The Nuts 0 Posted December 18, 2007 Share Posted December 18, 2007 I'm curious to see what leaks I might have in my game. It's difficult to get an unbiased view of your game sometimes. So, it's nice to show how I played to others who can give me some outside perspectives.This is a PXF HH of a $12/45 NLHE turbo I won on Poker Stars. You have to register at PXF to see it, but registration is free. to those who take the time to watch it. Link to post Share on other sites
E-Cart6 0 Posted December 18, 2007 Share Posted December 18, 2007 Hand #4: KQ. It'd definately make a little raise there and see a flop. It's a pretty decent hand.Hand #6: 56. Sure the pot odds were insane and a call is mathemathically correct i suppose, but in turbos the blinds go up so fast that i wouldn't have wasted the chips on 56, because 90% of the time, you're gonna miss the flop and you'll need the chips elsewhere, because the blinds go up so quick.hand #7: 29. Kinda the same as with hand #6, sure nice odds, but i usually don't even bother to complete the BB with such crappy hands as 29. At least not in turbos/shortstack tourneys where you don't have too much to play around with.Hand #17: 33. With less than 13 BBs left i don't think you can setfarm with 33. You're just too short, especially in middle position.Hand #20: J4. Just like #6 and #7, i rather spend my chips on other things in turbos, where you're shortstacked all the time. It only costs you a small ammount at the time, but in the end it'll be a few hundred and you're usually not gonna win big pots in these positions anyway. I'd probably complete the BB with a K high, but J/Q high with such awfull kickers is just not worth it imo.Hand #27: 88. Allin? Just check and hope for a set or a low flop. 88 is nothing to get too excited about. Especially playing it oop. And allin the best you can hope for is a coinflip. I've also seen donks limping with AQ-A9 in EP so you could very well be coinflipping here. They're usually not folding.Hand #37: AT. Hm not something i'd like to go allin with, but i suppose you kinda had to being so short.Hand #38: AQ. Woow can you teach me how to win races like that :oHand #41: A4. Lucky you folded that, because it turned out he had KK, but the right play here is to definatelly make a raise and try to steal the pot. Any ace is good enough for that when you're in the small blind. In a deepstack tourney, i'd raise about 3.5x or 4x BB to discourage action, but in this turbo 2.5-3x BB should do.Hand #49: QJs. Just make a raise of 2.5xBB here and possibly call a shove. I wouldn't shove myself here.Hand #51: AJ. This isn't the nuts so a standard raise should do.Hand #56: J4. Not exactly a hand you wanna steal with. I'd fold it.Hand #57: T9. You don't wanna be stealing with T9 in this spot. Especially not allin.Hand #61: AA. No reason to shove here. 2.5x BB raise should be fine.Hand #63: KT. UTG allin with this? With big stacks and if i'd be playing aggressive in a 5handed situation i MIGHT play this UTG, but most likely not. Playing this oop is gonna get you into trouble and shoving it is even worse. I'd probably fold this UTG, and if you really wanna play make a smaller raise, but i'd fold.Hand #66: A6. I'd not even raise with it from middle position, shoving is suicide.Hand #70: Q5. According to Harrington the absolute minimum you must have to play from the SB, but in a shortstack situation i'd definately fold it. And being chipleader you don't need to take this risk here.Hand #89: Q8. Not something i'd steal with from shortstacks. Only from bigger stack if i was trying to dominate the table, but shortstacks.. nah. They can move allin any moment and you don't need to take the risk here.Hand #96: T3. Not something i'd steal with in any situation. Maybe if the BB is really really really really tight. And we'd have to be deepstacked.I'm not a turbo specialist. I kinda hate those things, but i hope this helps anyhow. You played decent overall, but definately made mistakes in this tournament. You mainly got lucky a few times and that's why you took it down. Link to post Share on other sites
The Nuts 0 Posted December 18, 2007 Author Share Posted December 18, 2007 I'm not a turbo specialist.I can tell. I'm not trying to offend you, but most of your advice was pretty bad.You have to go into pushbot mode in the later stages of turbos. In the end game, every stack is short except for the biggest of stacks. Most of my preflop shoves were totally standard given the stack sizes and the blinds + ante.When pushbotting in turbos, it doesn't matter what cards you have. It matters what situation you're in. If you're first into the pot, you can shove more hands than you could if somebody else was in the pot before you.You have to get lucky to win tournaments. That's known. So long as you play properly, you shouldn't lose in the long run. Your opponents make enough mistakes for you to profit on. Link to post Share on other sites
