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Weird spot here.I normally won't mess around with this hand, but I had position in a limped pot, things escalated, blah blah blah.I didn't fold preflop because I was getting a brazillion to one, had position, and yeah, the krablar. Don't want pf comments.Hero is LAG ($200)Villain1 is TAG <-- Very aggressive ($500)Villain2 is LAG ($85)I give villain1 credit for being one of the best at the table. He floats well, bets when he senses weakness, and always shows down a good hand.Villain2 is chasing losses it seems.Hero is Button with [Ks 3s]SB, BB postUTG calls $2UTG+1 calls $2Folds to HeroHero calls $2SB calls $2BB raises to $12everyone calls.5-way Flop ($60)As 4s 7hSB checksBB checksUTG bets $12 (lol) (Villain1)UTG+1 raises to $61 (all-in)Hero ?1) Pushes to isolate2) FoldsCalling here screams I have a draw and I'm pretty sure that villan1 is testing the waters with a naked aces (this is how he plays them, as ive noted before).

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I love when people say "no comments on PF please" becuase they invariably realize that it was a big mistake to become involved in the first place and that they should've folded preflop but they just don't wanna be reminded of that fact.So, with all that said:Fold preflop :)Well, on the flop there's good news and bad news. The good news is that you somehow actually hit an ok flop for your hand. If you wanna gamble, you can just shove here. Maybe the BB has KK or QQ and will muck it and you can get HU with the worse player who might have something like a worse flush draw or even a middle pair. The bad news is that if the BB isn't folding, he's got at least AK and likely AA and you're just racing to the finish for a flush. I don't really mind either way since the odds are pretty close for you. I guess I prefer pushing since the all in player might actually have a fairly bad hand and if you flat call and the BB pushes, you're coming anyway.

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I really dont think calling preflop is terrible, I just didnt want the conversation to revolve around that. I limped with a marginal hand in position with a ton of limpers behind me, and by the time the action was raised and it got back around to me, I'm getting more than 5:1 on the call. Really, I'm looking to flop trips or a FD or I'm folding.

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I really dont think calling preflop is terrible, I just didnt want the conversation to revolve around that. I limped with a marginal hand in position with a ton of limpers behind me, and by the time the action was raised and it got back around to me, I'm getting more than 5:1 on the call. Really, I'm looking to flop trips or a FD or I'm folding.
Yeah, but K3ss is not a marginal hand, it's a terrible hand. No offense intended to the forum krablar gods or anything. 5:1 is ok, but the implied odds kinda suck and you're not gonna flop well enough to contine 1:6 times, so you really should just fold preflop.
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I didn't fold preflop because I was getting a brazillion to one, had position, and yeah, the krablar. Don't want pf comments.
Actually the krablar is unsuitedSince u did play it and hit a fd and can easily be up against another smaller flush draw this is an easy push.
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I really dont think calling preflop is terrible, I just didnt want the conversation to revolve around that. I limped with a marginal hand in position with a ton of limpers behind me, and by the time the action was raised and it got back around to me, I'm getting more than 5:1 on the call. Really, I'm looking to flop trips or a FD or I'm folding.
Rephrase that to trip 3's or a flush draw. Are you really committing a ton of money on a KKX board with K3? Limping is border line, calling the raise, no.
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Limping is worse than borderline, raising is borderline, still bad. Limping is a bit of a spew. I mean raising is bad too, but at least you have lead and position. But I don't really care about PF play.On flop I call and hope to either get another caller or have initial bettor make some kind of huge mistake and cry call flop then hope to check down with a weak A or something. And I prob shove turn on him and hope for a bad fold. Then I am up against a smaller flush draw and look like God.That's how it works in my head anyways, the ol bet the winner out, keep the loser in trick. Rarely happens but you feel great when it does.

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Once we are at the flop does it matter if it is K3s or KQs? Q or a 3 aren't going to play a major role in this hand since we have to think at least one of them has an A. So it comes down to nut flush draw vs top pair, two pair, maybe a set of 4s or possibly something like 56ss. I probably push here given there's about $130 in the pot already and you might even get everyone to fold.

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