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I Was Making A Move..

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how does he call?Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)saw flop|saw showdownHero ($146.65)Button ($156.35)SB ($316.50)BB ($123.50)UTG ($178.10)UTG+1 ($168.40)MP1 ($78)MP2 ($49)Preflop: Hero is CO with Theart.gif, 6heart.gif. 1 fold, UTG+1 calls $2, MP1 calls $2, 1 fold, Hero raises to $10, 1 fold, SB calls $9, 1 fold, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls $8.Flop: ($34) Kspade.gif, Jclub.gif, 3club.gif(3 players)SB checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets $20, SB folds, MP1 calls $20.Turn: ($74) Jspade.gif(2 players)MP1 checks, Hero checks.River: ($74) Qclub.gif(2 players)MP1 checks, Hero bets $35, MP1 calls $35.Final Pot: $144Results in white below: MP1 has Qs 9s (two pair, queens and jacks). Hero has Th 6h (one pair, jacks). Outcome: MP1 wins $144.

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First, you checked the turn. Second, you bet only half the pot on the river. Third, that board hits hands that can call a PF raise, not T6 sooted. Fourth, the board is draw heavy. He paired and can put you on a missed draw.
He's a calling station and will lose money in the long run doing this.As far as the reasons given above.Checking the turn isn't a good idea. If you're coming in with nothing, you should be more apt to keep the lead in the hand.Betting half of the pot in the river is probably a mistake too. You should bet 3/4 or more and make it a tougher call for him.Third is not valid.Name one draw that missed? If the Hero had AQ or a club draw, he wins. If he had QT, the villain is calling for a chop. Literally every draw got there, so this is a bad reason.
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My only comment is that if you plan on "making a move", stick with your plan. I think if you bet turn here for 2/3-3/4 of the pot, villain folds. And if he doesn't, well then, we know what to do next.

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My only comment is that if you plan on "making a move", stick with your plan. I think if you bet turn here for 2/3-3/4 of the pot, villain folds. And if he doesn't, well then, we know what to do next.
The villain picks up a straight flush draw on the turn. He's not folding. He will check/fold on the river though.
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The villain picks up a straight flush draw on the turn. He's not folding. He will check/fold on the river though.
My comment wasn't results oriented, at least I didn't mean it to be. What I'm saying is that a two barrell bluff usually lets us know what to do next, but a one barrell followed by a desperation bet on the river is just a bad line against a normal player.
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i mean wouldnt 98% of u fold that flop or even fold preflop with Q9? plus he was shortstack i didnt wanna put him all in on the turn where he might call with a draw.
While I agree that calling the flop is bad ($20 of his $68 stack, meaning he has little reverse implied odds), I think that if I am villain I don't put you on a king/jack much of the time here. You raised pf, so the bet on the flop could be a continuation bet with a variety of hands. Checking when you hit trips is just stupid when theres a draw out there, so is checking a hand like AK/KQ on the turn.
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98% of poker players aren't frequenting poker strategy forums.
98% of people make up statistics on the spot without having any statistical proof : )if i'm bluffing an idiot, I'd fire the turnthat river bet, while it may look like a value bet to thinking players, the less observant might look at it as, oh?! only 35 into 75? Sure i'll call!
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98% of people make up statistics on the spot without having any statistical proof : )if i'm bluffing an idiot, I'd fire the turnthat river bet, while it may look like a value bet to thinking players, the less observant might look at it as, oh?! only 35 into 75? Sure i'll call!
QFT. It's hard to bluff shorties off of hands theyve already invest like half their stack into.
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98% of people make up statistics on the spot without having any statistical proof : )if i'm bluffing an idiot, I'd fire the turnthat river bet, while it may look like a value bet to thinking players, the less observant might look at it as, oh?! only 35 into 75? Sure i'll call!
agreed. i tried to make it look like i had KK. but and the check on the turn was saying that i want u to hit the flush, and tried to make a river look like a value bet. but i guess i played it bad, ill try to learn from this
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agreed. i tried to make it look like i had KK. but and the check on the turn was saying that i want u to hit the flush, and tried to make a river look like a value bet. but i guess i played it bad, ill try to learn from this
that's way too complicated thinking for these stakes.
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Don't do that(move up for respect) if you cann't beat these weaker players then moving up for one raise will be a big lose; but check the river then reraise or fold or show down a bad hand. Try to have a little your self or drawn for your own hand Maybe you are mixed up between being to complex no one thinks that deep that low. He has a good hand and that is his only reason about all you are schemeing very likly He hasn't thought any of that. You are representing a drawn the whole time which is what you have weak draws are the mainspring of lower limits. Also in NL being so tight about what you are doing will only make you a readable player your bluff is a force move and NL is trapping. You only say I am making a move because you don't have good hand in limit poker but in NL those are not as bad; once your 10 had a little light you bet down and so what have you done if any of those likely cards were replaced by some other irrrevalent s well as you see moving up would make you mincemeat/

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I disagree about continuing the bluff on the turn. He's going have a king or jack here enough that betting's not going to do anything really. You don't fold either of these hands anymore. If the jack didn't come, I would agree but you've got to fold top and the flop second pair now. I just give up. The river is a spew IMO. You checked the turn and VBAB which rarely ever works but gets overused. (Thank you DN).

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