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Ron Paul Meets With Ppa And Wants Immediate Ban Of Poker Law

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http://www.gambling911.com/Ron-Paul-Poker-...nce-102607.html ... how many hundreds of thousands if not millions of people do you think this ban pissed off ? This alone could get him a ton of votes if people knew he was for repealing the online poker ban. Go Ron Paul! Wonder if Raymer and the other leaders of the PPA will start spreading the word and/or contributing to his campaign now ?
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http://www.gambling911.com/Ron-Paul-Poker-...nce-102607.html ... how many hundreds of thousands if not millions of people do you think this ban pissed off ? This alone could get him a ton of votes if people knew he was for repealing the online poker ban. Go Ron Paul! Wonder if Raymer and the other leaders of the PPA will start spreading the word and/or contributing to his campaign now ?
Raymer...Contributing to a Republican!?!?!? I am a Republican, and I hope he does, but I don't see it happening.
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This is not about Republicans or Democrats. It's about freedom. Not one candidate other than Ron Paul is addressing or will change many of the things that are wrong with America. As Ron Paul says he is the TRUE republican, the others have lost the traditional republican ways. I hate both the Republicans and Democrats, but Ron Paul is in a whole other world than the other scumbags running for office.

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This is not about Republicans or Democrats. It's about freedom. Not one candidate other than Ron Paul is addressing or will change many of the things that are wrong with America. As Ron Paul says he is the TRUE republican, the others have lost the traditional republican ways. I hate both the Republicans and Democrats, but Ron Paul is in a whole other world than the other scumbags running for office.
Well, we will see. I am obv. happy that someone is listening, but I do not see Ron Paul as THE true Republican. I think Huckabee would be a much more Conservative person than any of the other "scumbags". In the end, just beat Hillary.
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Ron Paul is a Jopke.So is anyone who thinks online gaming is a major election issue. Especially if you don't think OLG needs regulation. If that is your position then you're part of the problem, not the solution.

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Ron Paul is the man. If your tired of being assraped by the criminal elect andthe IRS then vote for Ron. If you like getting fucked, and your a fascist POSthen vote for someone else. Aren't we all tired of the new boss being the sameas the old boss? I sure the fuck am!!!

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Im a Texan and Love most Texans in Politics that say they are Republican but when the Left Wing start to cheer for him on Bill Maher then its time to step back and say WHY? Ron Paul has raised as much money if not more then some of his other fellow runners but He wont make it because He is to small ball in AVG. Americans minds.... I think this coming election will be LIBERALS year... because the idiot Republican Party cant get their ACT together... which is saying alot because LIBERALS are worse then republicans when it comes to supporting my values and many other Americans....In the end... It doesn't MATTER because its all about the WORLD GOVERNMENT..... bush is really supporting this... and so is all WORLD LEADERS.... anyway... I will leave now to be flamed :club:

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