Potomophobia 17 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 I was not able to watch the debates. I work the swing/graveyard shift. If I may, I would like to add a few observations from an older white guy.In my lifetime I have seen:The invention of the transistor radio.The introduction of color TV.The assassination of John F. Kennedy, I never thought I would see a nun cry. The assassination of Martin Luther King. I never thought my neighborhood would erupt in riots.And then, to make the trifecta, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.Man landing on the moon. I never saw my dad so moved, and he was shot down as a pilot twice in WWII.Vietnam. I saw that a lot closer than I ever wanted to.Operation Desert Storm. I just happened to be working in Saudi when Saddam Invaded Kuwait.Anyway.... I have never been much of a student of history. But one quote I remember is this: He who cannot remember the past is condemned to repeat it.I never thought that one silly saying would turn out to have such implications. In my lifetime, as short as it has been, I have seen things come full circle. It scares me.And now to politics.Hillary, in her most important vote as a Senator, voted for the war in Iraq. She cast her vote not for the issues involved, but for her own career. This country needs a leader. A person who is willing to do what is best for all Americans, not what is best for themselves.Hillary is not that person. We need a president besides a Clinton or a Bush.Okay..... enough babbling. I do have a question for Daniel though:Are you able to vote in the US? Link to post Share on other sites
sniper6121 0 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 Daniel you mentioned Romney, Huckabee, and McCain in your blog. What about Ron Paul he did get 2nd in Nevada. I think he is the only guy that speaks truth and follows the constitution. He has never flipped flopped. Plus he wouldn't regulate the internet ie. online poker. With that aside I do think the voting machines will favor Hillary only because the big banks want someone they can tell what to do. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton... sadly I think that is what will happen. If anyone wants to wager me let me know www.ronpaul2008.com Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 No I can't vote. As for Ron Paul, he is pretty funny to me. I love hearing him speak, he is straight from the hip, but he doesn't have a chance really because he is a little out there with his views. Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 I watched almost the whole debate last night, and in my opinion Obama was being just as bitchy as Hillary, if not more. Obama just had some better (probably written beforehand) insults that hit harder than Hillary's. Link to post Share on other sites
myenemy 0 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 No I can't vote. As for Ron Paul, he is pretty funny to me. I love hearing him speak, he is straight from the hip, but he doesn't have a chance really because he is a little out there with his views.Bill Clinton is the biggest liar in the history of US politics. He may literally have never said the truth once. His wife is the second. Link to post Share on other sites
herokid7 0 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 I'm a Huckabee supporter. He won me over ever since the commercial he made with Chuck Norris, he also seems really witty. Totally opposite from our current president. But, if I was going to vote for a democrat, I'd probably go with Obama. He seems more level-headed than Clinton or Edwards. Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted January 22, 2008 Share Posted January 22, 2008 I've been an Edwards supporter for a long time but I guess if it comes down to Hilary or Obama I'd have to go with Obama. I really like Edwards because he is the only one that seems to actually remember what being a Democrat is all about. I remember when the Democratic party was the "working man's party" and those days have seemed to be long gone. I agree with you Daniel about the Republican side. I like Ron Paul too but like Dennis Kucinich he doesn't have a prayer of winning the nomination. And if the run for the presidency is Hilary and any of the top Republican frontrunners then I'll probably have to vote Libertarian or maybe for Bloomberg if he runs. Not too sure about Bloomberg though, have to hear what he's all about first. But I'd certainly give him serious consideration if he runs. Anyway sorry to hear about Tunica (sp?) and hope you do better in Germany. By the way, watching High Stakes Poker the other night it was a kick to see you and Gabe Kaplan trade places. That was too funny. Loved it. Would love to see you do that again sometime. Link to post Share on other sites
taylorhb0 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 I'm a Huckabee supporter. He won me over ever since the commercial he made with Chuck Norris, he also seems really witty. Totally opposite from our current president. But, if I was going to vote for a democrat, I'd probably go with Obama. He seems more level-headed than Clinton or Edwards.If you're voting for someone because they're "funny", then you are the reason our country is so ****ed up. As far as Ron Paul goes, he's just scary. I admire his goal, but read his platform. He basically says that everyone should have a gun. We had a constitution with a weak central government; it was called the Articles of Confederation. Notice how we have a new one? Weak central government does not work. Link to post Share on other sites
