Potomophobia 17 Posted February 1, 2008 Author Share Posted February 1, 2008 Obama has always had my vote.An intelligent man who isn't poisoned by the system.Just what this country needs. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted February 1, 2008 Share Posted February 1, 2008 Obama has always had my vote.An intelligent man who isn't poisoned by the system.Just what this country needs. It makes me SO happy to hear others say that and feel the same way I do. This country NEEDS him, and needs him this term. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted February 1, 2008 Share Posted February 1, 2008 It makes me SO happy to hear others say that and feel the same way I do. This country NEEDS him, and needs him this term.Then my phone call won't make you happy Link to post Share on other sites
Franchise632 0 Posted February 1, 2008 Share Posted February 1, 2008 It makes me SO happy to hear others say that and feel the same way I do. This country NEEDS him, and needs him this term.This country really need Ron Paul but the citizens of this country are not ready for him. It sucks that he is treated as badly as he was last night...but I am gonna stick with Obama like I did when I say him speak for the first time in 2004. Link to post Share on other sites
tracyo 0 Posted February 3, 2008 Share Posted February 3, 2008 Who are you going to vote for? If you aren't sure try taking this quiz. Thinking about next year's election ... already made up your mind? still deciding? try this fascinating website! Takes about 1-2 minutes. Having trouble deciding who to vote for in 2008? This will compare your answers with ALL candidates. I found this to be of interest .... Click on the website below http://www.wqad.com/Global/link.asp?L=259460 Link to post Share on other sites
pokerdan97 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 Obama is just another CFR member who won't change the important things that need to be changed. These great CFR members are the ones who are pushing this SPP and "building a north american community" without WE THE PEOPLE'S consent. Since when did we elect the CFR to direct our lifes ? Link to post Share on other sites
milestodavid 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 Even though my state didn't matter, Barack Obama had my vote in Florida as I have always been an avid supporter of his. It was his speech at the 2004 DNC that made me a political science major and so passionately involved in my support. I'm now in my 3rd and most exciting year in college as I have been deeply involved in campaign coverage from all aspects of media. With that being said, Obama will be a great President for this country. Every reason I can site lies here in the bickering in this forum. From republicans in this forum calling democrats "crazy" and democrats calling republicans "Rush Jr.", it only fuels why Barack Obama should be President. Divisive politics do not get us anywhere in this country, as is apparent when we look at the past two years of an isolated Executive and a stubborn Congress; nothing can get done. It is only in times of crisis (such as the looming recession) that Washington can come together and put partisanship aside to actually achieve positive legislation. Is that the way our country should work? Barack Obama doesn't think so.By reaching across party lines we can achieve great things. By talking to not only our friends, but our enemies as well, we can achieve great things. Yes we can change. Yes we can heal this country. Yes we can seize our future.www.myspace.com/fkndavid24 for blogs on this campaign. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 Even though my state didn't matter, Barack Obama had my vote in Florida as I have always been an avid supporter of his. It was his speech at the 2004 DNC that made me a political science major and so passionately involved in my support. I'm now in my 3rd and most exciting year in college as I have been deeply involved in campaign coverage from all aspects of media. With that being said, Obama will be a great President for this country. Every reason I can site lies here in the bickering in this forum. From republicans in this forum calling democrats "crazy" and democrats calling republicans "Rush Jr.", it only fuels why Barack Obama should be President. Divisive politics do not get us anywhere in this country, as is apparent when we look at the past two years of an isolated Executive and a stubborn Congress; nothing can get done. It is only in times of crisis (such as the looming recession) that Washington can come together and put partisanship aside to actually achieve positive legislation. Is that the way our country should work? Barack Obama doesn't think so.By reaching across party lines we can achieve great things. By talking to not only our friends, but our enemies as well, we can achieve great things. Yes we can change. Yes we can heal this country. Yes we can seize our future.www.myspace.com/fkndavid24 for blogs on this campaign.This attitude scares me the most about a Democrat in office. Fanatical Islam wants ALL non belivers DEAD. They preach lying and deception and murder as long as it is for the greater movement... devotion to Allah, Islam and the Koran. All non believers should be converted or killed.Period.There is no amount of talking to these crazy bastards.Who ever ends up president, either party, will have to deal with this murderous idealism till the end of time and huggin it out just isn't going to cut it this time around. Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 You really need to quit laughing your ass off you annoying little punk.I doubt he has much ass left after all the laughing it off he's been doing. Link to post Share on other sites
