Dratj 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 So, I was really bored yesterday so one of my poker buddies took me to this underground casino in the city that I live in. Mississauga, which is in Ontario, Canada.The place is called Full House Cafe. Now, this is only the second time that I've ever gone to one of these places because I can't stand the smoking that goes on there. There's also the small chance of getting the game raided or worse yet, robbed. However, I said what the hell, and went anyways. My buddy said the game would be good action and that everyone was loose.The game was 5 5 nl. Now I wish that I could say I won but I didn't. For those that don't like to read, Long story short, got stuck $1200 in the game. Decided to call it a night at about 3 am. Really not too much exciting going on throughout the night, the waitress was hot though and the atmosphere generally pleasant. Most of the players were pretty decent actually or maybe I'm just a donk.So, here's some hands that I'll go through1) First hand, I get J 10 and limp from the cutoff. There's about five players in the hand. Flop is J 10 9 rainbow, I flop top two, UTG bets 2x pot which is $50, I raise to $125 with top two and then SB goes all in immediately. UTG thinks for about 5 seconds and calls. Now, I think a bit and call as well. The only reason I called is because I thought these players were bad and capable of shoving and calling with QJ, 98, KJ, AJ that kind of thing. I would otherwise never ever call in that situation if I would just sit back and think a bit. Obv. SB had 8 Q for the straight, UTG has 10 10 for middle set and I'm drawing to 2 outs.Q 8 holds and I'm stuck $500 right off the bat. I suck. Easy fold in retrospect. Lesson learned, don't let your preconcieved notions that are unsupported by your own observations to influence your decision.Funny thing is here. UTG gets busted in one hand and leaves. 2) I get AK about 7 or 8 times throughout the night raise to $25 preflop, always miss except once, get all my cbets called, whittling down my stack.3) Another hand I played badly. I had QK diamonds, raise to $25 preflop, get one caller that is 2 positions earlier than me. I flop nut flush draw on a flop of A J 9, he checks, I bet the draw, he min raises, I call, turn 9 diamonds, he bets $100, i slow play by just calling, also, worried about the tight, river A. He bets $100. Board is A 9 J J 9. I should have folded but it's such a good value bet into a now approx. $350 pot that I call out of frustation for slowplaying myself to death and also hoping he might just have an A. Of course he shows AJ and gg me. I'm a donk yet again.3) A couple of good hands. I get 66, flop quads, guy with flush draw on flop keeps betting into me, I call, call call, he hits flush on river, goes all in, I snap call and finally double up. Another good hand, I had 10 8 off in MP, multilple limpers, flop is rags 8 high, 2 clubs, I bet pot, guy 2 positions earlier calls and it's heads up. turn 10, I have 2 pair he bet's $45, I raised to $145 and he calls, river is a club completing a possible flush and he goes all in for another $200. Now I tank. He's kindof a loose player capable of making moves and plays a lot of garbage hands. He stared at the flop before pushing his chips in which appeared to be weak to me. Also, if he did make the flush he'd probably maybe just value bet it for about $100 or so. Also, I was getting frustrated now and decided to call. My two pair is good, and he was 3 barreling with Ace high. Now, I'm only stuck $400 or so. So I'm feeling good again for a bit.4) 3rd hand that I played like crap. I have A J off, multiple limpers again. Flop is A 10 x. Guy before me bets $25 , I raise $50 more, he calls, turn is a blank, he bets $100, I raise to $300, hoping to take it down right there, he thinks a bit, then calls again. River blank, he checks, I think about pushing the rest in which is about $600, but I decide to cut my losses and I feel he will call. He turns over A 10 for top 2 and now my stack is down to about $500 again and I'm stuck my $1200.5) One hand which I'm not sure if I played too well but maybe i did is with pocket 8's. multiple limpers again. Flop is A J 8 with 2 diamonds. I bet pot with is about $25, guy to my left raises to $50, EP guy raises to $100 and I make it $200 more. Now this is right after the AJ hand which I know he saw, so he might think I'm making a donk raise again. He tanks and decides to flop, other guy folds and I take down the pot. Maybe I should have smoothed called? However, I was worried about getting turned and I was playing my image at the point in time. I think i missed a good chance to double up though.6) Anyways, no more eventful hands that I can remember. Up and down for another couple of hours, still stuck the $1200. Oh well, that's poker, I sucked and felt like I made a few crucial errors. Flame away, I need it. Oh yah, could also be lots of spelling mistakes, typos, etc. so dont' be too harsh, I can't be bothered to edit it. Link to post Share on other sites