DCJ001 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Bill Clinton is the biggest liar in the history of US politics. He may literally have never said the truth once. His wife is the second.Well, that all depends on what the definition of the word "is" is. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 I watched almost the whole debate last night, and in my opinion Obama was being just as bitchy as Hillary, if not more. Obama just had some better (probably written beforehand) insults that hit harder than Hillary's. She started it, she really did. She is the one that started attacking Obama all week and then continued attacking him at the debate. I was fuming and was happy to see Obama not just take it, but instead, fight back and prove that she was wrong in what she said. She tried to cover her butt on the Reagan comments, but it is about as crystal clear that Obama merely stated that Reagan was a trans formative president. He didn't back Reagan's policies, he merely made the point that Reagan was able to cross party lines in order to get things done. She knows he's a favorite in South Carolina so she chose this opportunity to try and rip him down. Instead she got boos from the crowd and came off really bad, IMO. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 She started it, she really did. She is the one that started attacking Obama all week and then continued attacking him at the debate. I was fuming and was happy to see Obama not just take it, but instead, fight back and prove that she was wrong in what she said. She tried to cover her butt on the Reagan comments, but it is about as crystal clear that Obama merely stated that Reagan was a trans formative president. He didn't back Reagan's policies, he merely made the point that Reagan was able to cross party lines in order to get things done. She knows he's a favorite in South Carolina so she chose this opportunity to try and rip him down. Instead she got boos from the crowd and came off really bad, IMO.If this old crow wins we r all screwed.... Link to post Share on other sites
herokid7 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 If you're voting for someone because they're "funny", then you are the reason our country is so ****ed up. As far as Ron Paul goes, he's just scary. I admire his goal, but read his platform. He basically says that everyone should have a gun. We had a constitution with a weak central government; it was called the Articles of Confederation. Notice how we have a new one? Weak central government does not work.Of course I'm not voting for him because he's funny. That would be asinine. I think the fact that he's witty and has a good sense of humor is a plus, because to me those traits show that he is very personable and knows how to talk to people. Which I think would benefit him in negotiations with foreign countries. But, other than that I like his policies that he's outlined, I like the causes he supports and the cause he disagrees with (aside from his online poker stance). To me, I think he's the best candidate. Link to post Share on other sites
Nimue1995 1 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 No I can't vote. As for Ron Paul, he is pretty funny to me. I love hearing him speak, he is straight from the hip, but he doesn't have a chance really because he is a little out there with his views.Was wondering then Daniel if you vote in the Canadian elections? And what do you think of the US ones atm? I have some friends in Canada that are absolutely mystified by Bush getting elected a 2nd time. Was wondering if you felt that way also or what? Just curious Link to post Share on other sites
NickZepp 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 I'm not a big Bill Clinton guy. And he probably is a big time liar as a politician but that's all apart of the job. There really hasn't been an honest politician since Lincoln probably. The problem with the democrats right now is that they don't seem to be really running on anything except for an attack platform. If they aren't attacking each other they are attacking Bush and saying this world is so much better without Bush. If a democrat takes the office they won't be able to change near as much as they think they will in the end. Link to post Share on other sites
pokerdan97 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8TkmE5t1Pk ... How is Ron Paul 'loony' ? Every single candidate is the exact same except Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. WTF are they saying that is different ? They are all pro war, pro welfare state, all have aggressive foreign policy and have no clue how the Federal Reserve is destroying the US from the inside out. How would you like it if China came into your country and rolled around in tanks imposing curfews on you and your citizens, stealing your oil, instituting an income tax and had killed 1 million of your people ? War is NOT ****ing peace. Go read the constitution. Since when is the gov't not answerable to the people ? A few Thomas Jefferson quotes:When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny.I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. Anyone find it funny he predicated 200 yrs ago what is happening today ? So these central banks of the western nations can take away gold standards from the $ supply and then create $ backed by nothing. Now this gives them power to just print $ when they need it. With gold you can't just print more gold because it takes long periods of time for it to form and that's what gives it value. Now with fiat $ ( $ backed by nothing ) when the US needs more $ for this genocide for Iraqi oil they just print it out of thin air. So if you have an economy with 100 tv's in it and 100 dollars, each tv is worth 1 dollar. Now you inject another 100 dollars into this economy and all of a sudden with more $ in the economy now these tv's are worth 2 dollars each. Inflation ( or printing of $ which is driving the cost of living to go up and making the purchasing power of people go down ). The central banks build these financial and housing bubbles by cutting interest rates which is nothing more than printing more money. Now costs of living goes up 8% and people's wages