milestodavid 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 This attitude scares me the most about a Democrat in office. Fanatical Islam wants ALL non belivers DEAD. They preach lying and deception and murder as long as it is for the greater movement... devotion to Allah, Islam and the Koran. All non believers should be converted or killed.Period.There is no amount of talking to these crazy bastards.Who ever ends up president, either party, will have to deal with this murderous idealism till the end of time and huggin it out just isn't going to cut it this time around.So by talking to our enemies we are "huggin it out"? I find that logic greatly flawed. If we talk to radical Islamics does that mean we agree with their cause? I find this hard to believe. By talking to our enemies we are able to bridge the gap of moral isolationism and unprovoked military intervention that has been exemplified by this administration. It is exactly your mentality that frightens me about a Republican in office. Are we to stay in Iraq for 100 years as John McCain said? I'm sure that wont piss the Middle East off anymore. Seriously, the fact that our focus has shifted from Afghanistan scares me, as we see what has happened in Pakistan. That is why I want a leader like Barack Obama in office, because he is able to address these problems rationally, not by being a dove or a hawk. Can I see your sources on "Fanatic Islam"? Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 So by talking to our enemies we are "huggin it out"? I find that logic greatly flawed. If we talk to radical Islamics does that mean we agree with their cause? I find this hard to believe. By talking to our enemies we are able to bridge the gap of moral isolationism and unprovoked military intervention that has been exemplified by this administration. It is exactly your mentality that frightens me about a Republican in office. Are we to stay in Iraq for 100 years as John McCain said? I'm sure that wont piss the Middle East off anymore. Seriously, the fact that our focus has shifted from Afghanistan scares me, as we see what has happened in Pakistan. That is why I want a leader like Barack Obama in office, because he is able to address these problems rationally, not by being a dove or a hawk. Can I see your sources on "Fanatic Islam"?More than likely his sources are the stupid email chain letters that have been circulating the internet, Rush Limbaugh with a dose of Soldier of Fortune magazine. Islam isn't the only place where fanatics grow. Link to post Share on other sites
Greentvdinner 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 I too had hoped to see Obama make president (yes I am Canadian but it matters to us because the US has so much of an influence on us). However, I read the article below and it makes me think. I still think Obama is a good choice but some of his glitter has been lost for me. As published in the Toronto Sun: Michael CorenSat, January 26, 2008 Start the scrutiny By MICHAEL COREN I am not an American and cannot vote in any U.S. election. If I could, however, I would vote for virtually anyone other than Barack Obama. Not because of his colour. Condoleezza Rice, for example, would make an outstanding president of the United States. No, it is because Obama is affiliated with racists and bigots. Almost 20 years ago he became a member of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. There he gave his support to a program the church calls a Black Value System, which has nothing to do with Christianity, but encourages the separation of the races. At its best the philosophy encourages the empowerment of black America. At its worst it blames white people for every problem in the black community and tells adherents that they must not be "captive" to white society. Most worrying is the preacher at the church, Jeremiah Wright, who is not only Obama's "spiritual guide," but also baptized his daughters and advises him as he attempts to become the most powerful politician in the world. Speaking of Africa, Wright has said that he and his followers, "remain true to our native land, the mother continent" and Obama's church has given militant racist and anti-Semitic rabble-rouser Louis Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award. More than this, Wright actually went to Libya with Farrakhan for a personal audience with controversial Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, who has been linked by some to international terrorism against civilian targets. Obama frequently praises Wright and Wright frequently praises Farrakhan, who has said that, "Hitler was a very great man," whites are "blue-eyed devils" and "these false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood. It's the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality." He has referred to Asians as "bloodsuckers" and made the most vitriolic comments about gay men and women. So Obama's church is hardly the stuff of mainstream Christianity. Obama himself was raised by two Muslim fathers and attended an Islamic school in Indonesia. His Kenyan brother, Abongo Roy Obama, is still a Muslim and has stated that black people must free themselves from, "the poisoning influences of European culture." Barack Obama may despise his brother's opinions, but he has never said so. He may disappprove of preacher Wright's extreme afrocentrism and close association with a racist madman, but if he does he says precious little about it and continues to praise Wright and to laud the man's influence whenever he can. Yet he receives little criticism about all this. Can we imagine Hilary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney or any other candidate being let off so lightly? What appears to make the horribly inexperienced and lightweight Obama so immune to criticism is, paradoxically, his colour. As a black man he escapes the criticism so routinely thrown at his white rivals, which is racism. All people should be treated equally, irrespective of colour, class and creed. For Obama to be apparently allowed such indulgences and so many worrying and worryingly close connections is patronizing and unhelpful. Perhaps we can only hope that Oprah Winfrey holds a rally or broadcasts a week of shows holding her new friend up to scrutiny and telling him off for being so close to so many nasty racists. Otherwise we might think that there was a double standard out there. Surely not! Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 That is why I want a leader like Barack Obama in office, because he is able to address these problems rationally I do admire your high ideals; part of being young is thinking you can change the world…and some times that maybe true. Unfortunately for all of us this is not one those times. The Middle East has been virtually in constant turmoil since recorded history has existed and it isn’t going to change. There are no good answers for the situation. I do believe this. When dealing with a fanatic you fight the fights you have to, stay out of the way when you can and hit back twice as hard if you are attacked. Unfortunately we are in a fight that we have fight right now. Even if we don’t want to it is too late to leave.One question, what has Obama ever lead us through? To the best of my knowledge you have to be in charge of something to lead…I still lean towards governors as presidential candidates more then senators…at least they have some experience in being the boss!! Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 There are some of us that are inclined to vote for Obama that will NEVER vote for Hilary. Democrats need to get that through their heads. If Hilary's the candidate, we'll go vote somewhere else, be it for the Republican or in my case for an independent. She is just that divisive a candidate. And no amount of sugar-coating her is going to change my mind. I'd love to see a woman president as long as it's NOT Hilary Clinton. Link to post Share on other sites
milestodavid 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 I do admire your high ideals; part of being young is thinking you can change the world…and some times that maybe true. Unfortunately for all of us this is not one those times. The Middle East has been virtually in constant turmoil since recorded history has existed and it isn’t going to change. There are no good answers for the situation. I do believe this. When dealing with a fanatic you fight the fights you have to, stay out of the way when you can and hit back twice as hard if you are attacked. Unfortunately we are in a fight that we have fight right now. Even if we don’t want to it is too late to leave.One question, what has Obama ever lead us through? To the best of my knowledge you have to be in charge of something to lead…I still lean towards governors as presidential candidates more then senators…at least they have some experience in being the boss!!Well when it comes down to Senator McCain, Senator Obama, or Senator Clinton, what is the choice? Part of being young is being able to change the world. With Obama as our voice, who is to say our generation can't change things? We are far more tolerant than any other generation that has ever grown up in America allowing us to believe in a candidate like a Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Although young on the national scene, Barack was a leader in the inner cities in Chicago and in the Illinois State Senate, crossing party lines to achieve legislation. Read "The Audacity of Hope", anyone critical of Obama must see what he has to say before they can accurately assume his potential failure as leader. I'll even send you the audio book since I have it, just ask. Link to post Share on other sites
mr_english 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 I cant vote but know who I would vote for if I could, but it's not important, I do love how everybody gets so bitchy when it comes to who is best, then no matter who gets in it all goes to hell anyway. That said try this, this link will take you to the KIRO radio web site, scroll down and take the super tuesday quiz, this is possibly the most accurate of all I have seen so far this election period (its a sad state but true)http://www.mynorthwest.com/?nid=2 Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 More than likely his sources are the stupid email chain letters that have been circulating the internet, Rush Limbaugh with a dose of Soldier of Fortune magazine. Islam isn't the only place where fanatics grow.Damn... you NAILED IT man. Good job.Forgive the stereotyping but this just smacks of "classic" liberal arrogance, assuming any view other than yours is flawed and that "his sources" is nothing more than talk show right wing propaganda programed into a mindless zero I.Q.'d war machine republican robot.Dude, get a clue. Seriously, wake up man. Do some research on your own, I don't have time to educate you to what everyone else already knows as fact. The next president, and the next, and the next, are going to have to deal with this. And (sadly) I'll bet everything I own that this will not end at any negotiation table.But debating you here, attempting to sway your beliefs and opinion to my point of view, is as pointless and futile as trying to talk the terrorists out of wanting to kill us. Link to post Share on other sites
checkymcfold 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 This attitude scares me the most about a Democrat in office. Fanatical Islam wants ALL non belivers DEAD. They preach lying and deception and murder as long as it is for the greater movement... devotion to Allah, Islam and the Koran. All non believers should be converted or killed.Period.There is no amount of talking to these crazy bastards.Who ever ends up president, either party, will have to deal with this murderous idealism till the end of time and huggin it out just isn't going to cut it this time around.this applies to pretty much any noun you throw "fanatical" in front of. islam, christianity, yankees fans, etc. js. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 this applies to pretty much any noun you throw "fanatical" in front of. islam, christianity, yankees fans, etc. js.Go away Jamie, you're much to smart for this.(and dont give me crap, I'm hoping Obama wins the nom) Link to post Share on other sites
