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Sam Grizzle Is The Biggest Donkey I've Ever Played Against

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This guy is such a donkey.Sam_Grizzle.JPGI go play at the 2-5 NL game at Ceaser's during a Vegas trip. I sit down and my first hand is J5 suited diamonds in big blind. We are heads up and the flop is 667 rainbow. I check, the other player (who later I find out is Sam Grizzle) checks. Turn comes 8 of diamonds, so now I have an open ended straight draw with a flush draw.....I check, Sam bets $25 at this point I think the guy is weak so I raise him to $75 he reraises me to $100 with $300 behind. So seeing if I do make my flush or straight, I'm thinking it might give him a full house or maybe he already has a full house....he has to have a big hand if he can reraise me on that type of board....so I decided to just fold because it was my first hand. This guy shows me 10-4 off suit for nothing....and I was really puzzled like is this guy for real? I started noticing that this guy just bluffs as much as he can. I end up getting pocket Jacks and Sam raised to $50 I asked him how much he had in front of him and he said $160 so I pushed all in he called with K10 of clubs and hits nut flush. At this point I started getting a little frustrated and after this hand it got worst. I get A10 suited spades on my straddle and Sam raises to $70....now seeing how this guy will call pretty much anything I decided not to race with him, whats the point? I end up calling flop comes out 677 I check he bets $100 I call, turn comes Q I check he thinks for a long time and checks, river K I check he bets $150 I think for a while on what he could possibly have...its obvious he doesnt have a Q,6,7 maybe he caught a king but unlikely......I also tie with AJ so I thought for a minute and decided to call, he showed K4 off suit and wins the pot.After he is raking in his chips he looks at his wife, girlfriend or whoever this chick was sitting behind him and whispers something in her ear and she looks right at me and smiles/laughs. I don't all this get to me because if it does it will just ruin my game. I decided to just keep playing how I have been and let him bluff his money off and trap him because he is such a donkey.I end up getting K10 off suit and Sammy boy raises it up like a good donkey that he is, 2 other players call I call in position. Flop comes J96 rainbow Sam bets out $60 2 callers call I call. Turn comes the miracle card for me....Q. Sam bets $85, this other caller thinks thinks thinks and calls. Now the turn brings diamond draw which I think the guy next to me has, I raise to $280, Sam calls, the other player folds. The river comes a J which pairs of the board. Sam is first to act and stares at all the chips in the middle and pushes out a bet of $350 with $150-300 behind. At this point I feel pretty confident I have the best hand and don't think he has a full house at all but I see no point of reraising here....because odds are he won't call anyways and I would rather him look like a fool showing a donkey hand. I call and he shows 78 suited diamonds for a monster draw (open ended straight & flush draw) so all he had was 8 high and I later end up taking all his money....he keeps reloading and playing the same donkey shit and dumping money in the table. I can't believe how big of a donk this guy is. How I found out who he was, I asked my buddy who deals there if any of the guys I'm playing against are known faces and he mentioned 2 guys and said "ya and that other guy is Sam Grizzle." Weird thing is I remember Daniel Negreanu talking about him on Poker after Dark. I googled sam grizzle to see if there were anything on him and wow I read nothing but negative feedback on this guy. I guess he is one of the biggest donks in the poker world. Here is a funny story that just cracks me up about this guy:Oh ya it felt great cashing out a $2500 win at Caesers with mostly his money, karma is a bitch! Time to go whisper in her ear "Sam is a donk and thanks for his money now I can go buy my kid a toy"

this is from the pokerstories.com forum as told by Todd Brunson."About 12 years ago I was playing in a 150-300 hold'em game. Early in the morning Sam Grizzle walks in and starts commenting on how good the game is. When asked why he's not playing he pulls out his bankroll ($2) and sarcastically asks how much the buy in is.He leaves and after talking to Puggy Pearson comes back with $10,000 and starts to play. Now after about an hour Sam an Puggy get into an arguement ( about what I can't remember offhand ) and Puggy picks up his $10,000 and half of what Sam was winning, leaving Sam with about $400, far short of the required buy in. Fortunatlly for Sam, no one says anything and in about four hours Sam is winning around $40,000.If this isn't amazing enough, Sam quits the game announcing how he's going to do us a big favor and go play the tournament, allowing us to keep what money we had left.( He also told us how smart he was and dumb we were of course ) You can guess what happened next; Sam the genius wins the tournament and another $120,000 to go with the $40,000 he won off us earlier that morning. Not bad for a guy who showed up at the casino with $2 in his pocket.It's now 6 am and he's been in the commerce for exactly 24 hours, time to get some sleep. That would be if he were a normal human but Sam's far from that. Sam comes up to the top section where there's a tough 800-1600 razz game in progress. Sam stumbles over and bellies up to the table losing his whole $160,000 in a fairly short period of time.Instead of becoming upset Sam simply told every one how dumb they were,shook his head and walked out of the casino with the exact same $2 he showed up with the day before. Just another day in the life of a Gambler."http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...showtopic=10017
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The quote taken from PAD was someone getting mad at Sam for donkin' it up and Sam saying "Hey, you play your money how you want to, and I'll play someone else's money the way I want to."heh.... quality.

