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Screenshot?Check your edit page; you may have more sessions than you think.The initial bankroll thing is coming too, but not tonight. I have to give more thought to that. It was a feature that I ended up abandoning a few weeks ago, actually.

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has anyone been able to add custom for the blinds, gives me an error everytime in firefox and iethis is the message i get Firefox can't find the server at swww.moniesapp.com.and all i did was click on the add button

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Yeah, fixed. You should have an extra session appearing in your edit box now that you can do what you like with.
Still having same problem. Perhaps I am not filling out the form properly.I custom a stake for $2.40. I go to the add new season tab and enter the following:Game: SNGLimit: No LimitStakes: $2.40Buyin: $2.40Cash out $0.00
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has anyone been able to add custom for the blinds, gives me an error everytime in firefox and iethis is the message i get Firefox can't find the server at swww.moniesapp.com.and all i did was click on the add button
my bad. 1 secedit. fixed. i accidentally typed an extra "s." good.
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Still having same problem. Perhaps I am not filling out the form properly.I custom a stake for $2.40. I go to the add new season tab and enter the following:Game: SNGLimit: No LimitStakes: $2.40Buyin: $2.40Cash out $0.00
Try one more time. I made a mistake earlier.
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Well, it's working great now with just a few tiny errors. I'm just fooling around with it a bit now. I entered 10 sessions (sngs) with a duration of an hour each and under my stats, it has the following:Total Earnings: $14.8(good) Total Buy In: $24(good) Total Cash Out: $38.8(good)Average Earnings: $1.64( should be $1.48 yes?) Total Time: 10:00(good) Average Time: 1:06( huh?)Hourly Rate: $1.48(good) ROI: 62%(good) Total Sessions: 9 (should be 10)

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This is good info, thanks.I fixed the Total Sessions part. I'm still trying to figure out why the math is wrong for some of them. If anyone knows/cares, this is the PHP I wrote:

//total time	$t2 = mins($time);	$clMins = $t2 + $clMins;	$clTime = m2h($clMins);	$clTime2 = m2h2($clMins);	//total earnings	$w1 = $co-$bi;	$clEarn = $w1 + $clEarn;	#$clEarn = $clEarn - $initBR;	//total buy in	$cumBI = $bi + $cumBI;	//total cash out	$cumCO = $co + $cumCO;	// post loop	$cumBI = $cumBI - $initBR;	$cumCO = $cumCO - $initBR;	//avg earnings	$avgEarn = $clEarn/($num - 1);	$avgEarn = number_format($avgEarn, 2, '.', '');	//total sessions	$allSess = $num;	//avg session time	$avgMins = round(($clMins/($num-1)),2);	$avgTime = m2h($avgMins);	$pps = explode(":",$avgTime);	$pps1 = substr($pps[1],0,2);	$avgTime = "$pps[0]:$pps1";	//hourly rate	$hrRate = $clEarn/$clTime2;	$hrRate = number_format($hrRate, 2, '.', '');	//ROI	$ROI = $clEarn/$cumBI;	$ROI = number_format($ROI, 2, '.', '');	$ROI = $ROI * 100;

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my bad. 1 secedit. fixed. i accidentally typed an extra "s." good.
lol that's what i figured but here's another thing, lolInvalid Format For Custom Stakes. Use small/big (eg: 50/100). like i said, i play 0.01/.02 and it doesn't matter how i try to enter it, it gives me that
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lol that's what i figured but here's another thing, lolInvalid Format For Custom Stakes. Use small/big (eg: 50/100). like i said, i play 0.01/.02 and it doesn't matter how i try to enter it, it gives me that
I was able to enter those stakes as 002/004..but I don't know how valid those values would be:)
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I added micro stakes to the Add, Edit and Settings page. I'll remove the 002/004 entry from your custom stakes.
ty sirlol, this is the last thing i ask for, reallyin the drop down list, ultimate bet isn't there, just an fyi....and yes i'm probably one of very few that play there
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