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Daniel Blog Paraody Of Hellmuth-sad

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I'm really surprised DN would stoop to this. Many players are critical of how Hellmuth has parlayed his poker success into commercial success, but I would guess very, very, very few wouldn't like to be in his shoes. Phil is flying all over the country in private jets and Daniel is selling a 2004 Toyota Tundra on ebay--what does that tell you about their respective finance management? Phil has a stake in Ultimatebet.com, Daniel took a bath on fullcontactpoker.com. Phil is disliked by many players and parlays that into even great fame, Daniel N is reportedly disliked by many players and turns that into a he said/he said dispute. daniel, i think you need to get your head straight a little bit. you are a great player and you have many fans here, but rather than criticizing hellmuth (who you've known for years) you might want to start thinking about emulating him a little bit so that you can play in the big game, play in tourneys, and have $$$ for side projects.p.s.--when daniel imagines phil h giving a "case of proplayer energy drink" to his maid as a gift, that it is an obvious reference to what i did with my girlfriend. dn a closet gmanshade fan?

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I'm really surprised DN would stoop to this. Many players are critical of how Hellmuth has parlayed his poker success into commercial success, but I would guess very, very, very few wouldn't like to be in his shoes. Phil is flying all over the country in private jets and Daniel is selling a 2004 Toyota Tundra on ebay--what does that tell you about their respective finance management? Phil has a stake in Ultimatebet.com, Daniel took a bath on fullcontactpoker.com. Phil is disliked by many players and parlays that into even great fame, Daniel N is reportedly disliked by many players and turns that into a he said/he said dispute. daniel, i think you need to get your head straight a little bit. you are a great player and you have many fans here, but rather than criticizing hellmuth (who you've known for years) you might want to start thinking about emulating him a little bit so that you can play in the big game, play in tourneys, and have $$$ for side projects.
IDK, but this was posted at the very end."(if you didn't understand this joke, please visit www.philhellmuth.com and read his latest blog entry and it should all make sense to you :-)"
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DN is more than willing to take an hour out of his life and write a pointless blog to mock PH but he will go weeks and weeks and offer nothing to his fans, the forum and its members.Sorry, but I am losing interest.

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Phil is flying all over the country in private jets and Daniel is selling a 2004 Toyota Tundra on ebay--what does that tell you about their respective finance management?
I don't think this shows anything about finance management. BUT overall I do agree with you about the blog, I thought it was a bit distasteful even for a joke.
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daniel, i think you need to get your head straight a little bit. you are a great player and you have many fans here, but rather than criticizing hellmuth (who you've known for years) you might want to start thinking about emulating him a little bit so that you can play in the big game, play in tourneys, and have $$$ for side projects.
I guess you have access to his bank statement?? Let the man mind his own finances, I'm sure he can take care of himself...
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DN is more than willing to take an hour out of his life and write a pointless blog to mock PH but he will go weeks and weeks and offer nothing to his fans, the forum and its members.Sorry, but I am losing interest.
What are you looking for? I don't remember anything in the registration that said DN would be giving me anything.
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Phil is flying all over the country in private jets and Daniel is selling a 2004 Toyota Tundra on ebay--what does that tell you about their respective finance management?
It says absolutely nothing about finance management. What it does say is that Phil has money and a lot of friends with private jets, while it says that Negreanu wants to be environmentally friendly.
Phil has a stake in Ultimatebet.com, Daniel has a better than average deal with Pokerstars.
you might want to start thinking about emulating him a little bit
Extremely vague, please clarify. In what way you would like DN to emulate Hellmuth.
so that you can play in the big game, play in tourneys, and have $$$ for side projects.
Who is saying that he can't play in the big game? No one that I know of thus farWho says Daniel isn't playing in tourneys? No one that I know of thus farWho says he doesnt have $$$ for side projects? If you're making this inference from the fact that he's selling his Toyota Tundra, then its a very weak inference.
Many players are critical of how Hellmuth has parlayed his poker success into commercial success
Agreed, but that isnt what this blog is about.All in all, his blog was an obvious joke, one that I enjoyed very much. And its been established that Daniel and Phil have no problem making fun of each other, whether it be on TV or in blog parodies - this isnt the first joke blog that Daniel's written about Hellmuth, and Hellmuth has acknowledged and approved of Daniel's first joke blog. However, it is unfortunate when people take depreciating comedy and turn it into full-on serious insults. I think gman is a bit misguided in this respect, and I hope that he can see the humor in the blog, rather than the affronts in it.
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I think the blog was probably unnecessary. We all know Hellmuth is an arrogant self promoting blowhard. Thats why he has tons of money. I think we're all better off just worrying about our own house instead of knocking others. But thats just me.But the real travesty of the blog is that daniel uses the term 'eleventy billion'. It should be eleventy BRAZILLION and that mistake just can't be overlooked ;)Mark