checkymcfold 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 Go away Jamie, you're much to smart for this.no. :)honestly, though, my ideal ticket is something like obama/edwards, with mccain as the secretary of defense.and i actually think that hillary would do a better job as president (albeit marginally) than obama--i just don't like the fact that she's so polarizing (which i don't understand the reasons behind, but she is, nevertheless), and obama has a way with words that is oddly reminiscent of JFK in terms of how it might inspire young people to actually get involved in politics again. i don't think we've had a leader in a LONG time that was at all capable of doing that, even if i think he may not be the best candidate solely in terms of policy. Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 Damn... you NAILED IT man. Good job.Forgive the stereotyping but this just smacks of "classic" liberal arrogance, assuming any view other than yours is flawed and that "his sources" is nothing more than talk show right wing propaganda programed into a mindless zero I.Q.'d war machine republican robot.Dude, get a clue. Seriously, wake up man. Do some research on your own, I don't have time to educate you to what everyone else already knows as fact. The next president, and the next, and the next, are going to have to deal with this. And (sadly) I'll bet everything I own that this will not end at any negotiation table.But debating you here, attempting to sway your beliefs and opinion to my point of view, is as pointless and futile as trying to talk the terrorists out of wanting to kill us.Lol I'm not a man or a dude. And I've done a great deal of research not only this election cycle but probably more cycles than you've been alive. At least if you're the median age on this forum anyway. I have just as much problems with the fanatical left as the fanatical right wings of either party. In fact, I pretty much have problems with both parties. That's probably why I will be voting for Bloomberg if he runs and he's not a clone of either side. But living in one of the most conservative counties in Montana has put me at odds with a great number of the right wing crazies out there that want to fill the Muslims with pork filled bullets. That's just one of the nutty ideas that's circulated out here. And certainly the post I referred to smacks of that type of ideology. Link to post Share on other sites
checkymcfold 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 can we just stop using the term fanatical with regard to anything political? seriously? all it does is marginalize people like kucinich and paul who are probably more true to their party's principles than any of the mainstream candidates (or at the very least the most logically consistent candidates on either side), makes us sound retarded when we talk about world affairs, and pretty much makes it impossible to converse with anyone about anything since it reduces all discussion to mere namecalling. Link to post Share on other sites
whatgreatis 0 Posted February 5, 2008 Share Posted February 5, 2008 can we just stop using the term fanatical with regard to anything political? seriously? all it does is marginalize people like kucinich and paul who are probably more true to their party's principles than any of the mainstream candidates (or at the very least the most logically consistent candidates on either side), makes us sound retarded when we talk about world affairs, and pretty much makes it impossible to converse with anyone about anything since it reduces all discussion to mere namecalling.QFT! In everything he's said on this page.Obama/Edwards FTW! Link to post Share on other sites
seasghost 0 Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 I'm really not sure why people dislike Hilary Clinton so much. I actually hear people say they "hate" her. Yes she voted for the war, and that was wrong, but do people really think that she's going to do worse than Bush Jr? I really think that Clinton will be honest with the American people, much more honest than Bush has been in the past eight years. Senator Clinton is the only candidate with any type of comprehensive health care plan. I don't know how many people are aware of this, but health care in this country is a serious problem. The republicans aren't really addressing this . Yes Senator Clinton hasn't been truly honest in the past. Everything from voting for the war going all the way back to the whole Whitewater thing she and her husband were involved in. She hasn't been completely honest, but what politician has?I like Ron Paul's stance on the war. I like the fact that his policies are the most faithful to the Constitution, but a lot of his policies are out there, like wanting to get rid of the IRS, FEMA, and other government organizations and really just leaving everything up to states. Those policies just don't seem very practical to me.Huckabee raised his hand when asked if he didn't believe in evolution, and McCaine said he didn't understand the economy. Pennsylvania's primary isn't until April, then I will be voting for Obama. The fight between Obama and Clinton is going to go all the way to the convention and when the election comes around I will be voting for whomever is the Democratic nominee. Actually, I really do hope it'll be a Obama/Clinton or a Clinton/Obama ticket.I really do hope Obama wins the election and becomes the next president. I really do think I will cry (with joy) if/when they announce that he is going to get the job. This country is in need of some serious change and he can bring it. I think Clinton can too. Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted February 11, 2008 Share Posted February 11, 2008 Any of you who truly care to have Obama and not Hilary be the Democratic nominee needs to write to any super delegates from your state ie democratic senators, congresspeople, governors etc and tell them that you are an independent voter who wants Obama for President and if Hilary is the nominee then you'll go vote for McCain. If enough people write, email them etc you might have an influence on their delegate vote. I don't think there are many out there that are so enamored of Hilary that they would want to risk giving the Presidency to McCain. There will always be those that say it won't make a difference but it does. Most elected officials know that for every person that takes the time to write to them there are probably 10 that feel the same way but don't write. So they do pay attention surprisingly enough. Link to post Share on other sites
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