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Fcp Barrage!

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Hahaha this barrage will work!!Due to my 2 morning FT's(obv Brag) I will be giving out 10 $5.50 stakes to the 5.50 nl MTT at 9pm Est.First 10 people to post a picture of a really hot girl in next to nothing win!Rules :-Must have at least 2 posts (sorry people with 1 post your cut!)- Must post PS sn and be able to play (register right when winners are announced)- must have aim and post aim name (so someone who knows how can start an aim chat)*You must have met all these criteria to be a winner*Once 10 have posted winners will be announced!50/50 + Stakeback rules applyCheers and lets win,BenEDIT: On STARS

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Meh, I'll try to get a pic.skully92 (West Allis) on Stars.Toenails2 on AIM, you've seen me in the chat nearly every night, so I'll set it up.EDIT: Congrats on the great finishes.

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i'd post a pic of me but that is top secretlolrivergirl (windsor fcp)i'll set up aim chat if you like
I was seriously considering saying or a pic of rivergirl....LOL!Your in you make up for the lack of hot chick picture by setting up the aim chat!
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I was seriously considering saying or a pic of rivergirl....LOL!Your in you make up for the lack of hot chick picture by setting up the aim chat!
TY benBTW, i may share pic during aim chat, providing my estalkers aren't around
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Hahaha this barrage will work!!Due to my 2 morning FT's(obv Brag) I will be giving out 10 $5.50 stakes to the 5.50 nl MTT at 9pm Est.First 10 people to post a picture of a really hot girl in next to nothing win!Rules :-Must have at least 2 posts (sorry people with 1 post your cut!)- Must post PS sn and be able to play (register right when winners are announced)- must have aim and post aim name (so someone who knows how can start an aim chat)*You must have met all these criteria to be a winner*Once 10 have posted winners will be announced!50/50 + Stakeback rules applyCheers and lets win,BenEDIT: On STARS
mmiller05wx6.jpgtuckerbucket (FCP) on starstuckerbucket on AIM
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AcesBurned (Hitchin)TheQueryMan on AIM.Gotta stake me. I railed you in the turbo :club:!
In for the early morning railage... its always nice to have someone on the rail! Thanks
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Make sure you read the instructions, id hate to leave anyone out who didnt follow the instructions!
Oh, right. My AIM.Xizor11 (though I can just ask Rivergirl for an invite if necessary)
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Ben are u still using the same aim i have, cause you're not logged in
No i forgot what it was so i changed itFoggyNotions1
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Ok well i will ship the first 7 so we can get you all reg'd and on aim....rivergirl if you could add them all to the aim chat (and me) that would be coolrivergirlAcesBurnedskully92stupidkid888tuckerbucketdrcrossacksagedecarte(although the lack of picture was dissapointing)i will ship now so get in its #71071641 on stars

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