E-Cart6 0 Posted December 18, 2007 Share Posted December 18, 2007 I can tell. I'm not trying to offend you, but most of your advice was pretty bad.You have to go into pushbot mode in the later stages of turbos. In the end game, every stack is short except for the biggest of stacks. Most of my preflop shoves were totally standard given the stack sizes and the blinds + ante.When pushbotting in turbos, it doesn't matter what cards you have. It matters what situation you're in. If you're first into the pot, you can shove more hands than you could if somebody else was in the pot before you.You have to get lucky to win tournaments. That's known. So long as you play properly, you shouldn't lose in the long run. Your opponents make enough mistakes for you to profit on.Yea i might be 100% wrong. I've been playing some turbos lately(heck i won one of those 45-man 6$ thingies 1 minute ago), but just mainly when i don't have time to play 4.40s/MTTs, because i still need some TLB points to stay in the top 1000 in december for those promotion thingies.Appart from that i never play them and i hate them. Link to post Share on other sites
StupidKid 0 Posted December 19, 2007 Share Posted December 19, 2007 I used to play these all the timeHand 4: Standard fold of KQ - Save chipsHand 17: Limping here is pretty bad with 13bbs, we can't really afford to be c/f or b/f ing flop here. If the tables tight I prob ship, if not just muck it and save the 100 for fold equity. Post flop was fineHand 27:I don't hate it, i probably crai/cf depending on flop texture...Hand 41: I probably raise to 500 here if he's been kinda tight or without any history in bvb and fold to a shove. I think you win the pot more often than not.49: Standard51: Standard52/53: Both good pushes56: Good shove with their stacks57: With the big stack in the BB and your increased frequency of pushing I might fold this since you may get looked up pretty light, shoving is generally fine tho probably61: I don't hate making it look as if the bigstack can resteal here and make it like 2.5bb, probably would look suspicious thou and the fact that you got caught with T9o means the big stack might look you up as weak as A8+66+KT+ 63: The table seems v tight, but I might fold this.66: This is a fold imo esp. 9 handed.70: Standard86: Make it 2.5bb and plz dont min bet flop, make it like 4K, if he comes over the top fine. You have a stack, use it imo. Link to post Share on other sites
The Nuts 0 Posted December 19, 2007 Author Share Posted December 19, 2007 Hand 27:I don't hate it, i probably crai/cf depending on flop texture...You mean just check from the BB and play for set value?That's the response I got on a few other forums. I disagreed because I felt that villain did not have 99+ and if that was the case, then worst case scenario is that I'm in a race if he calls my shove in the first place. I also think playing for set value OOP is kind of weak against that such a shortish stack. If I check/shove a pair of eights, I'm only called if I'm beat or against a monster draw. Check/folding the best hand is just really bad. It was best to get it in while ahead.Hand 41: I probably raise to 500 here if he's been kinda tight or without any history in bvb and fold to a shove. I think you win the pot more often than not.This was probably the right course of action.57: With the big stack in the BB and your increased frequency of pushing I might fold this since you may get looked up pretty light, shoving is generally fine tho probablyDefinitely a close decision. But there's so much dead money in the pot and people fold so often that it is profitable. This probably wouldn't work in a turbo with a higher buy-in as thinking players would see through my preflop shoves.61: I don't hate making it look as if the bigstack can resteal here and make it like 2.5bb, probably would look suspicious thou and the fact that you got caught with T9o means the big stack might look you up as weak as A8+66+KT+Exactly. I mean, I just showed down T9o on a preflop shove. I'm shoving from a steal position and I have been shoving preflop a lot. I thought this was a great decision even if I did just get the blinds/ante.63: The table seems v tight, but I might fold this.Keep in mind that the table was 5-handed, meaning I have to use Effective M and not regular M.66: This is a fold imo esp. 9 handed.I was chided for this elsewhere. You are 100% correct.86: Make it 2.5bb and plz dont min bet flop, make it like 4K, if he comes over the top fine. You have a stack, use it imo.I wrote this about min-betting in my blog:"The min-bet button steal can't be used in every situation. The conditions have to be right for this to work. The reason that the min-bet is effective here is because a min bet represents a decent amount of my opponents' stacks. If they were to call, they would be out of position against me, which puts them at a huge disadvantage. If they try a re-steal here, they would be forced to either move all-in preflop or pot commit themselves. Both situations are uncomfortable for weak and average players. Thus, I am again risking the minimum to obtain the blinds."It may not be technically correct. But it was effective here. Link to post Share on other sites
