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He's colder than that, now.

When DFW died, Chorozzo made a disrespectful comment, and I slowly willed him into the grave over it. I didn't love Prince less than I loved DFW.

Sorry. I usually just blow by your posts without reading them.

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Saw that, and was surprised because I thought he died a long time ago.


the greatest trick the ultimate warrior ever pulled was convincing the world that he was dead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Saw that, and was surprised because I thought {Ultimate Warrior} died a long time ago.

You must be thinking of Mr. Perfect, or Macho Man, or Chris Benoir, or Rick Rude, or Paul Bearer, or the British Bulldog or Big Boss Man.
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The human mind is such a strange instrument.


No doubt whatsoever he was always a hair short of batshit crazy, but a man who had attained his stature in life committing suicide, it does tend to suggest the act itself is irrational when done by otherwise healthy, prosperous people.


No idea what was going on in his life, certainly no idea what was going on inside his head but its truly fascinating someone like that would off themselves.

I know a guy- as an acquaintance- who has a famous face. Not super-duper mega famous like Robin Williams but famous enough that he gets recognized pretty much every day. I know him well enough that when he's going to be in town, 50% of the time he'll email me. He's talked at length about how awful fame is and how he wishes he'd just been a carpenter. I remind him how badly fags get mocked on construction sites and he returns back to reality.


Some of them try to be normal. Here's Eric Clapton in a Laundromat in LA.


George Harrison said one of his greatest regrets in life was that he never knew what it was like to not be a Beatle.


Someone the stature of Robin Williams committing suicide, I find that just so fascinating. I've always sort of taken the Hunter S Thompson view that I know I'll end my own life. It's just a matter of when I finally get totally sick and tired of dealing with it. It might be tomorrow, it might be when I'm 70 but barring an accident or a heart attack, it definitely will be on my own terms.


Perhaps Williams was cut from that cloth. If so, bravo to him. Bon Voyage.

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Did his show Crazy Ones get canceled? I thought it was decent, but I haven't heard if they picked it up for the new season.


If it got canceled, I would think that might have something to do with it. Him thinking the career is finally over and not being able to deal.


I agree though, Scram. It's all very interesting.

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Did his show Crazy Ones get canceled? I thought it was decent, but I haven't heard if they picked it up for the new season.


If it got canceled, I would think that might have something to do with it. Him thinking the career is finally over and not being able to deal.




Wow, you're really reaching here. It really makes me laugh when people speculate about things they have no clue on, like what was going on in the head of someone they've never met. You can't begin to guess what he did and why.


This is so bad brvy. I love ya, but c'mon.

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Wow, you're really reaching here. It really makes me laugh when people speculate about things they have no clue on, like what was going on in the head of someone they've never met. You can't begin to guess what he did and why.


This is so bad brvy. I love ya, but c'mon.


We were just spitballing dude. No ones claiming to know anything.

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Sorry then, I think speculation on this is pointless and stupid. I also think 5 retired athletes predicting games is pointless and stupid as well. I don't care what they think. Same principle I guess.



I also think every moron on twitter and FB adding their two cents and writing rip robin is dumb. I don't get why everyone feels they need to be heard on stuff like this That's just me. I guess I'm in the minority so I'll shut up now

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Last thing, I felt incredibly dirty after watching scram's link above. I hate tmz and their disgusting camera men so much. They are so slimy, trying to buddy up. What an awful profession. I won't watch that show and am mad I gave them a view on that video.

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Well we agree on almost all of that. I didn't even click the link because that stuff always makes me sad.

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Let's talk about Eric Clapton for a second, and what a Winner he is. "Layla," a song in which he pours out his heart to George Harrison's wife trying to steal her, was nearly successful. What ended up killing the deal was that Clapton wanted her to join him and his girlfriend in a polyamerous relationship. If you can write a song that almost convinces a Beatle's wife to leave him for your harem, you are a stud like few the world has seen.

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It happened like 20 years ago and his kid was a toddler, making it ultra-sad (it's not like he was a drunk overprivileged 20 year old).


He wrote the sappy soft rock ballad "Tears in Heaven" about it, although he'd stopped making anything worthwhile at least 15 years before then. The fact that he used to be a badass rocker made it all the more depressing when he slowly transformed himself into rock's version of Kenny G.





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