go up 2% they have been robbed of 6% of their $. It's been stolen from them. If I go and print $ off my own printing press all of a sudden it's considered fraud and a criminal charge ? Hence the term " the rich get richer and the poor get poorer". The middle class is being eliminated because of this fraud and the rich are the ones who it is benefitting. The 3 I's take almost all of your $. Income tax, Inflation, Interest. They can't keep raising taxes to support this war so they just go to the hidden tax, the inflation tax. They can't keep telling people year after year their going to raise taxes 5% for this war because everyone would be against it so they just print the $ through inflation tax and it's hidden from most of the public and they get away with it. As Ron Paul says "we borrow 10 billion from China, in which we give to Musharraf, who's a military dictator who overthrew an elected gov't. Then we go to war, loose all these lives, promotiting democracy in Iraq. ??????????? That make any sense to anyone else ? BTW Fox News the so called "Fair and Balanced" news agency cut out that clip from Ron Paul. What most people don't understand is when reading your newspapers, radio stations, tv networks, 1000's of these media outlets across the US, most of them are owned by 5 companies. News Corporation, General Electric, Disney, Time Warner and CBS Corporation. You think for 1 second General Electric would let some news broadcaster from NBC to be against these wars when General Electric is the biggest supplier of military arms to the US military ? Yeah their going to take billions of profits out of their pockets because their moral people. Anyone find it funny these 'front runners' are CFR members as well as the heads of these 5 media conglomorates ? Wake the **** up people. So Ron Paul is considered a loony because he believes in civil liberties ? doesn't think war is peace ? Wants to cut down federal spending and the size of the federal govt' ? Wants $ to be backed by something like gold so gov't can't print and overspend ? Wants to STOP the trillion dollar spending overseas on foreign policy and eliminate the income tax by spending WAY less $ ? Wants to get rid of the Department of Education ? Aren't kids in the US dumber than ever and yet they keep spending more on this department ? Umm okay your spending MORE $ and the kids are getting DUMBER ? WOW that department is really working! My guess is they are dumbing kids down for a reason so they don't think to much and just listen to what the gov't tells them. If you consider Ron Paul 'loony' WTF does that make the other candidates ? For a final quote from Thomas Jefferson "the man who reads nothing is more educated than the man who reads newspapers" Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Bill Clinton is the biggest liar in the history of US politics. He may literally have never said the truth once. His wife is the second.Sooo true, I am certainly not an Obama fan but good old Hillary in charge…oh wow we would all be SOL. She makes our last two knuckleheads look good!!!Oh and BTW I think you selling Bill a little short. You only gave him credit for being the biggest liar in US politics...he really deserves a bigger stage. He may not be up to Castro or Stalin....but hey give the man his due!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 I remember when the Democratic party was the "working man's party" and those days have seemed to be long gone.This was the key to your post. The Democratic party used to be the "working mans party". Now days all they want is to promise, tax, give away, tax more, give away...they don't support working men. If you work at a fair paying job, making say 60 to 100k....you are going to get the shaft from the Dems even worse then the higher income brackets. Reason being you don't have any input on the front end of economics...you get the trickle down. Many people hate the theory of trickle but it is true, always has been and always will be!! The more you tax the top the less is going to get pushed down!! Corporate taxes are at all time highs but all the dems can do is talk about more give always, more spending and more pain....BTW why would any logical person think that our wonderful government could plan, implement, manage and control all of the social programs being proposed?? Does anyone really believe that this possible? If so I need some of your drugs, they must be very good stuff. Link to post Share on other sites
akoff 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 The problem with the democrats right now is that they don't seem to be really running on anything except for an attack platform.You are correct...and if you look closer, other then the Clinton years they have had this problem for almost 30 years!!Please keep it quiet...they can't see the forrest through the trees!!! Link to post Share on other sites
Virtuoso80 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Pokerdan97I've been a Ron Paul supporter from the get-go, so I know how you feel. It's often frustrating that he's looked at as being 'loony' when in fact he's often the only one who has policies that make coherant sense. I always have to remember, though, that once upon a time I was a solid Liberal down the board, and I thought my staunch Libertarian brother was just completely crazy about some ideas he had, and I told him so. However, over time, I began to see his side of things. Then it was both of us who were considered 'out there' by the rest of our family, but over time that has changed, too! My mother, sister, other brother, are all Ron Paul supporters now. So remember, just keep explaining your points coherantly, and you'll realize people are more capable of changing their minds then you often give them credit for.Lastly, let's be honest: Ron Paul is not exactly most charismatic guy ever. Nor is he a fantastic public speaker. Often I watch him at the debates with frustration because I know what he's trying to say but I know a better way he could have said it. Eventually someone will come along with the whole package, and be able to get farther along in the process than he did. Maybe even win. