bigstack1980 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 If you can afford it and you did your best to try to help someone which you did.... then you should be happy that you gave... giving is a great way to edify yourself.. and who knows that edification could make you a better player for that day, week or however long you remain in that state of mind.... but if you start to think about the scamming part then it is very counter-productive and could cause stress which leads to bad poker playing.... So just let it go and remember that if and when you are in need someone will believe you and help you out..... We all have been there and we all have helped others out in some way.... Thanks for helping others out because not many other there care, especially in Las Vegas... ( the locals are cool but the tourist are not ) Link to post Share on other sites
ROACHBABY 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 So what happens when you give a mouse a cookie?Never tried it. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Here is a little related story. Just last night my wife and I were walking down on Mill avenue to get a bite to eat. For those of you who don't know, Tempe Arizona's 'Mill Avenue' is the major "village" area the heart of Arizona State University, where they hold the huge Fiesta Bowl/New Years Eve block party every year. It's a pretty cool, heavily college influenced Main street USA type situation with several dozen bars, restaurants and theaters. The problem is, due to it's popularity, over the past few years it has become a haven for rowdy local high school kids, but even more so an attractive destination for every panhandler in Arizona to work the sidewalks.I like going down there every now and then, but also hate going down there because I know I will leave feeling some guilt (and or just pissed off from getting harrassed every five seconds). And I know I will judge and pick and choose who I give to (and it is guaranteed you WILL be approached at some point) but there is no way I can/will give to everyone down there. And that is a potential major problem with this areas future success. I know there are many that feel this way now about Mill avenue and therefore refuse to go down there and patronize the busineses there. So that is the dilemma. Is it bad to not go at all knowing I may have to engage in some heavy charitable soul stirring generosity, or bad to go and then pick and choose, or just go anyway and run the gauntlet and snub everyone? Point is, this begging thing can really get out of control, and, imo, the Mill avenue problem is a direct result of the folks who are giving. They are feeding this charity machine and the problem only seems to be getting worse down there. So is giving always the best thing to do?Quite a dilemma, and one that ususally makes me feel bad... Link to post Share on other sites
king1305 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 So what happens when you give a mouse a cookie?Never tried it.They trade it for heroin. Link to post Share on other sites
ShakeZuma 585 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 This reminds me of an incident two summers ago, I was driving on the interstate and I saw these flashing lights in my rear-view mirror. Uh-oh, I thought, am I speeding? It was a 60 zone, and I was going no more than 65, but whatever. I guess I'll pull over, no harm in finding out what the problem was. "Sir", the officer said "We've had a report of a fatal hit and run, and the car and plate match yours". Oh great, I thought, here we go again. Spare me your sob story and just tell me what I owe. "We need to take you into custody". For what? Speeding? "No", he said, "for the hit and run, the one where you killed somebody, and then left the scene of the crime whilst blaring the song 'Eye of a Tiger'". Oh right, that. "I don't believe you" I said, to which he curtly replied with "There's a piece of an arm sitting in the seat beside you, which the victim must have lost in between the time he went through your completely destroyed windshield and then left through the back window, and eye of the tiger is still playing quite loudly, and I see you have it on repeat. It's a good tune, that's for sure, there's no getting around that." Now, at this point I had two options. Call this joker's bluff or get taken away to see how things played out. I couldn't put my finger on what this punk was really after, so I told him I wasn't going to go into custody without a fight, and I said it with this subtle grin that told him I wasn't a fool, I was on to his games. That's when his "backup" arrived. It was a much bigger operation than I had previously imagined, and I was more than a little surprised to see that every last one of them had a replica cop car with replica guns and replica badges and replica clothes. That's when I knew I'd been beat, by a man who cared more about his craft than I could dare imagine. And when the replica judge in that replica court declared me guilty and to be sent to replica jail for life, I just had to laugh. You were beaten by the best, RodReynolds, beaten by the best. Of this I am mildly does nobody eval this?! COME ON!oh, and dude, you got hosed Link to post Share on other sites
