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Willing To Give Fcp Night At Cw Another Try....

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, since NOBODY is good for the 20th, any other suggestions? The following weekend is good for me (the 27th). I was just hoping to do it after zimmer's b-day so he can come too. Not to mention, its my bday too so........ let's figure a good date for everyone and TRY to stick to it this time.....lol

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saturday the 27th
It will always be a saturday night....Fridays are not good for them (the casino). So if we want a weekend (which i assume everyone does), it has to be saturday. If a weeknight works for everyone better, let me know.
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It will always be a saturday night....Fridays are not good for them (the casino). So if we want a weekend (which i assume everyone does), it has to be saturday. If a weeknight works for everyone better, let me know.
I know, I'm just saying saturday the 27th should work for me too.Oh and the new MGM casino opens tomorrow I think. Definitely anxious to see what their PR looks like
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I know, I'm just saying saturday the 27th should work for me too.Oh and the new MGM casino opens tomorrow I think. Definitely anxious to see what their PR looks like
Might go over there now that i can make money before gambling.....lol. Seriously, i get so lost over there, it's scary.
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I know, I'm just saying saturday the 27th should work for me too.Oh and the new MGM casino opens tomorrow I think. Definitely anxious to see what their PR looks like
It opened Tuesday. And I looked at a layout of the casino and saw no poker room, but it could be somewhere.
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It opened Tuesday. And I looked at a layout of the casino and saw no poker room, but it could be somewhere.
http://www.mgmgranddetroit.com/contact/faq.aspxQ: Will you have a Poker Room? Where will it be located?A: Our new Poker Room will be located on the 3rd level with access directly off the casino floor from elevators located near the Casino Valet entry.
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I really need to start playing at some of the Detroit casinos, have'nt been over there since I learned what the **** was going on in poker.I dont know if I'll be able to make it that weekend due to the fact that it is such a huge weekend for parties.

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In order for them to hold our table, we can be there NO LATER than 6pm. So our meeting time will be at 5:30 (not everyone is ontime ever). i was thinking right up top of the escalators, where the poker room entrance used to be. Much less congested. I think i'm pretty easy to spot....(hot blond chick lol) Somewhere in there would be perfect..it's quiet and there aren't too many people so it would be easily recognizable as to who was there for what.I really didn't htink the sportsbar would be so congested, i forgot about college football. (i still don't know how i missed that one). I did stand outside the sportsbar for a good half hour. But it really was far toooooo congested to find yourself in there let alone anyone else.If everyone can agree on a date, ONE EVERYONE WILL SHOW UP FOR, i will run it again. We have to make sure this one flies tho, cause i think they won't give us a 3rd chance.Melissa
ttiwwp. no seriously. post pics of yourself so we all know what to look for.
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I believe I played at a table with you Rivergirl. It was a night where one woman (apparently a regular) had built up a massive stack for a $1/$2 table. Nearly $1,500. She'd call any bet if she had a flush possibility. There were a couple of other "tells" she had and over the course of a few hours she completely donked off the entire stack - much of it to me. You and I were in several hands toggether and it seemed that 'd get the absolute nuts every time we entered a hand together. It was sort of uncanny. You took it in stride.

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