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Dealing With Bad Beats

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So...I'm trying to think of a time where I didn't lose an online tournament(pokerstars, obv) due to a bad beat, and it's really hard..the only one that comes to mind is an $11 tourney where i turned two pair and the other guy turned a flush. Every other tournament I've busted out of has been either a runner runner flush against my aces, or anything from a 3-outer to an 8-outer on the river. I mean just today i lost about 20 bucks in the 5.50+R from 3 pretty bad beats..First i flop a set and get runner runner flushed...second i turn two pair, and get counterfeit on the river by a 6 outer..then 3rd i get busted out with my QQ vs AJ by a runner runner straight draw where one of the two queens remaining came on the turn to give him an open-ender. My question is..how do you deal with these horrible beats, because I've probably lost about 100 bucks this week and its not fun! :club:

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Thats why tourneys kick ass, take 3 Bad Beats it cost you 100 bucks. Cash games you lose like 1000+ in 3 bad beats
Exactly.I have no sympathy for you playing smaller stakes and losing $100.....where I have lost $7500 last week playing 15/30 limit and getting worst beats that you can imagine.when you play smaller stakes there are a lot more donkeys calling with everything.. your playing a $5 tourney! who wouldnt try and suck out on you whereas higher stakes they realize 2-6 outs to risk most of their chips is not smart.
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