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i figured ou the blank blog

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If the grammar isn't perfect I apologize. I used my Candian to English translator:The last couple nights when I got home I planned on writing an entry. Then I realized that with what's been going on in my life the blog would look something like this:I went to _PT's_ with _E-Dog_ and _Travis_ because we had to talk about _Canadians_ and _break-dancing competitions_. Then later that night we decided to _eat meat_ and then head over to _Phil Ivey's_ to _steal his SL600_.Throughout the last few days I've had lots to think about: _How can I tell my mother that I gave up my poker career to pursue my dream of getting break-dancing recognozied as an olympic event and competing on the Canadian national team_.A tough spot to be in as you can see.So I decided to _come clean_ since _I hadn't actually stolen the car, and tell the police about EDog's plan to steal all of the poker players cars before the WSOP so that one of the two of us would win the big one this year_. From there I figured that I'd _start taking a Pilataes class_ over the _weekend_ since _I will need to be limber for the upcoming Edmonton break-dancing regional competition_. You get the idea.Then last night I decided to _tell Lori of my dreams_ since _things were getting kind of weird in the bedroom everytime I started spinning on my head_.This is probably the most important time of my life and _my performance in the regionals_ over the next week will have a major impact on my future. You see, _earning a gold medal for my country would really impress Lori_, so while I know what to do _in my routine, I really hope Lori accepts my proposal while I sing O'Canada from the gold medal podium_, it's easier said than done if you know what I mean? Of course you do.

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