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What Would You Do Turn And River?

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PokerStars 5/10 Hold'em (10 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Preflop: Hero is UTG+2 with ac.gif, ad.gif. 2 folds, Hero calls, 3 folds, CO raises, 1 fold, SB calls, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets, CO calls, SB calls.Flop: (10 SB) 3s.gif, 8d.gif, th.gif(3 players)SB checks, Hero bets, CO raises, SB calls, Hero 3-bets, CO calls, SB calls.Turn: (9.50 BB) 4h.gif(3 players)SB checks, Hero bets, CO calls, SB raises, Hero calls, CO calls.River: (15.50 BB) 9c.gif(3 players)SB bets, Hero calls, CO folds.Final Pot: 17.50 BB

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Don't limp re-raise, please, it's pointless in limit.I would 3-bet river.
Would be a raise, actually, but why? We're going to get called. Are we so convinced that SB's range doesn't have us beat after he cold calls 3 preflop, cold calls two on the flop plus the threebet, and then checkraises the turn? If this isn't a set, it's two pair, or the guy is a complete maniac. What hands do we gain value from when we raise?
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Yeah, I don't care for the LRR, but meh.Flop is good, call down from the turn raise. Putting in anymore bets is suicide. Our hand is so narrowly defined and villain is still raising. Time to slow down. Sheiky spews like a mad man.

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LRR is fine in aggressive games... Maybe risk to do it from that pos.It probably gives your hand away unles you do that so often it widens your rangeWhich begs the question: Is our hand so transpearent that we need to fold the turn or river.What are the chances even hitting two pair is good? Board doesn;t lend itself to either player having two pairCO: JJ, AQ/AKbut SB? Whats he callngn two cold with on flop and c/r the turn?I strongly consider folding to the turn c/r - unles we know something or nothing about SB

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We only need like 11.7% equity to call down from the turn, even assuming CO folds, and doesn't put more money into the pot (increasing our call down odds).
yeah, I know,What does SB have? I dont think he bluffs here. obv.
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yeah.. I like folding more now :club:(after your edit: then if we dont improve, we are beat too often to call river, right?)
Well, certainly then, since we don't beat a hand in that range, lol. I'm really looking for one of 8 cards (K, 3, or 4). It'd be super tough to do it, but yeah, it would be a fold, if that's our exact range. By the time we get to the river though, can we just give him a random overplay enough to call one more?
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like Jh9h I should be working on qrtr end work now.You know, that whole, equity on turn thing, to call down really needs to be considered in two parts.Like, each card on river has a different outcome.some we lose, some we win, some we dont know, some we make 2 bets on, some we should fold, some call.I've done this when I'm feeling spunky

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like Jh9h I should be working on qrtr end work now.You know, that whole, equity on turn thing, to call down really needs to be considered in two parts.Like, each card on river has a different outcome.some we lose, some we win, some we dont know, some we make 2 bets on, some we should fold, some call.I've done this when I'm feeling spunky
Yeah, in fact, the 11% equity we'd have on the turn vs this range is useless in terms of a call down, breakeven %age, since we're not putting in 2 bets if that's 100% of his range, unless we catch our card, which may or may not win anyways, lol.Fwiw, I've been confusing the SB and the CO this whole time. I thought there was one other aggressor, not two. I can't imagine ever being ahead on this turn, like ever. T8 is unlikely too, imo, as it probably puts in more flop action. I think this is probably a set 93%+.Folding is so hard tho.
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With the limp re-raise PF so clearly defining your hand (the main reason i hate the play) and another dude in the hand on the turn which reduces the chances SB is bluffing, and the fact that CO could 3-bet turn, or raise river behind if we decide to call down, I think the turn is a fold.

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