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Creating New Online Account And Need A Name...

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Toss some ideas my way, looking for a new name on Fulltilt and am having diffculty thinking of a clever one. So let's here some suggestions for my new name on FT! Also, will I run into any trouble from Fulltilt if I have two accounts in my name but under different email addresses?

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Toss some ideas my way, looking for a new name on Fulltilt and am having diffculty thinking of a clever one. So let's here some suggestions for my new name on FT! Also, will I run into any trouble from Fulltilt if I have two accounts in my name but under different email addresses?
SirJoey cheesy I know but you'll get respect. :)I don't know about the two accounts.
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Also, will I run into any trouble from Fulltilt if I have two accounts in my name but under different email addresses?
Potentially.Don't use the same physical address and/or name.Do not use the same funding method.Do not open both accounts from the same IP.I made a mistake, and had to open my old FTP account the other day, and yesterday I got an email saying they closed my newer account (the one with rb, obv). Good thing I don't play on FTP. They can keep my 3 cents...lol
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