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What Are Your Bets About What Daniel's "dramatic" Next Blog Is About?

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I'm betting it's one of two things. 1) He's getting divorced. 2) He's taking a long sabbatical off of poker and his lifestyle to try to be a "better man". Honestly, I feel that both of them have a solid chance of being what he's going to write about but the second one might be less likely because of the Poker VT thing he keeps talking about. Honestly his blogs are becoming boring as hell, especially the ones that don't talk about poker. Like I give a crap about if he went to see a comedy show, blah blah blah, went to an autism benefit and suddenly has opinions on a disease that he doesn't understand technically blah blah blah, spouting off on his poorly informed opinions on politics blah blah blah. The dude is so liberal and weak willed that it would be irritating talking to him for an extended period of time because you knnow he's one of those people that judges other people's beliefs, as long as they are slightly immoral, aggressive, or selfish. I used to read his blogs for poker information, but now he just prattles on about stuff most people couldn't care about. Honestly, I feel he should blog about that stuff on Myspace or Facebook, or something like that, instead of a blog at Full Contact Poker. Plus his poker style doesn't even reflect what you'd expect from a site named Full Contact Poker as he plays so weak now, at least in cash games. The dude's becoming kind of unfocused and annoying.

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I'm betting it's one of two things. 1) He's getting divorced. 2) He's taking a long sabbatical off of poker and his lifestyle to try to be a "better man". Honestly, I feel that both of them have a solid chance of being what he's going to write about but the second one might be less likely because of the Poker VT thing he keeps talking about. Honestly his blogs are becoming boring as hell, especially the ones that don't talk about poker. Like I give a crap about if he went to see a comedy show, blah blah blah, went to an autism benefit and suddenly has opinions on a disease that he doesn't understand technically blah blah blah, spouting off on his poorly informed opinions on politics blah blah blah. The dude is so liberal and weak willed that it would be irritating talking to him for an extended period of time because you knnow he's one of those people that judges other people's beliefs, as long as they are slightly immoral, aggressive, or selfish. I used to read his blogs for poker information, but now he just prattles on about stuff most people couldn't care about. Honestly, I feel he should blog about that stuff on Myspace or Facebook, or something like that, instead of a blog at Full Contact Poker. Plus his poker style doesn't even reflect what you'd expect from a site named Full Contact Poker as he plays so weak now, at least in cash games. The dude's becoming kind of unfocused and annoying.
Pot calling kettle black
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My guess is that he is going to lay low and spend more time with his family and try to have a baby !That or turn pro golfer !!
I'm also guessing it's about a divorce. In every blog, all he seems to do is party with his friends, golf with his friends, go to the clubs with his friends, play WII with his friends, etc. Lori is hardly ever mentioned, and if so, it's just in passing. Kind of sad actually.
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I'm also guessing it's about a divorce. In every blog, all he seems to do is party with his friends, golf with his friends, go to the clubs with his friends, play WII with his friends, etc. Lori is hardly ever mentioned, and if so, it's just in passing. Kind of sad actually.
I should call her....
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Gossip is for the weak, so Im not gonna comment on his personal life. But, I defeintly dont think he's quitting poker. Hes got that instruction thing coming out as well as a new book. Plus he just signed with pokerstars. It has to be hes gonna play poker on weekends and be the new GM for the Leafs cause god knows they need someone. I would like to see him as the GM for the thrashers. I think he could do OK at my home game here in Atlanta.

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i bet he's taking a break of poker or he does only a few tournements in a few months. Why i think that? His wife "introduct him with the lord". And them both make him a better men, i think. When a watch his schedule, i ask myself when he have kwality time off for him self, friends and wife?For Heineken you have to be in the Netherlands, home of Heineken. a fan from Holland

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I'm betting it's one of two things. 1) He's getting divorced. 2) He's taking a long sabbatical off of poker and his lifestyle to try to be a "better man". Honestly, I feel that both of them have a solid chance of being what he's going to write about but the second one might be less likely because of the Poker VT thing he keeps talking about. Honestly his blogs are becoming boring as hell, especially the ones that don't talk about poker. Like I give a crap about if he went to see a comedy show, blah blah blah, went to an autism benefit and suddenly has opinions on a disease that he doesn't understand technically blah blah blah, spouting off on his poorly informed opinions on politics blah blah blah. The dude is so liberal and weak willed that it would be irritating talking to him for an extended period of time because you knnow he's one of those people that judges other people's beliefs, as long as they are slightly immoral, aggressive, or selfish. I used to read his blogs for poker information, but now he just prattles on about stuff most people couldn't care about. Honestly, I feel he should blog about that stuff on Myspace or Facebook, or something like that, instead of a blog at Full Contact Poker. Plus his poker style doesn't even reflect what you'd expect from a site named Full Contact Poker as he plays so weak now, at least in cash games. The dude's becoming kind of unfocused and annoying.How rude it would be to talk to us about that Daniel has more dignity then that, maybe there's a baby on the way though :club: golf and new things he's working on
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I have to admit...I'm on pins and needles. Divorce crossed my mind...maybe even a new Negreanu...but I honestly don't know....good news, bad news....hmmm....usually when people tell me that the bad news always outweighs the good news.

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I say he will blog about not blogging anymore! He already plays "less poker". Other possibilities would be a pregnancy(wife obv) or maybe he will become a charity type spokesperson for some cause. Really what you are trying to predict is what is gonna happen in his life next. We will know what it is when it happens.

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Something that is good news. bad news. hmmmmm...Bad news would be something that would mean less golf, less poker, less time with friends...It can only mean one thing folks.TOFURKEY FORMULA ONE TIME!BabyDaniel-1.jpg

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Couple things I'd like to add here. I am still a huge fan of Negreanu and think when he is on his game he is SICK. Although I do agree with the OP that his BLogs have become some what depressing and boring lately. I wish he would write more about poker and less about his personal life. I think he will annouce something negative for us and positive for his life. Probably something like he will be shutting down the site to pursue other Humanatarian causes. I think this site is gonna be shut down? No offence to all you regulars but Pocket5's has been alot more interesting read for the past few months..Peace..

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Couple things I'd like to add here. I am still a huge fan of Negreanu and think when he is on his game he is SICK. Although I do agree with the OP that his BLogs have become some what depressing and boring lately. I wish he would write more about poker and less about his personal life. I think he will annouce something negative for us and positive for his life. Probably something like he will be shutting down the site to pursue other Humanatarian causes. I think this site is gonna be shut down? No offence to all you regulars but Pocket5's has been alot more interesting read for the past few months..Peace..
Hey we can't help it if religion, sex, and hockey are more important topics than poker
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he is probably quitting blogging, he already stopped writing for card player. Now that he has his deal with Pokerstars, he probably doesnt not need us "charter members" anymore.sw...

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Maybe something to do with his poker bankroll?? Wasn't that long ago he mentioned something about not having the liquid BR to play the big Bellagio game this summer...

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I could see him ending his blog or removing himself from this site. His poker room was a bust, he isn't playing good poker and he rarely even talks about poker in his blog anyways. He also rarely posts in the forums anymore for anything but hockey pools. He seems to have pretty much disassociated himself from this site anyways. It wouldn't be a big shock at all if he just up and left this site. Think about it. If he just ended his article for Cardplayer for which he was getting paid why would continue writing his blog for which he doesn't get paid? He says he is tired and needs to prioritize things. Honestly he doesn't seem like a really happy or focused guy. I think he has lost his passion for the game but all his income comes from poker so it would be pretty hard to up and leave the game altogether.

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