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Is This Variance Or Deeper Than That?

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Okay,I played at the commerce over the weekend, and sat down at the $200 max NL tables. blinds are 3-5, and when I get down to about $100 I usually add another $100.been a couple times that I was down to less than $100, and re-loaded another $200 which one could do.Well, I lost 7 buy ins. Possible contributing factors,1. Had my wife their, (I kept worrying how she was doing, not bored ect. btw this trip was meant to jst play poker, she understood-yet still worried about her well being...)2. I played 2 sessions both lasted more than 8hrs, usually my winning sessions last between 2-6hrs.3. I bluffed a buyin 1 +1/2. 4. (insert what you think contributed)I"m a winning player, and usually pick up 1 buying up to 5 buy ins each time I play here, yet this has been a disaster. I plan on taking a few days off possibly a week.Yet, is this 4real 7buyins in live? I was thinking next time just play my $200 buy in and not re-load. yet I"m thinking that might be (-EV) idk.*What have you experienced before?*Is this all psychological? (in regards to having the wife their with me to pass the time with?)*7 buy ins a bit extreme?Immediate changes, that my Wife and I have agreed to implement.-Session no longer than 6hrs (unless game is very juicy)-3 buy in loss limit-from now on, I won't be accompanied by anyone.Whats your intake in all this?ty

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Noone can possibly say whether this is variance or if you played poorly unless you post specific hands. It sounds like you don't think you played your best which is a reasonable indicator.7 buy ins is heaps to drop. I only play online but my worst ever session was a 5 buy in downer but that was over a couple of thousand hands and I played complete rubbish.

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Noone can possibly say whether this is variance or if you played poorly unless you post specific hands. It sounds like you don't think you played your best which is a reasonable indicator.7 buy ins is heaps to drop. I only play online but my worst ever session was a 5 buy in downer but that was over a couple of thousand hands and I played complete rubbish.
Day 1: -5 buy insDay 2: -2 buy insNow, with this games its like a raise/continuation bet is already 40% of the buy in, since the blinds are 3-5 normal raise between $15-$30 pre-flop.I have 14 buy ins left for this game.Specific hands, nothing that I could re-call that was out of line, except the amount I bluffed which was read dependent, yet villian did call me down with tp/very weak kicker. Besides that..I"m just confused, obviously and baffled. :club:
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Day 1: -5 buy insDay 2: -2 buy insNow, with this games its like a raise/continuation bet is already 40% of the buy in, since the blinds are 3-5 normal raise between $15-$30 pre-flop.I have 14 buy ins left for this game.Specific hands, nothing that I could re-call that was out of line, except the amount I bluffed which was read dependent, yet villian did call me down with tp/very weak kicker. Besides that..I"m just confused, obviously and baffled. :club:
I had a bad run last week as well. I play in AC and my last 5 trips i've logged wins at 1/2 or 2/5 (pretty comparable game i think). I think playing at these low stakes as we do the fluctuations can actually be worse because play is more card dependent. as you said with a capped buy in game like we're playing there's only so much manuevering you can do, a pf raise plus flop bet eats up a good portion of your stack. That said i TRY not to bluff much at these games, i always end up going against my own advice which costs me money... but i think bluffing at this level is a bad idea, there are plenty of people who are calling you down with their lone top pair even if the board is 3 flush and 4 straight. oh yeah back to my session... i won a fair amount my last 5 trips until last week... i blew about 5 buy ins over 2 days (usually sit with 300). i contribute some of it to bad play and some to bad luck. overall i got my money in good and got out of the way on some tricky hands, but it always seems like the hands you get the money in good and get sucked out on are the ones that cost you your whole stack. as a fellow recently frusterated player i'd love to hear what others with more experience have to contribute. good luck on the left coast!phil
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Stop playing 3/5 games with 200 max. 40bb is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.Find yourself a 1/2 200, or a 2/5 500, otherwise, it's just like pissing in your own face. 40bb max is like "Oh you have AK, I have two eights, RACE." "Oh you have AQs, I have two Fives, RACE." "Oh you hero called me on a jack high flop when I missed with AK because I have to continuation bet all in, NH."Playing in Californian Casinos is a tremendous waste of money.

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1. Had my wife their, (I kept worrying how she was doing, not bored ect. btw this trip was meant to jst play poker, she understood-yet still worried about her well being...)2. I played 2 sessions both lasted more than 8hrs, usually my winning sessions last between 2-6hrs.3. I bluffed a buyin 1 +1/2. 4. (insert what you think contributed)I"m a winning player, and usually pick up 1 buying up to 5 buy ins each time I play here, yet this has been a disaster. I plan on taking a few days off possibly a week.Yet, is this 4real 7buyins in live? I was thinking next time just play my $200 buy in and not re-load. yet I"m thinking that might be (-EV) idk.
I'm on a 6 BI downswing. It's awesome. I had nine 2 and 3 outers in a row hit me in 90 minutes. People were amazed. I was calling the card that beat me to hit on the window and getting it right 5 of the nine times. When I run bad, it can be EPIC and ugly. Usually, I switch to online when this happens. But it's been just as putrid. **** poker. Oh, and nothing tilts me like my wife. She's a total inspiration for me to lose. The last thing I want to see is that b's face. I peak at 4 hours. Then I bleed until 8. Then I peak again at 12. It's just my thing. Once you know your graph, manage it. Don't bluff when you're running cold. Ever.
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Worst downswings for me are like 6-7 in one online session or 12-13 over a few days. Yeah it sucks, but I tend to just take a few days off and re-focus. I don't play live but when I go on a downswing, I re-evaluate my play a lot and try to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Also I watch CR vids and try to figure out what other players are doing differently than I am.

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