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from time to time I go up to 5/10 and play a few hands on Fri/Sat nights. I dont do this often, but I do it with success... At any rate -- tonight this hand came up. This is why I rarely play out of my BR. Party PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $5/$106 playersConverterPre-flop: (6 players) Worrrst is UTG+1 with Q :D Q :D UTG folds, Worrrst raises to $40, CO raises to $122, 2 folds, Worrrst calls.Flop: T :club: 8 :D 3 :D ($259, 3 players)Worrrst checks, CO bets $166, Worrrst raises to $400, CO raises all-in $1070, Worrrst ???No reads. Easy shove even with 1/3 of your bankroll on the table?"The radical reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was neither radical nor a reconstruction. Discuss."

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How big is your stack?

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You're getting almost 2.5 : 1 from the pot. You break even at 29%. If you think he'll play JJ this way, then a call is worth $2489*0.36-$715=$181 in expectation.

Board: Td 8c 3cDead:  	equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	36.072%	  34.00% 	02.08% 			  7741 		  472.50   { QcQh }Hand 1: 	63.928%	  61.85% 	02.08% 			 14084 		  472.50   { TT+, AcKc }

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These hands go either way depending a lot on reads.With that said, here's the best advice I can give you:Don't sit at the table when the buy-in is 1/3 of your bankroll.I wouldn't even classify this as taking a shot, because it's absurd.

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Easy shove even with 1/3 of your bankroll on the table?"The radical reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was neither radical nor a reconstruction. Discuss."
LOL ... no, not even close to being easy. Don't go broke with queens in your hand.What's this about the south ??
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from time to time I go up to 5/10 and play a few hands on Fri/Sat nights. I dont do this often, but I do it with success... At any rate -- tonight this hand came up. This is why I rarely play out of my BR. Party PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $5/$106 playersConverterPre-flop: (6 players) Worrrst is UTG+1 with Q :D Q :D UTG folds, Worrrst raises to $40, CO raises to $122, 2 folds, Worrrst calls.Flop: T :club: 8 :D 3 :D ($259, 3 players)Worrrst checks, CO bets $166, Worrrst raises to $400, CO raises all-in $1070, Worrrst ???No reads. Easy shove even with 1/3 of your bankroll on the table?"The radical reconstruction of the South after the Civil War was neither radical nor a reconstruction. Discuss."
i think you fold with 1/3 of you bankroll on the table just because it limits his hand range....but lets say it 1/4-1/5 of your bankroll it opens up his range and your able to shove
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i think you fold with 1/3 of you bankroll on the table just because it limits his hand range....but lets say it 1/4-1/5 of your bankroll it opens up his range and your able to shove
I'm curious how you think this makes any sense...Villain doesn't know Hero is taking a shot, I have no idea how what percentage of Hero's bankroll being on the table could possibly affect the Villain's range.
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I'm curious how you think this makes any sense...Villain doesn't know Hero is taking a shot, I have no idea how what percentage of Hero's bankroll being on the table could possibly affect the Villain's range.
he just likes posting. havent you noticed that yet?
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Doesn't mean I can't ridicule his awful advice. :club:
speaking of awfula bunch of 2+2 er's were at venetian today playing 1/2NL.. the entire time they were at the table next to mine, they were going on about how they play for thousands online and blah blah.. saying things like. I'll lose 2k without caring, yet they were all playing 1/2 with short stacks.reminded me of our nutbar session, but FCP does it right, we turn a 2/4 horse game into a 10/20 game with flipaments.
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I'm curious how you think this makes any sense...
8:1 it's sarcasm.
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LOL ... no, not even close to being easy. Don't go broke with queens in your hand.What's this about the south ??
It was a quote from an old SNL skit "Coffee Talk"...i didn't post this to get advice not to talk shots, though i guess i knew it would inevitably come up.
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You're getting almost 2.5 : 1 from the pot. You break even at 29%. If you think he'll play JJ this way, then a call is worth $2489*0.36-$715=$181 in expectation.
Board: Td 8c 3cDead:  	equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	36.072%	  34.00% 	02.08% 			  7741 		  472.50   { QcQh }Hand 1: 	63.928%	  61.85% 	02.08% 			 14084 		  472.50   { TT+, AcKc }

I left out that he was a LAG on purpose... I'd seen him 3-bet preflop 5 out of 7 hands. I saw him bluff a river and show A high on a J J K 9 3 board. Small sample obv but i think it's worth considering nontheless. I dont think we can rule out smaller pocket pairs and A10, K10 J10 given his aggression.
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I left out that he was a LAG on purpose... I'd seen him 3-bet preflop 5 out of 7 hands. I saw him bluff a river and show A high on a J J K 9 3 board. Small sample obv but i think it's worth considering nontheless. I dont think we can rule out smaller pocket pairs and A10, K10 J10 given his aggression.
In that case, calling is a slam dunk. We're a favorite to his range even without smaller pocket pairs.
Board: Td 8c 3cDead:  	equity 	win 	tie 		  pots won 	pots tied	Hand 0: 	61.929%	  61.12% 	00.81% 			 35700 		  472.50   { QcQh }Hand 1: 	38.071%	  37.26% 	00.81% 			 21765 		  472.50   { TT+, AcKc, ATs, KTs, JTs, ATo, KTo, JTo }

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I'm curious how you think this makes any sense...Villain doesn't know Hero is taking a shot, I have no idea how what percentage of Hero's bankroll being on the table could possibly affect the Villain's range.
It was extreme sarcasm because we were talking on Vent and I told him about this thread.Hero in this hand really needs to learn bankroll management as your bankroll should never influence your decisions or else you'll be playing scared poker.
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I'm curious how you think this makes any sense...Villain doesn't know Hero is taking a shot, I have no idea how what percentage of Hero's bankroll being on the table could possibly affect the Villain's range.
lol @ that getting a serious response
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lol @ that getting a serious response
Over my head.In case you didn't notice, I wasn't a part of your super cool Vent session, so I probably shouldn't be expected to get inside jokes.Keep that awesome content coming though!
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