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I have been playing for 2 weeks now and was wondering what are some of the basic tells? I read alot of bluffs but I still feel that am being bluffing out of TOO MANY hands. At times i call the river to see what my oppenent is betting with and try to trap him/her later on with an pattern I can expliot.Is there a cheaper way to take down those overly aggrisive palyers and expliot their aggrisive play? Or should I be playing tight? But in that case I get blinded to death and when the cards do come they are smart enough to know that have been sitting on my chips.I guess I want to know, mainly are there any tells to avoid bad beads with very aggrisive players. Or other tells in general?

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It would help to know what games and limits you are playing, but betting patterns are the biggest online tell. Watch a player for a while and figure out how they bet big pairs, draws, made hands, etc. Then you can get some idea of what you're up against.

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online tells are a LOT easier than reading tells in person.. just simply because there is less information that you need to cramp your brain with. depending on what type of game you are playing. Pokerstars is great for people working on online tells. You have a nice notes section you can store information on players that you could possibly see something in.ways i find easy to collect information on your opponents on online poker:1. if they check the boxes so that they dont have to watch the table.. that is a true sign of someone who is clearly not paying close enough attention to the table. If someone tends to check those boxes, i usually like to test that person if it comes between me and him/her on a showdown.2. if they call, and try to get in for cheap flops. you see this a TON more on internet poker than in real life.. dont let them get away with it.. callers are losers, raisers are winners.3. pay attention to the amounts they raise.. people tend to get lazy and just raise a certain amount every time.. and then when they have something they'll either just call, or maybe raise more than usual.. all of this should be logged or remembered, especially if its a high stakes game.4. avoid the chat boxes, you'll see in bigger more serious tournaments nobody talks anyways.. you're there to play not make friends.5. if you're hitting good cards.. show them a few times.. people believe that someone is more inclined to catch cards online than in real life.. from my experience, i wouldnt show a bluff as much as possible.. dont let them go til showdown! keep you opponent(s) in the dark at all times.the rest is just common poker knowledge.. good luck!

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