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Probably Heading To Casino Windsor This Weekend

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Well folks, since i'm on Vacation this week and have nothing better to do, i'm thinking of hitting up the live poker room. I haven't decided yet on Sat or Fri but either is definately a possibility. Let me know.

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I'll be at MCC Saturday Evening....if my buddy doesn't decide to join me, I'll cross the river.
I'd do MCC but i get lost and scared over there....lol. I do like the fact you don't have to get cold to have a smoke tho.
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I'd do MCC but i get lost and scared over there....lol. I do like the fact you don't have to get cold to have a smoke tho.
Yeah, they'll smell your fear as you come out of the Tunnel......could get ugly......but, hey, you get more for your Super Strong Canadian Loony
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Yeah, they'll smell your fear as you come out of the Tunnel......could get ugly......but, hey, you get more for your Super Strong Canadian Loony
I'm not sure it'll be my FEAR they'll smell........
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Just an FYI CW will be changing their limits effective this Friday. the 1-2 game will now be a 200 max and the 2-5 game will now be 500 max I believe and the session fee will be done away with. Overall good news.
Interesting. I used to like the $100 Max, but have grown out of it.Thanks for the update.
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I think it's looking like tomorrow (Friday) will be my night to go out. I am reserving myself to playing NL only, cause i always suck at limit anything. If anybody is there, come say hi. My first name is melissa, and most of the floor staff know me. Actually you can just ask Steve (the floorguy) if "trouble" is here, he'll point me out. LOL

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I'm not sure it'll be my FEAR they'll smell........
God damn that was funny!! well done.I too am on vacation this week. Sadly Spokane, WA is a bit far to travel from to join you but have fun.
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Well folks, since i'm on Vacation this week and have nothing better to do, i'm thinking of hitting up the live poker room. I haven't decided yet on Sat or Fri but either is definately a possibility. Let me know.
a/s/l?no but seriously... what do you look like? send me a pic or add me to facebook so i know who to look for.
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a/s/l?no but seriously... what do you look like? send me a pic or add me to facebook so i know who to look for.
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Well, i'm going tonight (which is friday). I'm usually one of maybe 3 or 4 girls in the poker room (other than the dealers). I'm pretty short, about 5'3" and i'll have a HUGE stack of chips in front of me. Seriously, i'm not hard to miss and the whole floor staff knows me. My Avatar on stars is me, so if you've ever railed me, you've seen my pic. But just ask one of the guys on the floor (or lori if she's working) who i am. I get up every other orbit to go for a smoke. (i hate that law). And i do the krablar dance everytime.

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I'm going tonight for sure. I don't post much here but I will say hi if I see you. I will probably be playing the 3/6 limit game. Probably be wearing a Detroit Tigers hat and a black hoodie.

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I'm going tonight for sure. I don't post much here but I will say hi if I see you. I will probably be playing the 3/6 limit game. Probably be wearing a Detroit Tigers hat and a black hoodie.
Dude.Hoodies at the Poker table are Sooooo 2005
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Nobody showed up to take it. Not my fault. Seriously, i was there for about 7 hours, played the new 200max 1/2 nl. Lots of action in that game, unfortunately i ran pretty card dead for about 6.5 of the 7 hours. YUCK. I did however get to do the krablar dance once (my table thought i was a bit insane afterwards, especially since it was only a $30 pot) and i got totally screwed on 2 key hands (lost once to 7-4o and 2-5o for bigggggg pots) Other than that, it was a good time and i was controlled enough to not get upset about either hand. I did get pretty blinded down with the bad run, but stayed patient enough to not lose too much. The last hand i played killed me....J10cc vs 2-5o i think it was $7 to go flop comes J 4c3c the guy turned an ace and it was gg me. I made a set on the river but it wasn't enough. I know i'm supposed to shove the flop instead of a pot sized bet but still, i couldn't really put the guy on 2-5 to a p/f raise where he had no money in the middle before the raise. I was actually really happy to see so many crappy hands calling raises. Unfortunately over a 7 hour span I was reduced to seeing AQ 3x, AJ 1x, A10 2x, 88 3x, 66 2x and 22 5x. Not a big pp ever, nor did i see AK at all. 10-2 and 9-3 came every other hand opposite each other. I made 1 set with 66 and got someone in to the end with it. Other than that, it was pretty slow. We had one really drunk guy at our table for about 10 minutes and 3 buyins who had only seen the game on tv....unfortunately, i didn't get to get involved in a big pot with him :club:

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