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Name That Movie Contest - Round 1

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See rules/original post here: http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...howtopic=109835Here are the first four images; again, remember to PM the answers, not post them. Post whatever else you want in the thread (gloating etc), just not your answers. I will keep track of everyone's answers/scores, and post the results of this round on Friday. Like I said in the other thread, I'd think that 90% of the forum has seen each of these movies, so I think a lot of people will do well. The next 2 rounds will get progessively more difficult.GLGLGL1.contest3.jpg2.contest4.jpg3.contest2.jpg4.contest1.jpg

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I could have made 1 and 3 much easier, but I didn't want identifiable characters in the image.I think each image has it's own hints however, but then again I'm looking at them while already knowing the answer.

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I could have made 1 and 3 much easier, but I didn't want identifiable characters in the image.I think each image has it's own hints however, but then again I'm looking at them while already knowing the answer.
3 is simple, but I've seen the movie like 20 times.
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I can say pretty confidently that I have not seen any of these movies. Except number 3And I still will beat out 80% of the members on this site.but only 45% of the charter members due to their obv advantages

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These are too easy, so I'll just spoil them here:1. The Matrix2. Return of the Jedi3. Rounders4. The Unbearable Lightness of BeingWhat do I win?

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3 and 4 I got right away. I don't know how anyone could not immediately know 3. It's only been running on cable TBS/TNT like every weekend.I know I've seen 2 but can't remember the movie.EDIT: I got number 2.

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To clarify something I forgot to address in the rules:All guesses are final, however if you want to leave one blank and get me an answer by Friday, then that is ok. Since I did not make this clear prior to this, anyone that has already submitted an answer to me and wants to change it to something else, or to 'blank' for now, they can do so.After that though, all answers are final.

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To clarify something I forgot to address in the rules:All guesses are final, however if you want to leave one blank and get me an answer by Friday, then that is ok. Since I did not make this clear prior to this, anyone that has already submitted an answer to me and wants to change it to something else, or to 'blank' for now, they can do so.After that though, all answers are final.
Sheesh....just sent...don't think I am gonna change but I may.
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These are the easy ones???
For sure. :club: I can't wait for round 3 where I can throw out a completely random image from a movie that probably only a few people have seen. I think all 4 of these will be 'Oh yeah, that movie....' moments when I reveal the answers (to those stumped).
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