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I think the blog was probably unnecessary. We all know Hellmuth is an arrogant self promoting blowhard. Thats why he has tons of money. I think we're all better off just worrying about our own house instead of knocking others. But thats just me.But the real travesty of the blog is that daniel uses the term 'eleventy billion'. It should be eleventy BRAZILLION and that mistake just can't be overlooked :club: Mark
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DN is more than willing to take an hour out of his life and write a pointless blog to mock PH but he will go weeks and weeks and offer nothing to his fans, the forum and its members.Sorry, but I am losing interest.
hmm i guess the fcp challenge on stars isnt good enough for some. Puting up vid blogs and writtin blogs for pure entertainment. He doesnt even have to have this site... let alone participate as much as he does. The fact that this thread was started is pathetic... the fact that its getting any attention is worse... thats why this reply is ending now.
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It says absolutely nothing about finance management. What it does say is that Phil has money and a lot of friends with private jets, while it says that Negreanu wants to be environmentally friendly.Who says he doesnt have $$$ for side projects? If you're making this inference from the fact that he's selling his Toyota Tundra, then its a very weak inference.
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I'm really surprised DN would stoop to this. Many players are critical of how Hellmuth has parlayed his poker success into commercial success, but I would guess very, very, very few wouldn't like to be in his shoes. Phil is flying all over the country in private jets and Daniel is selling a 2004 Toyota Tundra on ebay--what does that tell you about their respective finance management? Phil has a stake in Ultimatebet.com, Daniel took a bath on fullcontactpoker.com. Phil is disliked by many players and parlays that into even great fame, Daniel N is reportedly disliked by many players and turns that into a he said/he said dispute. daniel, i think you need to get your head straight a little bit. you are a great player and you have many fans here, but rather than criticizing hellmuth (who you've known for years) you might want to start thinking about emulating him a little bit so that you can play in the big game, play in tourneys, and have $$$ for side projects.p.s.--when daniel imagines phil h giving a "case of proplayer energy drink" to his maid as a gift, that it is an obvious reference to what i did with my girlfriend. dn a closet gmanshade fan?
It's ok, we know you don't get Monty Python either!!
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I'm really surprised DN would stoop to this. Many players are critical of how Hellmuth has parlayed his poker success into commercial success, but I would guess very, very, very few wouldn't like to be in his shoes. Phil is flying all over the country in private jets and Daniel is selling a 2004 Toyota Tundra on ebay--what does that tell you about their respective finance management? Phil has a stake in Ultimatebet.com, Daniel took a bath on fullcontactpoker.com. Phil is disliked by many players and parlays that into even great fame, Daniel N is reportedly disliked by many players and turns that into a he said/he said dispute. daniel, i think you need to get your head straight a little bit. you are a great player and you have many fans here, but rather than criticizing hellmuth (who you've known for years) you might want to start thinking about emulating him a little bit so that you can play in the big game, play in tourneys, and have $$$ for side projects.p.s.--when daniel imagines phil h giving a "case of proplayer energy drink" to his maid as a gift, that it is an obvious reference to what i did with my girlfriend. dn a closet gmanshade fan?
Phil, Is that you?
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