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Was wondering then Daniel if you vote in the Canadian elections? And what do you think of the US ones atm? I have some friends in Canada that are absolutely mystified by Bush getting elected a 2nd time. Was wondering if you felt that way also or what? Just curious Pretty sure I can answer this one for Daniel.I used to really not like Bush, but now I see that he did a very good job with a very bad situation. Deep down I believe Bush did what was right for the country and the world, not for his own political image, this makes him a statesman and someone I respect and admire.I also feel that the democratic party has invested itself in America's defeat for too long. They need to be torn apart and put back together to become a party that actually cares about the country more than their own power. For this reason I will support republicans for the rest of my life.And I think I will call Balloon guy very soon.Yea, that's what he would say. Link to post Share on other sites
Virtuoso80 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 If you're voting for someone because they're "funny", then you are the reason our country is so ****ed up. As far as Ron Paul goes, he's just scary. I admire his goal, but read his platform. He basically says that everyone should have a gun. We had a constitution with a weak central government; it was called the Articles of Confederation. Notice how we have a new one? Weak central government does not work.I used to be anti-gun. Mostly, I now realize, because I didn't like guns. I didn't like people who liked guns. I've completely changed that position, and become a big supporter of gun rights. The idea that 'everyone should have a gun' may sound scary, and it is easy to imagine chaos ensuing and neighbors having shoting bouts with each other and the like, but it truth it doesn't work that way. Switzerland is an interesting example. Switzerland actually issues rifles to all it's citizens, and expects them to be trained and prepared to provide for the national defense of their country (as the founding fathers once suggested we do as well). As a result, gun murders and crime rates are NOT higher there...which goes along with almost every legitimate study ever done in any country, which all say that legal gun ownership does not increase crime rates. After all, if you were a criminal, and you were about to assault/rob someone, would you rather there be a law that says that person could have a gun under their coat, or a law that says they're not allowed to have one? Indeed, you would have to be an idiot to try and invade a home in Switzerland, either as a lone criminal or as an invading force - if anyone ever tried to invade the Swiss, they would be faced with a country of trained rifle-carriers sharp shooting at them from the hills around them. That, combined with the Swiss' staunch doctorine of neutrality, means that no military in their right mind is ever going to try and mess with them. Now, is it slighty more complicated than that for the US? Particularly in urban areas? I think so. Actually, as a matter of philosophy, I always try to remember that ALL things are more complicated than simple, one-sentence notions. But that doesn't mean the idea that Ron Paul espouses isn't perfectly valid, and a big step in the right direction. And there is no reason to be scared of it. In fact, the more you look at them most restrictions on freedom, they always have that unwarranted fear in common. It's the same with internet gambling, isn't it? Politicians have been trying to convince people to fear that there will be uncontolled chaos if people were allowed to gamble on the internet, and that horrible things will happen. This also implies the other false notion - that if you make it illegal, no one will do it. I guess that means no one in the US gambles online then, huh? All they're really accomplished with those laws is to A. Damage the economy by forcing the 'illegal' activity overseas, and B. Criminalize an activity engaged in my good, law-abiding people, making people like you and I into criminals...for what? Because we like to play Poker, and somebody in Washington (using the power given to them by that 'strong central Government' you approve of) decided they can legislate their morality over us? It's senseless and unjust. Also, you may disagree, but I think the same notion can be applied to other 'morality laws' such as laws against drugs and prostitution. In fact, I consider the 'war on drugs' to be possibly the single most damaging Government policy in the last century.This is why I find the current crop of Pesidential candidates to be so depressing, and why I am so adamant about Ron Paul. Where the others are scared to even touch on the topics above, he advocates my beliefs with every breath. As I said, you're perfectly free to disagree with that, but I at least hope that I have given you something to think about. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 Pretty sure I can answer this one for Daniel.I used to really not like Bush, but now I see that he did a very good job with a very bad situation. Deep down I believe Bush did what was right for the country and the world, not for his own political image, this makes him a statesman and someone I respect and admire.I also feel that the democratic party has invested itself in America's defeat for too long. They need to be torn apart and put back together to become a party that actually cares about the country more than their own power. For this reason I will support republicans for the rest of my life.And I think I will call Balloon guy very soon.Yea, that's what he would say.Wow! He called me yesterday and said this very same thing!well...everything except the phone call to you... Link to post Share on other sites
