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unfortunately, i wish my 300th post could be something happy and exciting to welcome me into the vets club...but my girlfriend of 2 and a half years has decided she doesn't want to stay together when she goes to college in the east coast tonight.how does that relate to poker?i'm really concerned that I might just envelop myself in poker. I might just turn into some degenerate, play to numb myself. It's like drugs or eating. Poker will be my drug. but i dont' want to give up the game either, i really do love it and i enjoy it. And why stop doing something else that will take my mind off things.i don't know.any thoughts?

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unfortunately, i wish my 300th post could be something happy and exciting to welcome me into the vets club...but my girlfriend of 2 and a half years has decided she doesn't want to stay together when she goes to college in the east coast tonight.how does that relate to poker?i'm really concerned that I might just envelop myself in poker.  I might just turn into some degenerate, play to numb myself.  It's like drugs or eating.  Poker will be my drug.  but i dont' want to give up the game either, i really do love it and i enjoy it.  And why stop doing something else that will take my mind off things.i don't know.any thoughts?
Sapphire: I went through something similar recently. Enveloping yourself in something isnt a bad thing all the time. Honestly, its alot better than moping about. It was quasi-motivational for me in all seriousness. But something like that can also wreck someone's head. Before my most recent relationship had ended; I wasn't playing much at all (only about 1 or 2 hours a week); more as recreation. When said relationship ended (it was a long term thing by the way; involving a marriage proposal and a miscarriage) I threw myself headfirst into poker. Before I did it, I made sure I read up and played micro-limits to ensure my game was tight (and to make sure my head was into it). Since then I've played from 25-35 hours depending on the week. Over the course of the two months since I've moved up limits and am nearing the point of being able to make the jump to 2/4. It almost seems like its all come TOO fast; but I've also endured the downswings too (though they've been sparse so far). I looked at it like this: That relationship hurt like hell and immediately after; I didnt want a thing to do with that entire gender. So why not go out and do something I enjoy thats going to make me some money too?I got all deep with that *lol* Just be sure your head's in the right place before you do it.......Didnt mean to be so long winded in response
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and then i just realized that at post number 300 you're still a groupie.  wow, i don't even get the benefit of being a vet
And being a forum groupie sucks. I feel like I should be preforming fellatio on someone for backstage passes or something to that effect
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and then i just realized that at post number 300 you're still a groupie.  wow, i don't even get the benefit of being a vet
And being a forum groupie sucks. I feel like I should be preforming fellatio on someone for backstage passes or something to that effect
Oooooh. Me first. :shock:
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unfortunately, i wish my 300th post could be something happy and exciting to welcome me into the vets club...but my girlfriend of 2 and a half years has decided she doesn't want to stay together when she goes to college in the east coast tonight.how does that relate to poker?i'm really concerned that I might just envelop myself in poker.  I might just turn into some degenerate, play to numb myself.  It's like drugs or eating.  Poker will be my drug.  but i dont' want to give up the game either, i really do love it and i enjoy it.  And why stop doing something else that will take my mind off things.i don't know.any thoughts?
Sapphire: I went through something similar recently. Enveloping yourself in something isnt a bad thing all the time. Honestly, its alot better than moping about. It was quasi-motivational for me in all seriousness. But something like that can also wreck someone's head. Before my most recent relationship had ended; I wasn't playing much at all (only about 1 or 2 hours a week); more as recreation. When said relationship ended (it was a long term thing by the way; involving a marriage proposal and a miscarriage) I threw myself headfirst into poker. Before I did it, I made sure I read up and played micro-limits to ensure my game was tight (and to make sure my head was into it). Since then I've played from 25-35 hours depending on the week. Over the course of the two months since I've moved up limits and am nearing the point of being able to make the jump to 2/4. It almost seems like its all come TOO fast; but I've also endured the downswings too (though they've been sparse so far). I looked at it like this: That relationship hurt like hell and immediately after; I didnt want a thing to do with that entire gender. So why not go out and do something I enjoy thats going to make me some money too?I got all deep with that *lol* Just be sure your head's in the right place before you do it.......Didnt mean to be so long winded in response
i do appreciate your response a lot. maybe i should invest my time with soemthing more beneficial to society though...like ending world hunger or something like that
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but my girlfriend of 2 and a half years has decided she doesn't want to stay together when she goes to college in the east coast tonight.how does that relate to poker?
Perhaps too much poker lovin and not enough to girly?Balance, young padawon, balance.
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but my girlfriend of 2 and a half years has decided she doesn't want to stay together when she goes to college in the east coast tonight.how does that relate to poker?
Perhaps too much poker lovin and not enough to girly?Balance, young padawon, balance.
Lol. It's more likely that she was afraid that distance would slowly cause the relationship to decay and figured this was less painful :-/Sucks though
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With all due respect to your girl: f### her. Now you can play harder, work harder, and take your shots more often without feeling guilty about going broke.When the right girl comes along, she'll understand your unorthodox lifestyle/ passion; trust me, the good ones are out there. Until you meet your Famke Jensen from Rounders, play smart-- to the death, and enjoy some freedom while it lasts. I know it's more complicated than I make it, but you get the idea.It's battle royale now man. Go fight the good fight.

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Whenever you break up with a girl you think it's the end of the world. But when you get older you realize that you would probably hate the chick in a few years. So chicks come and go. As it relates to poker, don't play when you're all messed up and upset. You'll just tilt off your money because you're impatient and frustrated. Only play when you're totally focused and probably keep your sessions to a minimum. Sitting around thinking about her will not help your poker. Fill your day with other activities and going out with the boys and having fun. The more you do that, the less you'll think about her and before you know it...she'll be out of your head and you'll be back to playing monster poker.Good luck dude

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thanks guys...i think i'll take a week off poker or so until i get my head straight and then see how it goes.to clarify, this breakup was definitely not about me playing poker, although she didn't like it, she said that as long as i didn't tell her about it, she could pretend that I didn't do it.but i appreciate all the kind words and all.

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I remember when my first wife left me.As it turns out I got a redhead out fo the deal, so nothing to cry about.Gotta buck up and move on. It gets better. Besides, you can't tell me that during 2 1/2 years you never met anyone and thought "If I wasn't in a relationship..." Well dude, you're not. No go get 'em tiger! Chin up and don't be afraid to accept pity sex.

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thanks guys...i think i'll take a week off poker or so until i get my head straight and then see how it goes.to clarify, this breakup was definitely not about me playing poker, although she didn't like it, she said that as long as i didn't tell her about it, she could pretend that I didn't do it.but i appreciate all the kind words and all.
No offense, but if that's the case, it wasn't going to work out anyway. She can't just deny parts of your life she doesn't relaly like...But really, long distance never works. Sorry to hear it though.
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