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Straight On A Paired Board Facing Massive Overbet Push

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.10/.25 NLHE I hadn't been at the table long, so I had no reads. I have 10d7d in the bb. There are three limpers, including the sb. The flop comes 889 rainbow. sb checks, I check, MP player min-bets, button calls, sb folds, I call. Turn comes a 6, I check and MP pushes for $24 into a $2 pot. Button folds and I...? I almost never play NLHE cash games, so I felt sort of lost here. What kind of hand could he have to make such a bet?

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But "Any 8" doesn't include all that many hands. What hands does the typical player limp from MP that include an 8? Maybe T8s, 98s, 78s, 68s, A8s. This could also be 99 or 66. When we are behind we are drawing dead, and when ahead, we can still lose. I agree that it's a call, but isn't this decision somewhat close?

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Well I agree it's tough, because your turned the wheel straight. Pot odds don't have you calling, but why shove on the turn if he has a boat? Is there a flush draw now after the 6, which may lead to the villain overbetting to get the draws out versus his trips?. Most people slowplay with a boat. If it's so early, I think I might fold if my stack is low. But if I have a pretty good stack, I call.

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Well I agree it's tough, because your turned the wheel straight. Pot odds don't have you calling, but why shove on the turn if he has a boat? Is there a flush draw now after the 6, which may lead to the villain overbetting to get the draws out versus his trips?. Most people slowplay with a boat. If it's so early, I think I might fold if my stack is low. But if I have a pretty good stack, I call.
I didn't really understand this entire thing, but the bolded parts are just wrong.
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I guess to clarify my question a bit: Is this massive over-push a line that you see in low-limit cash games? If so, what sorts of hands do people do it with?During the hand, I couldn't help but thinking that it wouldn't be a bad line to take with 89 or 99, since chances are that no one has anything and you won't win much anyway, but if they have trips or a straight, you maximize your value.Or it could be a donk with AA...

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I didn't really understand this entire thing, but the bolded parts are just wrong.
I was thinking the exact same thing. This is Cash. Small stack means you limit your potential loss and have nothing implied....and that isn't a "Wheel"
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sorry, was distracted you're right, it's not the wheel. When I say early, I mean he has no reads on the players yet. I don't know how much he has, and his straight is very vulnerable at this stage. How much does he have? Does he have the shover covered? Is there a flush draw?

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Call. From my limited experience, this bet could be any 8, maybe two pair, but usually ISN'T a full house. I won't pretend to know what he was thinking handing out a 12x pot sized bet, but most players would tend to try and extract value of their full house. I've seen AA or KK pull a massive all in preflop in hopes of getting called, but I don't usually see this postflop with a strong hand. I call everytime in this spot.

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Ive been playing a couple hundred hands of micro limits a day lately and here are my thoughts:ITS MICROSTAKES!!!!! People make horrendous plays all the time. Because he is an unknown i tend to assume he is bad, since i believe that over half the players at 10 no limit SUCK.The range against an unknown includes any eight, 57,99,66. Ran that on poker stove and you have 66 % equity!Call and if he flips over the nuts make a note on him and include what his overbets mean so that you don't make the mistake again.Also include your stack size if i have around fifty bigblinds this is a snap call. If im deeper i probably think about it a little bit and then call.Summary... Microstakes = donks unless otherwise notedAm i off with my thinking?

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Summary... Microstakes = donks unless otherwise notedAm i off with my thinking?
I dont think we have to look at what stakes this guy is playing to tell hes a donk. His flop bet already told us that. I cant imagine any situation where this would be correct.
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