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Amount To Deposit

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I'm making a deposit on P-stars and my question is. If I'm Strictly playing 0.25/0.50 and 0.50/1.00 LHE, How many time's the Big Blind should I be putting on the site? Thank You.

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I'm making a deposit on P-stars and my question is. If I'm Strictly playing 0.25/0.50 and 0.50/1.00 LHE, How many time's the Big Blind should I be putting on the site? Thank You.
There's a difference between the amount to deposit and the amount of bankroll that you should have available.To play limits that small an initial deposit of $100 is fine if you are willing to reload if you lose at first. If I were going to start playing 5/10 limit at a site my first deposit would be $500 but I would be in a position to deposit more if I needed it.
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