JoeyFinngars 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Know of any decent 1/2 or 2/4 NLHE games in Miss...?and good read... Link to post Share on other sites
vonteego3 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 bad idea to include the name of this underground casino? Link to post Share on other sites
David_Nicoson 1 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Now, this is only the second time that I've ever gone to one of these places because I can't stand the smoking that goes on there.All the places around here went non-smoking about 3 years ago. Link to post Share on other sites
thehidden 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 Know of any decent 1/2 or 2/4 NLHE games in Miss...?and good read...don't play in missisagua...you are close enough to fallsview seneca and niagra, go play there. Missisagua games are starting to get raided lots. same with downtown Toronto games, I haven't played underground in well over 5 months now. bad idea to include the name of this underground casino?QFT!! Link to post Share on other sites
aucu 3 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 All the places around here went non-smoking about 3 years ago.Smoke bugs me but the players are weeker as a whole Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Share Posted December 29, 2007 don't play in missisagua...you are close enough to fallsview seneca and niagra, go play there. Missisagua games are starting to get raided lots. same with downtown Toronto games, I haven't played underground in well over 5 months now. QFT!!Not really, it's on a very prominent street and it saids Full House Cafe on the front. Legally there is no smoking in the clubs but what the hell right? The gambling is illegal too. It takes me an hour to drive to Niagara, the club is only 10 to 15 min. away and there's no hour to 2 hour wait for a seat. I agree though, it is risky. Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Share Posted December 29, 2007 Know of any decent 1/2 or 2/4 NLHE games in Miss...?and good read...Nope, let me know if you find any. Link to post Share on other sites
mtdesmoines 3 Posted December 29, 2007 Share Posted December 29, 2007 My buddy said the game would be good action and that everyone was loose.The game was 5 5 nl. Now I wish that I could say I won but I didn't. For those that don't like to read, Long story short, got stuck $1200 in the game. Decided to call it a night at about 3 am. 1) First hand, I get J 10 and limp from the cutoff. There's about five players in the hand. Flop is J 10 9 rainbow, I flop top two, UTG bets 2x pot which is $50, I raise to $125 with top two and then SB goes all in immediately. UTG thinks for about 5 seconds and calls. Now, I think a bit and call as well. The only reason I called is because I thought these players were bad and capable of shoving and calling with QJ, 98, KJ, AJ that kind of thing. I would otherwise never ever call in that situation if I would just sit back and think a bit. Obv. SB had 8 Q for the straight, UTG has 10 10 for middle set and I'm drawing to 2 outs.Q 8 holds and I'm stuck $500 right off the bat. I suck. Easy fold in retrospect. Lesson learned, don't let your preconcieved notions that are unsupported by your own observations to influence your decision.Funny thing is here. UTG gets busted in one hand and leaves. 2) I get AK about 7 or 8 times throughout the night raise to $25 preflop, always miss except once, get all my cbets called, whittling down my stack.3) Another hand I played badly. I had QK diamonds, raise to $25 preflop, get one caller that is 2 positions earlier than me. I flop nut flush draw on a flop of A J 9, he checks, I bet the draw, he min raises, I call, turn 9 diamonds, he bets $100, i slow play by just calling, also, worried about the tight, river A. He bets $100. Board is A 9 J J 9. I should have folded but it's such a good value bet into a now approx. $350 pot that I call out of frustation for slowplaying myself to death and also hoping he might just have an A. Of course he shows AJ and gg me. I'm a donk yet again.3) A couple of good hands. I get 66, flop quads, guy with flush draw on flop keeps betting into me, I call, call call, he hits flush on river, goes all in, I snap call and finally double up. Another good hand, I had 10 8 off in MP, multilple limpers, flop is rags 8 high, 2 clubs, I bet pot, guy 2 positions earlier calls and it's heads up. turn 10, I have 2 pair he bet's $45, I raised to $145 and he calls, river is a club completing a possible flush and he goes all in for another $200. Now I tank. He's kindof a loose player capable of making moves and plays a lot of garbage hands. He stared at the flop before pushing his chips in which appeared to be weak to me. Also, if he did make the flush he'd probably maybe just value bet it for about $100 or so. Also, I was getting frustrated now and