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For the past six months I have begun playing 1+.10 sng's on ultimate bet. I have noticed that if I shut off the TV and really try to concentrate I actually do worse than when I watch TV surf the net and play a sng. Has anyone else had that happen to them. Maybe it's just luck but I believe that winning a 1 dollar sng is mostly luck anyway. Thoughts.Orville

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UB Sucks.
Great input!<3Maybe when you're doing other things, you're playing a lot more conservatively in your sngs. Therefore, you're not getting involved in pots you probably would if you were just focusing on teh pokah.Dunno. Weird though!
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For the past six months I have begun playing 1+.10 sng's on ultimate bet. I have noticed that if I shut off the TV and really try to concentrate I actually do worse than when I watch TV surf the net and play a sng. Has anyone else had that happen to them. Maybe it's just luck but I believe that winning a 1 dollar sng is mostly luck anyway. Thoughts.Orville
I have found the same thing. I assume its because i only have time to play premium hands when doing 2 or 3 things at the same time.
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