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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)BB ($0.93)UTG ($5.05)MP ($3.32)Button ($4.97)Hero ($3.89)Preflop: Hero is SB with :D, :club:. UTG calls $0.02, MP calls $0.02, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.08, 1 fold, UTG calls $0.06, MP calls $0.06.Flop: ($0.26) :D, :D, :)(3 players)Hero bets $0.10, UTG folds, MP calls $0.10.Turn: ($0.46) :D(2 players)Hero ??Do you check here to suggest the flop bet was just a continuation bet and maybe induce a bet from villain, or continue to bet out? Should I have checked the flop or would that have been suspicious?

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FPS warning. You have the best hand here I say bet it, no need to get trappy, if you c/r this turn he'll be out the hand like a shot! What do you do if he checks behind and a heart comes on the river, because thats a likely card to hit him the way he played the flop.I think check/calling the flop would have allowed you to check the turn and induce another bet from him (perhaps a steal if he checked flop also) that you could raise and then put him in trouble. You've got the best hand and probably will by the river too, I say he has a weak ace and will pay you off.

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yah definitely.....charge him to draw against you when you have the best hand. If you want to induce a bluff bet really BIG or somewhat smaller depending on your opponent but don't let him see the river for free. If you bet like .25-.30 here he is gonna call you with any A he called with on the flop and any flush draw and maybe (because of the stakes) a J. So why not make some more money off him.

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I'd raise it a little more preflop, to about $.12.Bet more on the flop. Your flop bet is to small here. You need to bet more, because players will call more. You miss out on a lot of value by betting so small here, plus you give decent odds against draws.On the turn you should definitely continue betting.

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As played I'd bet close to pot on the turn, depends a bit on the villain. But I also would've bet at least 2x as much on the flop. Overall my goal here is to make draws pay and punish those who call along with one pair.

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Bet more on the flop. Your flop bet is to small here. You need to bet more, because players will call more. You miss out on a lot of value by betting so small here, plus you give decent odds against draws.
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Cheers for the advice guys. I think one of my big weaknesses is to always value bet, even when my opponent indicates strength and I could get a lot more out of him.What happened on the turn was I decided to bet out, made it $0.30 I think (3/4 of the pot) and the guy insta-shoved on me. I thought for a while but didn't think he had played it like a set, and from how he had been at the table I just didn't think he had it so i called. He showed 7-3 (wtf) and I won a nice pot.I don't play cash games all too often, just starting to get into them. Is this normal at 0.01/0.02 limits? To call a 4xbb raise PF with absolute junk? Or was this guy just a donk?

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Don't raise limpers with this hand from the SB preflop at these limits, ever. Unless you make it 15-20x the big blind your getting called. Just call and if you hit your ace you'll get the guys stack regardless of wether you build the pot a little bit preflop.

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