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Dear Ouch 8-s

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today I started it up just to see and it got the blue screen but restarted before I could walk over and read it. it restarted and booted up mostly fine. it gave me an error messagesomething about VPU recover having a fatal error and switching from hardware rendering to software rendering. I forgot to write it down. anyway, the screen looks fine but I'm sure this'll happen again. same question as before. perhaps this gives more info to what is happening. I'm guessing it's just further evidence of the lcd crapping out. thanks!

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today I started it up just to see and it got the blue screen but restarted before I could walk over and read it. it restarted and booted up mostly fine. it gave me an error messagesomething about VPU recover having a fatal error and switching from hardware rendering to software rendering. I forgot to write it down. anyway, the screen looks fine but I'm sure this'll happen again. same question as before. perhaps this gives more info to what is happening. I'm guessing it's just further evidence of the lcd crapping out. thanks!
almost definitely means that your video card died or had some sort of large, driver-related error. i'd try reinstalling the drivers for your video card, and if that doesn't work, it's likely fried.in any case, it's not likely going to resurface if you need to use your computer in the meantime.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Ouch-8s,My laptop's finger pad thing (I have no idea if that's what it's called...you know, the mouse pad that you use, but without the mouse...the finger pad thing) isn't working anymore. Well, it is, but only as a way for me to drag the cursor. It no longer lets me click on anything by tapping the pad, I now have to actually use the clicky buttons. Is the pad broken, or do I just have it on a setting that doesn't allow for clicking?Sincerely,So Useless With Computers That I Probably Sound Incoherent To You

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you might have a program in the bottom right doohickey area for your touchpad. mine is called a synaptics pointing device. else you might have luck going to your control panel and looking for a mouse icon
Thank you.
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you're saying thanks, but I'm not feeling it.also I don't know what the bottom right area is called.
Sorry...I couldn't think of a funny way to say it. I started with, "Thank you, sir." Then I thought that sounded patronizing, so I thought I'd switch it up to, "Thank you, maam." That didn't make much sense, plus I'm not sure if there's an apostrophe in ma'am (maam?, m'aam?, maa'm?) so I scrapped that idea. I briefly played with the notion of throwing out a "you're ok" type of comment, but you already know just how ok you are.A dashboard?
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Sorry...I couldn't think of a funny way to say it. I started with, "Thank you, sir." Then I thought that sounded patronizing, so I thought I'd switch it up to, "Thank you, maam." That didn't make much sense, plus I'm not sure if there's an apostrophe in ma'am (maam?, m'aam?, maa'm?) so I scrapped that idea. I briefly played with the notion of throwing out a "you're ok" type of comment, but you already know just how ok you are.A dashboard?
its short for madam isn't it? replace the d with '
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I just got a new laptop. Nothing fancy as I only need it to for poker and internet. Toshiba, 2.2Ghz Dual Core AMD, 3GB RAM, 250GBHD which replaced my 1.6GHz, less than 1GB RAM, 120GBHD Compaq precrapio. Anyway, I figured maybe you could give me optimizing tips instead of paying someone like BestBuy $100 to delete worthless programs and redo my startup to make it run a bit smoother. Any advice would be appreciated.Have some boob pudding from japan20080505-jboobopen.jpg

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I just got a new laptop. Nothing fancy as I only need it to for poker and internet. Toshiba, 2.2Ghz Dual Core AMD, 3GB RAM, 250GBHD which replaced my 1.6GHz, less than 1GB RAM, 120GBHD Compaq precrapio. Anyway, I figured maybe you could give me optimizing tips instead of paying someone like BestBuy $100 to delete worthless programs and redo my startup to make it run a bit smoother. Any advice would be appreciated.
Before installing anything: Reformat your hard drive and install a fresh copy of windows. Problem solved. (I might seem like I'm only kidding because it's not my computer, but I would do that if it was.)
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I'm pretty sure that's not right.Edit: Fuck you, JJJ. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
Heh. I don't know what just happened here.It probably has to do with my overuse of the phrase "pretty sure."Yeah, pretty sure that's it.
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the bottom right area on windows computers is called the "tray." I don't think it's wise to buy a laptop on ebay.I swear to god steve did you not read my posts about toshiba when we discussed this in the thread? as far as optimization goes, just pre-order windows 7 from microsoft or something if you hate vista.I know some new systems are coming out with upgrade vouchers or something, might look into that. 7 will be nice.

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yeah I get a free upgrade to 7
well then. don't sweat optimizing vista.. just get 7. it'll scale to whatever you've got nicely.unlike vista which lets out a haughty, manly laugh when installed on lower powered systems
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The backing on the lid of my laptop is broken.I found this on Ebay:http://cgi.ebay.com/Gateway-MA7-MT6840-15....4QQcmdZViewItemBefore I purchase it, am I going to be able to replace this easily (without any soldering, I have never taken apart the backing of an LCD before.EDIT: Sorry for the delay.smoking-hot-chicks.jpg
I've done it once. It wasn't super hard, just delicate work.
I just got a new laptop. Nothing fancy as I only need it to for poker and internet. Toshiba, 2.2Ghz Dual Core AMD, 3GB RAM, 250GBHD which replaced my 1.6GHz, less than 1GB RAM, 120GBHD Compaq precrapio. Anyway, I figured maybe you could give me optimizing tips instead of paying someone like BestBuy $100 to delete worthless programs and redo my startup to make it run a bit smoother. Any advice would be appreciated.Have some boob pudding from japan20080505-jboobopen.jpg
strat and brv nailed it - before installing anything, reformat and install w7. you can DL it for free from MS still.everyone else - there's a reason these two got answers.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a problem. I just moved, so I have new internet service. Same provider, though.FCP now logs me off after 10-15 minutes of inactivity, where as I used to stay logged on until I turned off my computer or logged on at the office and vice versa. I have a macbook if it makes a difference.What could have happened?

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I have a problem. I just moved, so I have new internet service. Same provider, though.FCP now logs me off after 10-15 minutes of inactivity, where as I used to stay logged on until I turned off my computer or logged on at the office and vice versa. I have a macbook if it makes a difference.What could have happened?
Are you using Safari? There's a bug in Safari that is causing this. It keeps coming and going with successive versions. 1) Do a software update.2) If it still happens, use either Firefox, or the WebKit nightly build (pre-release version of Safari basically): http://nightly.webkit.org/I switched to the nightly webkit specifically because of this issue and it has solved it for me.
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Are you using Safari? There's a bug in Safari that is causing this. It keeps coming and going with successive versions. 1) Do a software update.2) If it still happens, use either Firefox, or the WebKit nightly build (pre-release version of Safari basically): http://nightly.webkit.org/I switched to the nightly webkit specifically because of this issue and it has solved it for me.
Or better yet... save yourself $1500 and don't buy a mac.
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I know nothing about computers. And because I am going to be purchasing a new one here very soon, I come to you seeking wisdom.The new computer will be a laptop, for school use only. I will take notes, write papers and outlines and surf the net on this thing. Thats it. I'll use the computer I'm on now for all media storage, etc. I'm thinking about a Netbook. Any reason I shouldnt be? I want it to be small, both for carrying and using purposes. Not a lot of room on the desks.If you were, me, which netbook would you get, considering our needs?

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that thing is cool as hell. but i'm gonna assume its more than the 500 dollars i want to spend.
doesn't exist officially, that's just someone's interpretationI don't really understand how it'll work as far as being able to touch and see. can't hold it the same way you do an iphone.I think I heard $600 for a price point, which is pure laughs
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