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Main Event Final Table Airs Tonight

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For a game that involves lying, deception, and gambling......there sure are a LOT of Jesus freaks who play.
I know where you're coming from, but from another perspective it makes a lot of sense. If you see religionas an extension of superstition, it's easy to see why it's going to be common among gamblers. Any situationwhich involves high reward and an element of uncontrollability is going to give rise to all kinds of behaviors whichare essentially attempts to gain control or the illusion of control. Sports is another situation like this which comes to mind... (not that jesus freaks are particularly uncommon outside the casino either!)
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I know where you're coming from, but from another perspective it makes a lot of sense. If you see religionas an extension of superstition, it's easy to see why it's going to be common among gamblers. Any situationwhich involves high reward and an element of uncontrollability is going to give rise to all kinds of behaviors whichare essentially attempts to gain control or the illusion of control. Sports is another situation like this which comes to mind... (not that jesus freaks are particularly uncommon outside the casino either!)
You make a very valid point.Even God agrees:Kool-AidMan.jpg
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It sucks that the final table...well..basically the main event itself has turned into a preflop game now. Nothing post flop. That's how Jerry Yang won.
You're really observant. The players only had about 100 BBs. Worst tournament ever.
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I thought the Russian should of limp-jammed with AK from the SB there, but Jerry probably would of called anyways because he thought he was walking on water with how the deck was hitting him in the face.
Jerry thinks that 88, A7 and top pair is the nuts. He will stack off with any hand in those ranges. It'd be so easy to double through him if you flop a hand.
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If you were as depressed watching the final table as I was, do yourself a favor and go to PokerTube or whatever you use and watch the '03 Main Event... there were some great players playing deep. If I remember correctly there was a table with less than 100 players left that had Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer, Men the Master, Scotty Nguyen, and Men the Master's Protege (Mihn Nguyen?) Not to mention the Faraha, Brenes, Harrington, Grey and Singer all going deep, it helped restore my faith in poker

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Holy Cow Yang is a luckbox. Calling All in with A5 on an ace high flop is either brilliant or incredibly lucky. God has absolutely nothing to do with your chance at a poker table. This final table stinks. Lee Childs making a terrrible laydown. How can Childs lay down queens then call in the same spot with KJ off? The praying is annoying and inappropriate. Khan is annoying. Yang reminds me of the fish that give away money in 1-2 NL live.Unreal.

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i love watching poker and hated watching the final tableonly good part was when Rahme asked Yang if he could kiss his picture, and then Yang quietly said "they're my kids"edit after lunch: also, how obnoxious is it we have a second place finisher who folded all but one hand? yeah, it made sense with the insane play, but you'd like #2 to have to play at the final table

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