David_Nicoson 1 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Let me tell a story.I think it was 1994. I was driving to work at the airport at 11:30 pm or so. I picked up a young black woman hitch-hiking on Maple Avenue in Terre Haute. She was wearing a cast of sorts on her arm with a blood stain. She told me that she owed money to her drug dealer, and that he had grazed her as a warning. She said she has to pay him $50 of the debt by tomorrow, or he'll kill her. I'm fairly certain that this is bs, but I'm not willing to let someone die over $50, even as a poor college student. I dropped her at her mother's house, which is in the part of Terre Haute where white people don't go.The next day I meet her in the early evening to pay this guy off. Her mother's house was small and dark. She has decorated it with pictures of Jesus and crosses. I met some of her friends. We walked out along the sidewalk toward my car. A couple of guys rode their bicycles threateningly into our path and said to me, "What do you think you're doing here?" I told him I was here to give the girl (whose name escapes me now) a ride. A few seconds later a swarm of her friends stepped between us.We walked to the car and drove off. The woman told me that those guys had killed a man for just being there before. "So, why didn't they shoot me then?""They figured you were carrying because you weren't scared."The lesson here is that being oblivious is as good as being armed in certain situations. We "paid off" the drug dealer uneventfully. I assume she really bought more drugs, but I still don't feel too bad about the way I handled it. It's just pot odds; if there's even a 1% chance that she was going to die, I think it was worthwhile.I was a little paranoid for a few weeks after that. I remember driving by a gas station on 13th. A car turned on its lights, pulled out, and followed me. Immediately after that, a police car turned on its lights, pulled out, and followed the first car. Good times. Link to post Share on other sites
El Guapo 8 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Obey, if you feel good about what you did that is all that matters....But it was a scam, I have heard that one before a couple of times, it is reheresed and next to impossible to say no to. If this happens to anyone in the future you could do a couple of things.Go by a prepaid gas card, that was the money can only be spent on gas and/or gas station food.Take down the license plate number and contact the local police, they will be interested especiilay since it is an out of state plate. Having been around cops my whole life, if they see an out of state plate immediately they become suspicious.In the end it was only a couple hundred bucks, not going to kill you and the slight chance there was some truth to this you actually helped.I was going to ask how was the sex, but I thought it was a little inappropriate since you don't seem like a guy who would kiss and tell. Link to post Share on other sites
speedz99 145 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Of this I am mildly certain.I'm stealing this. Link to post Share on other sites
Shizzmoney 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Was she just taking advantage of my goodwill when I offered to pay for her gas and seeing how much she can milk me for?Yes. Link to post Share on other sites
gatortom64 1 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Let me tell a story.Details, details, details...I was a little paranoid for a few weeks after that. I remember driving by a gas station on 13th. A car turned on its lights, pulled out, and followed me. Immediately after that, a police car turned on its lights, pulled out, and followed the first car. Good times.Concealed Weapons Permit FTMFW!!!!! I have mine!! Link to post Share on other sites
ForRealDD 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 If you want to be a good guy go spend some time at a homeless shelter, donate some cash to non-profit organizations but by all means, never hand out cash to someone that pulls up looking pathetic asking for it. If her boyfriend/husband had stolen her credit cards/cash/purse she should have gone to the police and explained the situation, not ask for handouts at a gas station. Link to post Share on other sites
TheWynn 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Let me tell a story.I think it was 1994. I was driving to work at the airport at 11:30 pm or so. I picked up a young black woman hitch-hiking on Maple Avenue in Terre Haute. She was wearing a cast of sorts on her arm with a blood stain. She told me that she owed money to her drug dealer, and that he had grazed her as a warning. She said she has to pay him $50 of the debt by tomorrow, or he'll kill her. I'm fairly certain that this is bs, but I'm not willing to let someone die over $50, even as a poor college student. I dropped her at her mother's house, which is in the part of Terre Haute where white people don't go.The next day I meet her in the early evening to pay this guy off. Her mother's house was small and dark. She has decorated it with pictures of Jesus and crosses. I met some of her friends. We walked out along the sidewalk toward my car. A couple of guys rode their bicycles threateningly into our path