JustDoIt 10 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 DanielLittle surprised that Hillary just annoyed you and your kind words for Bill Clinton. Understanding who Hillary and Bill really are you was being very kind.Their goal is to make Obama a black candidate not a mainstream candidate and to bring him down to their level.If you study Hillary’s history and who her mentor was you will be able to clearly see the tactics being used to destroy the best candidate Obama.Her mentor was Saul Alinsky and here are three of his Rules for Radicals that the Clinton’s use very well.1. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.2. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.3. The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.Check it out http://www.americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE/Alinsky-SaulRef.htmlUnderstand whom the Clinton’s are and their only goal is to destroy Obama. Link to post Share on other sites
pokerdan97 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 The one thing I just don't get about the GOP is how the **** can you have 8 candidates and have 7 saying the same thing? Aren't you supposed to have a viable option of who you want to pick to run your country ? I've quit watching TV because of this constant nonsense that individual groups with no armies, navy or air force really pose some serious threat to the most powerful nation on the earth. Just drives me nuts how people are so brainwashed by the media. Go watch the documentary "Orwell Rolls in his Grave" on google video http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-44...h&plindex=0 here's the link. Link to post Share on other sites
taylorhb0 0 Posted January 23, 2008 Share Posted January 23, 2008 I used to be anti-gun. Mostly, I now realize, because I didn't like guns. I didn't like people who liked guns. I've completely changed that position, and become a big supporter of gun rights. The idea that 'everyone should have a gun' may sound scary, and it is easy to imagine chaos ensuing and neighbors having shoting bouts with each other and the like, but it truth it doesn't work that way. Switzerland is an interesting example. Switzerland actually issues rifles to all it's citizens, and expects them to be trained and prepared to provide for the national defense of their country (as the founding fathers once suggested we do as well). As a result, gun murders and crime rates are NOT higher there...which goes along with almost every legitimate study ever done in any country, which all say that legal gun ownership does not increase crime rates. After all, if you were a criminal, and you were about to assault/rob someone, would you rather there be a law that says that person could have a gun under their coat, or a law that says they're not allowed to have one? Indeed, you would have to be an idiot to try and invade a home in Switzerland, either as a lone criminal or as an invading force - if anyone ever tried to invade the Swiss, they would be faced with a country of trained rifle-carriers sharp shooting at them from the hills around them. That, combined with the Swiss' staunch doctorine of neutrality, means that no military in their right mind is ever going to try and mess with them. Now, is it slighty more complicated than that for the US? Particularly in urban areas? I think so. Actually, as a matter of philosophy, I always try to remember that ALL things are more complicated than simple, one-sentence notions. But that doesn't mean the idea that Ron Paul espouses isn't perfectly valid, and a big step in the right direction. And there is no reason to be scared of it. In fact, the more you look at them most restrictions on freedom, they always have that unwarranted fear in common. It's the same with internet gambling, isn't it? Politicians have been trying to convince people to fear that there will be uncontolled chaos if people were allowed to gamble on the internet, and that horrible things will happen. This also implies the other false notion - that if you make it illegal, no one will do it. I guess that means no one in the US gambles online then, huh? All they're really accomplished with those laws is to A. Damage the economy by forcing the 'illegal' activity overseas, and B. Criminalize an activity engaged in my good, law-abiding people, making people like you and I into criminals...for what? Because we like to play Poker, and somebody in Washington (using the power given to them by that 'strong central Government' you approve of) decided they can legislate their morality over us? It's senseless and unjust. Also, you may disagree, but I think the same notion can be applied to other 'morality laws' such as laws against drugs and prostitution. In fact, I consider the 'war on drugs' to be possibly the single most damaging Government policy in the last century.This is why I find the current crop of Pesidential candidates to be so depressing, and why I am so adamant about Ron Paul. Where the others are scared to even touch on the topics above, he advocates my beliefs with every breath. As I said, you're perfectly free to disagree with that, but I at least hope that I have given you something to think about.Did you honestly just compare internet poker to guns? There is quite the difference there. Guns kill people. The only reason the right to bear arms is in the constitution is that, like you said, at that time there were minutemen. They had to be ready to fight on que. We don't have that anymore. There isn't any point. A lot of these school shootings wouldn't even happen without the 2nd amendment. Link to post Share on other sites
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