encountered. At times while running I hate it and question the whole idea of even doing it. Isn't this is why we invented the goddam wheel? On the other hand there's time where I get in the zoneand love it. I can't wait to run tommorow. It's no wonder there are so many sayings involving run. Run the tableRun the mover (ha)Run it upRun him downrunning scaredrunning freeI'll stop before I run on...edit: Since I started looking at calories a few weeks back i've tightened the diet up a little and have seen some results weight and BF%. I was hovering around 166 to 168 and have been at 163.something the last 3 days. I need to keep it there and not regress and hopefully get to 160 in the next month. Link to post Share on other sites
Flushgarden 0 Posted September 25, 2009 Share Posted September 25, 2009 Tonight I again shattered my treadmill record. 3 weeks ago I could only walk for 10 minutes without stopping. Tonight I walked for an entire hour nonstop. It might not seem like much for you guys but for me it represents a great deal of progress. I'm very proud of it. When I started my goal was to be able to walk for 30 minutes by the end of this month. The only bad thing is I now have giant blisters on my feet, and I'm probably going to have to stay away from the treadmill for a few days. I need to find some good shoes to walk, and eventually jog in. I have wide feet so it's hard to find a good fit. It's good to have a cheat day once in a while so you don't feel deprived and then fall off the wagon completely when you can't take it anymore. I'm chinese, my wife is chinese, ironically i don't love white rice so I don't eat it too much. Good to see you are still motivated. keep it up, i look forward to your posts.It's very hard for my wife's family to have any meal without white rice. lol I've gotten so that I even look for it in the morning at breakfast if I have and/or any kind of breakfast meat. It's really great when they take the leftover rice from the night before and fry it up with sausage and eggs. Link to post Share on other sites
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