and said to me, "What do you think you're doing here?" I told him I was here to give the girl (whose name escapes me now) a ride. A few seconds later a swarm of her friends stepped between us.We walked to the car and drove off. The woman told me that those guys had killed a man for just being there before. "So, why didn't they shoot me then?""They figured you were carrying because you weren't scared."The lesson here is that being oblivious is as good as being armed in certain situations. We "paid off" the drug dealer uneventfully. I assume she really bought more drugs, but I still don't feel too bad about the way I handled it. It's just pot odds; if there's even a 1% chance that she was going to die, I think it was worthwhile.I was a little paranoid for a few weeks after that. I remember driving by a gas station on 13th. A car turned on its lights, pulled out, and followed me. Immediately after that, a police car turned on its lights, pulled out, and followed the first car. Good times.Nice hand, sir. Well played. LOL. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 This one time at bandcamp this kid came up to me and said: " Sir, I am in a real dilema, I need $24 for some drugs." Well I knew this kid wasn't going to buy drugs, he was going to buy reeds for his clarinet. I felt it my duty to step in to prevent this kid from ending up alone, unemployable and addicted to Perry Como records, so I said to him: "Son, you don't want drugs do you? you just want to buy new reeds for your clarinet?""Yes" he said "How'd you know?""Don't worry kid, I'll get you some reeds, just wait here."Well I bought that kids some new reeds for his clarinet, but I dipped them every so slightly into some liquid LSD I carry around at band camp. Then I returned and told the kid:" Here are your reeds, be sure and use them to their fullest."I didn't see the kid for a couple days, but one day I saw him in the music hall, and he was playing this odd musical tones with highs and lows that made no sense. The camp counseler told him to go out into the woods and practise. I think he just wanted to get rid of him cause the 'music' was weird.So I followed this kid into the woods, and he again began to play this odd music. When out of the woods came these forest creatures; foxes, badgers, deer and bears. They all came and sat at the feet of this kid and began swaying to his music. For 30 minutes they sat transfixed, absorbing this kid's music and sharing their natural goodness with the kid.Just then a wolf came running out of the woods, and jumped on the kid, tearing into his throat and breaking the clarinet in two. The other animals ran away as if a spell had been broken.I asked the wolf; "Why did you do that? Didn't you connect with his music?""Huh" was all he said. Link to post Share on other sites
rdtedm 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 This one time at bandcamp this kid came up to me and said: " Sir, I am in a real dilema, I need $24 for some drugs." Well I knew this kid wasn't going to buy drugs, he was going to buy reeds for his clarinet. I felt it my duty to step in to prevent this kid from ending up alone, unemployable and addicted to Perry Como records, so I said to him: "Son, you don't want drugs do you? you just want to buy new reeds for your clarinet?""Yes" he said "How'd you know?""Don't worry kid, I'll get you some reeds, just wait here."Well I bought that kids some new reeds for his clarinet, but I dipped them every so slightly into some liquid LSD I carry around at band camp. Then I returned and told the kid:" Here are your reeds, be sure and use them to their fullest."I didn't see the kid for a couple days, but one day I saw him in the music hall, and he was playing this odd musical tones with highs and lows that made no sense. The camp counseler told him to go out into the woods and practise. I think he just wanted to get rid of him cause the 'music' was weird.So I followed this kid into the woods, and he again began to play this odd music. When out of the woods came these forest creatures; foxes, badgers, deer and bears. They all came and sat at the feet of this kid and began swaying to his music. For 30 minutes they sat transfixed, absorbing this kid's music and sharing their natural goodness with the kid.Just then a wolf came running out of the woods, and jumped on the kid, tearing into his throat and breaking the clarinet in two. The other animals ran away as if a spell had been broken.I asked the wolf; "Why did you do that? Didn't you connect with his music?""Huh" was all he said.When I lol at work, my superiors are in offices right by my desk, and they ask what I'm laughing at. Way to incriminate me, bastard. Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Give anonymously. Then make sure you tell someone so that you can still get the credit, fake incognito. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 When I lol at work, my superiors are in offices right by my desk, and they ask what I'm laughing at. Way to incriminate me, bastard.What's a superior? Link to post Share on other sites