decided to call. My two pair is good, and he was 3 barreling with Ace high. Now, I'm only stuck $400 or so. So I'm feeling good again for a bit.4) 3rd hand that I played like crap. I have A J off, multiple limpers again. Flop is A 10 x. Guy before me bets $25 , I raise $50 more, he calls, turn is a blank, he bets $100, I raise to $300, hoping to take it down right there, he thinks a bit, then calls again. River blank, he checks, I think about pushing the rest in which is about $600, but I decide to cut my losses and I feel he will call. He turns over A 10 for top 2 and now my stack is down to about $500 again and I'm stuck my $1200.5) One hand which I'm not sure if I played too well but maybe i did is with pocket 8's. multiple limpers again. Flop is A J 8 with 2 diamonds. I bet pot with is about $25, guy to my left raises to $50, EP guy raises to $100 and I make it $200 more. Now this is right after the AJ hand which I know he saw, so he might think I'm making a donk raise again. He tanks and decides to flop, other guy folds and I take down the pot. Maybe I should have smoothed called? However, I was worried about getting turned and I was playing my image at the point in time. I think i missed a good chance to double up though.6) Anyways, no more eventful hands that I can remember. Up and down for another couple of hours, still stuck the $1200. Oh well, that's poker, I sucked and felt like I made a few crucial errors. Flame away, I need it. Oh yah, could also be lots of spelling mistakes, typos, etc. so dont' be too harsh, I can't be bothered to edit it.You realize who giving action, right?Of course, I'm one to talk. I've been running like shit in Dec and playing even worse. Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted December 29, 2007 Author Share Posted December 29, 2007 You realize who giving action, right?Of course, I'm one to talk. I've been running like shit in Dec and playing even worse.Yah, I'm the donk. Link to post Share on other sites
Mackenzieee 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 thats rough.. Id tilt hard Link to post Share on other sites
Snamuh 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 Hand 1 is a fold. Top 2 facing a 3bet shove and a call on that board is pretty much never good. Also make your initial raise to like 160ish. I also fold JTo preflop for the most part but that's far less of a leak.In the KQ hand, I probably just jam the flop and try to get as much money in as possible with the double draw. Since he minraised, a smooth call in position isn't bad but you absolutely need to raise the turn. There are a lot of river cards that either hurt your hand (Any A, J, or 9) or kill your action (Any diamond, possibly some broadways). Also you want to get some value out of your hand. River sucks but it should be a fold.Another good hand, I had 10 8 off in MP, multilple limpers, flop is rags 8 high, 2 clubs, I bet pot, guy 2 positions earlier calls and it's heads up. turn 10, I have 2 pair he bet's $45, I raised to $145 and he calls, river is a club completing a possible flush and he goes all in for another $200. Now I tank. He's kindof a loose player capable of making moves and plays a lot of garbage hands. He stared at the flop before pushing his chips in which appeared to be weak to me. Also, if he did make the flush he'd probably maybe just value bet it for about $100 or so. Also, I was getting frustrated now and decided to call. My two pair is good, and he was 3 barreling with Ace high. Now, I'm only stuck $400 or so. So I'm feeling good again for a bit.Why limp AJ in the next hand? AJo does not play well in a limped multiway pot. Raise that up! Flop looks OK (I might just call because you really only fold out hands that you have dominated). Either way, your raise is called and he donks into you! Why raise again? It's not a draw here (are there even any draws???). His call of your flop raise tells you that you are beaten. A river shove turns your hand into a complete bluff and would be terrible.With the 88 hand, you played it fine. Sucks that these guys raised so small but you have to assume EP has something he wants to go with like AJ or AK or whatever. Don't be results oriented here. Link to post Share on other sites
No_Neck 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 AJ SUCKS!that is all. tough luck, sounds like you know what to do... just take the next step and do it next time Link to post Share on other sites
two-headedboy 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 Describe the waitress a bit more. Link to post Share on other sites
