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It's Joe Sebok's/Barry G's site. I was browsing the contents of the site today and listened to the Huff/Haralabos radio show which was pretty funny. Overall I think the site is pretty solid and am excited to see Barry's tip section get some more material as well as his audio blog. Hopefully they add a forum that destroys this ones soul. http://www.pokerroad.com/_/index.php

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YES! Scott Huff runs the best shows every put on the Pod-Air-Nets...whatever. I think its going to rock. Hey Bart Hanson from Live At The Bike Fame is co-hosting. Bartgasims ride again!They have comics too! Looks like the forums are over at http://www.lifesabluff.com/community/index.php
Sweet!Bart Hanson pwns!
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I use firefox and a computer from work. For some reason the audio won't load for me. I'm guessing from the comments that they have some podcasts up.

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I use firefox and a computer from work. For some reason the audio won't load for me. I'm guessing from the comments that they have some podcasts up.
click on download instead of play, this way the media player will kick in and bypass firefox.
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I've been enjoying the audio content, but does anyone else find this site hideous/dysfunctional? The media player literally disappears when I click play, I can't find any semblance of a schedule (not saying there isn't one, but it's not easily attainable info), I just clicked on DN's face and was directed to Amanda's profile.Seriously, I hope they work this out because I will dig through the problematic interface, but some people won't. Whoever designed this site should be fired banned from the internet.

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I've been enjoying the audio content, but does anyone else find this site hideous/dysfunctional? The media player literally disappears when I click play, I can't find any semblance of a schedule (not saying there isn't one, but it's not easily attainable info), I just clicked on DN's face and was directed to Amanda's profile.Seriously, I hope they work this out because I will dig through the problematic interface, but some people won't. Whoever designed this site should be fired banned from the internet.
Sorry it's not pretty enough for you.Queer. On a serious note, I don't have that media player issue and I've used their site to listen plus I've been downloading them and saving them to my HD.
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I love the monotone BG delivery of his "Joke of the Day".
lolThe radio shows are awesome so far.Great start for their site.
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Just listened to the most recent episode, glad to get in on the ground floor this time since I was late on the circuit and pokerwire radio. I never listened to Haralabos before today but I'm glad I did he is funny as hell! I never listened to LATB so I didn't know Bart before but he seems like the best of the 3 hosts they've had (Huff and Stapes) he's a good fit with solid knowledge and knows how to keep the show moving. Great site, so much good content on it I hope it stays together for a long time unlike the last couple of ventures.

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Just listened to the most recent episode, glad to get in on the ground floor this time since I was late on the circuit and pokerwire radio. I never listened to Haralabos before today but I'm glad I did he is funny as hell! I never listened to LATB so I didn't know Bart before but he seems like the best of the 3 hosts they've had (Huff and Stapes) he's a good fit with solid knowledge and knows how to keep the show moving. Great site, so much good content on it I hope it stays together for a long time unlike the last couple of ventures.
Did you miss the Haralobos circuit episode? Definitely a classic. I like Bart but I think I preferred Huff and Stapleton. I dont really tune in for the strategy and prefer the humour. Id prefer if they had Huff or Stapes doing the show and then maybe another weekly show called the Cash game corner with Bart, but the sites great so im not going to complain too much.
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