StupidKid 0 Posted December 19, 2007 Share Posted December 19, 2007 You mean just check from the BB and play for set value?That's the response I got on a few other forums. I disagreed because I felt that villain did not have 99+ and if that was the case, then worst case scenario is that I'm in a race if he calls my shove in the first place. I also think playing for set value OOP is kind of weak against that such a shortish stack. If I check/shove a pair of eights, I'm only called if I'm beat or against a monster draw. Check/folding the best hand is just really bad. It was best to get it in while ahead.This was probably the right course of action.Definitely a close decision. But there's so much dead money in the pot and people fold so often that it is profitable. This probably wouldn't work in a turbo with a higher buy-in as thinking players would see through my preflop shoves.What buyin was it?Exactly. I mean, I just showed down T9o on a preflop shove. I'm shoving from a steal position and I have been shoving preflop a lot. I thought this was a great decision even if I did just get the blinds/ante.Ja, your agression is why it's kinda goodKeep in mind that the table was 5-handed, meaning I have to use Effective M and not regular M.But then remember that you've shown down T9o when you shove here....I was chided for this elsewhere. You are 100% correct.I wrote this about min-betting in my blog:"The min-bet button steal can't be used in every situation. The conditions have to be right for this to work. The reason that the min-bet is effective here is because a min bet represents a decent amount of my opponents' stacks. If they were to call, they would be out of position against me, which puts them at a huge disadvantage. If they try a re-steal here, they would be forced to either move all-in preflop or pot commit themselves. Both situations are uncomfortable for weak and average players. Thus, I am again risking the minimum to obtain the blinds."It may not be technically correct. But it was effective here.I don't HATE the min bet pf, but at least bet 2bbs on the flop. Minbetting the flop is just bad imo. Link to post Share on other sites
The Nuts 0 Posted December 19, 2007 Author Share Posted December 19, 2007 SK:It's a $12 buy-in. Link to post Share on other sites
jjgoldy5 0 Posted December 21, 2007 Share Posted December 21, 2007 6 – I’d fold, but not horrible17 – I don’t like a limp with 33 – worked for you’re here, but your stack isn’t deep enough to play this hand for anything less than a pot-committing raise or shove imho (folding is also an option here)20 – fold J4o32 – Standard… win a flip already would you??33 – eh…I guess this isn’t bad… by shoving pre, you get rid of the SB… if you had like 2 BBs left, I would say to check and shove any piece of the flop…in general, just be sure you aren’t getting impatient after losing a big race… a couple double ups and you’re right back in this41 – I don’t really open fold this heads up…I guess you knew he had a monster though haha44 – Good….but tight fold49 – yes51 - yes 52 – yes53 – yes56 – Close…Typically, I would say fine, but you have been shoving here, if the BB I’m certainly calling you very light here….definitely not horrible, but just be conscious of your image57 – See above61 – I understand your thinking, but they are going to need a huge hand to call you since now you have a real stack. I’d make it 2.5x and hope to get reshoved on… You’re losing a lot of value here imho. As I said… I do understand what you’re thinking though.63 – I don’t like… You are too deep for this shove… I just fold this 100% 66 – See above… You are crushed when called here… I hate this move with Ax from MP67 – standard89 – I like93 – Not a bad spot to raise…folding is fine tho98 – gg….congratsOverall, I think you understand tourney strategy, but may have gotten a little overzealous with some of your shoves… overall, well played and only a couple glaring errors in my mind Link to post Share on other sites
defy 0 Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 I understand that its a turbo but all u did was shove and win every race..i dont get it. Link to post Share on other sites
throwemaway 0 Posted January 12, 2008 Share Posted January 12, 2008 I understand that its a turbo but all u did was shove and win every race..i dont get it.Have you ever played a turbo before? Link to post Share on other sites
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