pt special 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 bad idea to include the name of this underground casino?also...if u think the players are donks, dont get to tricky and let them catch up, or turns and rivers ruin ur action Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Author Share Posted December 30, 2007 Hand 1 is a fold. Top 2 facing a 3bet shove and a call on that board is pretty much never good. Also make your initial raise to like 160ish. I also fold JTo preflop for the most part but that's far less of a leak.In the KQ hand, I probably just jam the flop and try to get as much money in as possible with the double draw. Since he minraised, a smooth call in position isn't bad but you absolutely need to raise the turn. There are a lot of river cards that either hurt your hand (Any A, J, or 9) or kill your action (Any diamond, possibly some broadways). Also you want to get some value out of your hand. River sucks but it should be a fold.Another good hand, I had 10 8 off in MP, multilple limpers, flop is rags 8 high, 2 clubs, I bet pot, guy 2 positions earlier calls and it's heads up. turn 10, I have 2 pair he bet's $45, I raised to $145 and he calls, river is a club completing a possible flush and he goes all in for another $200. Now I tank. He's kindof a loose player capable of making moves and plays a lot of garbage hands. He stared at the flop before pushing his chips in which appeared to be weak to me. Also, if he did make the flush he'd probably maybe just value bet it for about $100 or so. Also, I was getting frustrated now and decided to call. My two pair is good, and he was 3 barreling with Ace high. Now, I'm only stuck $400 or so. So I'm feeling good again for a bit.Why limp AJ in the next hand? AJo does not play well in a limped multiway pot. Raise that up! Flop looks OK (I might just call because you really only fold out hands that you have dominated). Either way, your raise is called and he donks into you! Why raise again? It's not a draw here (are there even any draws???). His call of your flop raise tells you that you are beaten. A river shove turns your hand into a complete bluff and would be terrible.With the 88 hand, you played it fine. Sucks that these guys raised so small but you have to assume EP has something he wants to go with like AJ or AK or whatever. Don't be results oriented here.Thx for the tips. Why not play j 10 off though? Is is only good as a suited connector? I still like to play non suited connectors, maybe that is a huge leak full ring. Link to post Share on other sites
therescav 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 Describe the waitress a bit more.lol.Good read Link to post Share on other sites
Dratj 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Author Share Posted December 30, 2007 Describe the waitress a bit more.Tall blonde Polish girl with big fake tits. Quite voluptuous. Got that European hot sexy chick thing going on. Link to post Share on other sites
aucu 3 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 What happened to these guys in the end?November 10th, 2007 A late-night raid led to the arrest of 61 people at the Thornhill Social Club in Toronto, Canada on Thursday.Law enforcement officials had been alerted to the existence of poker games at the club after an armed robbery there last November, and months of investigation led to the execution of a search warrant. Gambling tables, decks of cards, poker chips and cash were confiscated in the raid. The 61 accused were arrested, issued with promises to appear in court on December 20, and released. Eight were charged with running a common gambling house while the remainder were charged with being in same. One person was also charged with possession of cocaine.Texas Hold’em is “an epidemic,” said Detective Emilio DiPoce, who blamed televised poker for the increase in the game’s popularity and rise in illegal playing. Link to post Share on other sites
thehidden 0 Posted December 30, 2007 Share Posted December 30, 2007 What happened to these guys in the end?November 10th, 2007 A late-night raid led to the arrest of 61 people at the Thornhill Social Club in Toronto, Canada on Thursday.Law enforcement officials had been alerted to the existence of poker games at the club after an armed robbery there last November, and months of investigation led to the execution of a search warrant. Gambling tables, decks of cards, poker chips and cash were confiscated in the raid. The 61 accused were arrested, issued with promises to appear in court on December 20, and released. Eight were charged with running a common gambling house while the remainder were charged with being in same. One person was also charged with possession of cocaine.Texas Hold’em is “an epidemic,” said Detective Emilio DiPoce, who blamed televised poker for the increase in the game’s popularity and rise in illegal playing.that was two months ago, 58 of them just got tickets, but three of them are up on some pretty heavy charges. If i'm not mistaken their summons were delayed cause of a big storm. and Dratj, them having their name on the outside would make me want to go there less. it's one thing losing 500$ on the river to a two outer, but it's a true bad beat when all your chips and cash gets tagged as evidence. Link to post Share on other sites
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