GWCGWC 83 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 This reminds me of an incident two summers ago, I was driving on the interstate and I saw these flashing lights in my rear-view mirror. Uh-oh, I thought, am I speeding? It was a 60 zone, and I was going no more than 65, but whatever. I guess I'll pull over, no harm in finding out what the problem was. "Sir", the officer said "We've had a report of a fatal hit and run, and the car and plate match yours". Oh great, I thought, here we go again. Spare me your sob story and just tell me what I owe. "We need to take you into custody". For what? Speeding? "No", he said, "for the hit and run, the one where you killed somebody, and then left the scene of the crime whilst blaring the song 'Eye of a Tiger'". Oh right, that. "I don't believe you" I said, to which he curtly replied with "There's a piece of an arm sitting in the seat beside you, which the victim must have lost in between the time he went through your completely destroyed windshield and then left through the back window, and eye of the tiger is still playing quite loudly, and I see you have it on repeat. It's a good tune, that's for sure, there's no getting around that." Now, at this point I had two options. Call this joker's bluff or get taken away to see how things played out. I couldn't put my finger on what this punk was really after, so I told him I wasn't going to go into custody without a fight, and I said it with this subtle grin that told him I wasn't a fool, I was on to his games. That's when his "backup" arrived. It was a much bigger operation than I had previously imagined, and I was more than a little surprised to see that every last one of them had a replica cop car with replica guns and replica badges and replica clothes. That's when I knew I'd been beat, by a man who cared more about his craft than I could dare imagine. And when the replica judge in that replica court declared me guilty and to be sent to replica jail for life, I just had to laugh. You were beaten by the best, RodReynolds, beaten by the best. Of this I am mildly certain.easily one of my favorites Link to post Share on other sites
rdtedm 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 What's a superior?A lake in Michigan. Link to post Share on other sites
lvpro 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Give anonymously. Then make sure you tell someone so that you can still get the credit, fake incognito.That's faux-anonymity! Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 So what happens when you give a mouse a cookie?Never tried it.He'll probably ask for a glass of milk.... Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 The problem is, due to it's popularity, over the past few years it has become a haven for rowdy local high school kids, but even more so an attractive destination for every panhandler in Arizona to work the sidewalks.The way the Gaslamp district in San Diego handled this problem is they had all the merchants put up signs that say if you want to give to the panhandler's, get them these food tokens. The food tokens were good at the restaurants there to be applied to a meal. They warned to never give cash, just the food tokens. Amazingly, there was very little begging there. A motivated person could bring the same program to Arizona..... Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 The way the Gaslamp district in San Diego handled this problem is they had all the merchants put up signs that say if you want to give to the panhandler's, get them these food tokens. The food tokens were good at the restaurants there to be applied to a meal. They warned to never give cash, just the food tokens. Amazingly, there was very little begging there. A motivated person could bring the same program to Arizona.....Dude this is such a bad idea. What is a homeless guy in AZ going to do with a food token from San Diego?Think before you post next time. Link to post Share on other sites
nutzbuster 7 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 The way the Gaslamp district in San Diego handled this problem is they had all the merchants put up signs that say if you want to give to the panhandler's, get them these food tokens. The food tokens were good at the restaurants there to be applied to a meal. They warned to never give cash, just the food tokens. Amazingly, there was very little begging there. A motivated person could bring the same program to Arizona..... This is gold. I will make this suggestion....(LOL Rob) Link to post Share on other sites
finztotheleft 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Dude this is such a bad idea. What is a homeless guy in AZ going to do with a food token from San Diego?Think before you post next time. well played Link to post Share on other sites
finztotheleft 0 Posted September 18, 2007 Share Posted September 18, 2007 Obey.......If her boyfriend stole her pocketbook and cash/credit cards, he would have her car keys also. The girlfriend/sister should also have her bag. If the boyfriend stole both bags, there is no way they wouldn't have gone to the police. I'm also suspicious of the "too much info" thing, like telling you people were demanding sex. Going on and on is a sure sign of lying. I think you were scammed.That said, if in doubt, I think it's better to give people the benefit of the doubt. Link to post Share on other sites
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