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I'm under the impression that Sam was probably just messing around for pocket change. Sam's been around for a long time and he can play. Good job on making a nice profit. Sam is the only person that Hellmuth has gotten into a fight with since he was a kid and, from what I understand, Sam won that one. He also put Phil in his place in the 2003 WSOP:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtJbFaxWOBQ

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I'm inclined to believe NOTHING about this story. Sadly I've seen Sam Grizzle playing 2/5 at Caesar's though so I have to believe this story. Please learn to describe a hand, stop telling us there are 2 different turns and rivers. You're a terrible story teller.

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I'm under the impression that Sam was probably just messing around for pocket change. Sam's been around for a long time and he can play. Good job on making a nice profit. Sam is the only person that Hellmuth has gotten into a fight with since he was a kid and, from what I understand, Sam won that one. He also put Phil in his place in the 2003 WSOP:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtJbFaxWOBQ
Wow, how can you argue with Dane?
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Please learn to describe a hand, stop telling us there are 2 different turns and rivers. You're a terrible story teller.
good story, but ya. We need positions, suits, etc. That KT hand for the straight, I didn't understand if the flush got there or not with Sam's 78d until you said you were raking all his chips.
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I'm inclined to believe NOTHING about this story. Sadly I've seen Sam Grizzle playing 2/5 at Caesar's though so I have to believe this story. Please learn to describe a hand, stop telling us there are 2 different turns and rivers. You're a terrible story teller.
This is true:
This guy is such a donkey......I check, Sam bets $25 at this point I think the guy is weak so I raise him to $75 he reraises me to $100 with $300 behind.
So you raised him $50 and he reraised you $25 more?I'm not sure what happened at the table, but it's a good idea to get your story straight before you start telling it.
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A friend of mine, who is a very good LHE player, was playing the 30/60 at the Bellagio during the 5-diamond, and I'm pretty sure Grizzle was playing, and he mentioned he was a donkey as well. It might have even been the 15/30, I can't recall. Either way, lol.

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I played a tourney with Sam a few times, one of them being the shitty nightly cheapo caesars one. Dropping that line of playing other people's money is priceless. :)OP, you should lighten up....some people are cardplayers in this world, others are gamblers. If you find a gambler, don't get mad, get happy.BTW, sam is hysterical at the right times....but then again, you have to like humor first.

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I'm inclined to believe NOTHING about this story. Sadly I've seen Sam Grizzle playing 2/5 at Caesar's though so I have to believe this story. Please learn to describe a hand, stop telling us there are 2 different turns and rivers. You're a terrible story teller.
I also agree with this.Another thing i found interesting was you playing A,10 and K,10 calling a gut shot and calling grizzle a major donk.I know there are times to loosen up play, or play marginal holdings in position, but K,10 with a raise and 2 calls is meh YOu bascally need a miracle flop. and the gut shot is also meh.And I love how bitter OP got at grizzle talking smack after grizzle took his money, then OP finishes the story with...... yadda yadda yadda, I took all his money + millions more... sure ya did :club:
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BTW, sam is hysterical at the right times....but then again, you have to like humor first.
I have had the rare pleasure/dis pleasure of observing Sam a few times now.He is indeed both hilarious and yet completely displicable at the same time. One minute he's throwing out great lines like the "other peoples money" and wearing an easy smile, but the next he is an angry maniac spewing hatred festooned insults. I watched him make overt, borderline criminal racial remarks one night (sweating Steve7) to a very good black player. I was laughing inside yet cringing at the same time. I mean some of the stuff being said, WOW. I thought for sure this guy was goin to leap over and just strangle his ass, but he kept his cool, made similar Redneck remarks back at Sam (who has a distinct southern drawl), and eventually started gettting the better of him, which only made Sam more pissed off. It was awesome/scary/sad.Sam scares me...he is just so volotile.[x] recommend this is one donkey to avoid
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Anything I was going to say had already been pointed out. If he lead for $25 and you made it $75, I don't think he could make it $100 to go.I guess making donkey calls to bust a donkey is not donkish?

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I get A10 suited spades on my straddle and Sam raises to $70....now seeing how this guy will call pretty much anything I decided not to race with him, whats the point?
If you think he's playing random junk, the point is that you put in 1/2 the money but win the pot 2/3 of the time.If you think that he has a pair that he will never fold incorrectly, then yeah, don't raise.
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I've played quite a bit of 5/10 NL with him at Bellagio. He wasn't a great player, but he was competent enough to beat the game.EDIT: OP's play with KT and AT are far worse than bluffy plays that Grizzle made because at least Grizzle was BETTING and not calling with his trash...

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