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Should I Be Willing To Go Broke Here?

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It's early in a SNG. No reads but I think I went wrong in this hand. Thoughts please!Game #6091878494: Holdem NL £1 (ID5789333) £1+£0.20 - Hold'em NL (7/15) - 2007/10/30 - 12:34:28 (UK)Starting stack is 1000. I have 970. Villian has me covered.----- HOLE CARDS -----dealt to Hero [9c Ac]UTG: foldsUTG+1: calls 15MP1: foldsMP2: foldsVillian (MP3): raises to 30CO+1: FoldsHero (CO): calls 30Button: foldsSB: foldsBB: calls 15UTG+1: calls 15----- FLOP ----- [8c 6h Ah]BB: checksUTG+1: checksVillian: bets 180Hero: calls 180BB: foldsUTG+1: folds----- TURN ----- [8c 6h Ah][6c]Villian: bets 435Hero: raises to 760 and is all-inVillian: calls 325Is this OK? Pre-flop I had intention of raising but once villian did it I didn't see a point because I figured he would call regardless and my hand is no good against a re-raise.On the flop his overbet looked like a PP protecting. Again tempting to raise but I can't stand a re-raise and I thought he might slow down on the turn and I'll take it there or (like what happened) shove if he bets again. I thought the 6c was a good card as it gave me bonus outs if I'm behind anything other than a FH.

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I don't like the call - UTG+1 limp call - prob suited connectors, like TJs or maybe QJs, else a mid pair, 7's - 9's, maybe even a little lower. Villian is most certainly a big pair or a big A, like AK, AQBlind caller - ??? You need an A or clubs here, yet half the time the A gets there you're dominated, the other half, little cards come and hit UTG+1 or the Blind. Your only real draw is the flush and that's going to cost you alot if you miss, and not get there very often. Very marginal position to play. Your comment about not wanting him to call your re-raise says alot. Anytime you don't want to put money in the pot, you should really consider a fold.

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I would never call a raise preflop with A9 in this situation. You have no idea where you are at on a flop like this. If you're behind, you are WAY behind. I can't really give any advice on the flop-play, just get out as soon as you don't flop the nutflush or draw to the nutflush.

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Yup, this is a great example of how poor hand selection PF can get you into a boat load of trouble postflop. Because you connected with TP on the flop, you had trouble getting away from the hand, and then picking up the FD on the turn sucked you in completely. The problem with A9s in this situation is that it's really only worth flush value because there is a decent chance of someone having a better Ace (especially with the limp and raise in front). I would never call a raise with A9s for that reason.

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It's early in a SNG. No reads but I think I went wrong in this hand. Thoughts please!Game #6091878494: Holdem NL £1 (ID5789333) £1+£0.20 - Hold'em NL (7/15) - 2007/10/30 - 12:34:28 (UK)Starting stack is 1000. I have 970. Villian has me covered.----- HOLE CARDS -----dealt to Hero [9c Ac]UTG: foldsUTG+1: calls 15MP1: foldsMP2: foldsVillian (MP3): raises to 30CO+1: FoldsHero (CO): calls 30Button: foldsSB: foldsBB: calls 15UTG+1: calls 15----- FLOP ----- [8c 6h Ah]BB: checksUTG+1: checksVillian: bets 180Hero: calls 180BB: foldsUTG+1: folds----- TURN ----- [8c 6h Ah][6c]Villian: bets 435Hero: raises to 760 and is all-inVillian: calls 325Is this OK? Pre-flop I had intention of raising but once villian did it I didn't see a point because I figured he would call regardless and my hand is no good against a re-raise.On the flop his overbet looked like a PP protecting. Again tempting to raise but I can't stand a re-raise and I thought he might slow down on the turn and I'll take it there or (like what happened) shove if he bets again. I thought the 6c was a good card as it gave me bonus outs if I'm behind anything other than a FH.
General principle...the earlier you bet/face a raise the cheaper it is = the easier it is to get away from a hand. If your logic is your hand cant stand a reraise then you are basically relegating it to a drawing hand and if you dont hit your draw you're done, because it becomes even more expensive to play later. I don't mind the limp on this hand, but when you dont have flush possibilities the value has gone way down. I might have called the flop, but definitely folded the turn. Hes fired two barrels with an A and a pair on the board and you don't have drawing odds.
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